"AFTER THE PAC-10 CONFERENCE \ i CHAMPIONSHIPS COME TO TAYLORS FOR A GREAT PARTY ATMOSPHERE! 0 1 0 0 i ( t > | 11 C •. v il lib ' III C t I C Cl 11 ' C’ O t> i* ( )KI >1 KS !<)(,<> 54 5-4480 •I | \ l.lkllll BImI M I )nir I I IH) ,i m In IO in p m i i. I \ INI .» m to Midnight Vii Sunn lu Mulm^hl s. m S i »if! t ■ Urns t \ . -V*. -ill, I Ilk. I - > V' IS V s HI ill • ‘(^HUtUllJly *V» S4 s c S I J' I on a lu ttis irlt-i- .- tl I min ! Ik J «< j linuK il iHiK- mils. s >4i .t.'i Ui V l ! I 0 l> * * 1 •t . u rifcHUii i :i Ukr f . f mils SAW 95 ill' i f . ■ k. •' • * » ’ - ! HI ill ' • tlJifcSU' lik' Ik‘4S\ UVC »i| 11-hi >41 :. >4tl i tiling <„Ktiti* jvisvibls tin* sliong » i \.- I Uu" I 's tiu»lc K'i>lc.) J aluminum If 4me i' up to 2' lighter 4t)il I :S 'till, i Bun steel (let the i oiuitvi. quaht> 4tkJ jvffi«*« llw latest in bn yiIc u*» hn*4i>y> | .witt the K 't ' in ftien.Jl) kllOS* IctllV altlf kci vu c. he.*t itovs n t«* t'olhitji t vt le S|*y | ugein ' Ifek bit. \t if .iealef TREK 6000 S499.95 TREK i USA * -■0 » m ft* * *• r ' • ■ V ■ \ trtin ;■ m 'fe\\u n.il trr\ u t >. r i -\, r f * \ flirt Sturt UuuDi Mon I ri f»|>m Sat ^ain-Spni j u11 t«or (503) 342-4878 • Ml K. 11th \ve. I llh M Hrlwrrn < )«k aivJ V\ itlamrllr 4 BBC-10 CONFERENCE WRESTLING PIONSHIPS 4 TITLE Continued trom Page 1B is that thi'tr he id cu lt h. Hob Douginss. will In- the head coach for iho I S Olympic t«-.im this summer in Barcelona ORKOON S I A 11 Ori>; n Sui ts often thought of as the doormat of the Par-10 m most sjjorts. but not in wrestling The Beavers are the most improved team it) the Pm -It), having gone front seventh in the ( (inference tournament last year to conference dual meet i hampions this year [lie Beavers, ranked ltith in the country had a perfei t 7-0 confer ell, e it- , ad, inc luding a home and away sweep of the Ducks The Beavers traveled to Ari/orm State fta a tournament earlier tins sea s.in and placed well, hut no team si ores were kept We startl'd a rebuilding process two visits ago,' Beaver coach V ilk Johnson said, and the knls have improved faster than anyone thought possible " The kids' Johnson will count un include Baliuk Moluimmudi, a sixth pi.if finisher at the N( AA tournament last sear at 1 d<> p imp. .11;d Matt \V dilute, the pen) pal Hi heavyweight champi on Other top wrestlers for Oregon State w ill t i Kvan Sugat. a transfer from iowa. and Dan Alar ranked 1 '-’lit in the nation at 15ii pounds Both Arizona State and OSD have strong wrestlers in the same weight divisions. ' Johnson said ■■ASP is definitely the team to treat, but ll vs e has e a , ni ‘ ainia men! we c an upset them <)K! (.ON i !,. : It,.,! Ja-.o.u Muggy ai, i s, it Buz zard, injured lor iiiui h of the dual meet season will return and mi liiiiiv Oregon's tournament learn Tile had news is that their re turli probably won’! lie enough to iirip tin 1 >iic k- an, aile either the Sun Dev ds or tin? Beavers flu Ducks, vs ttii Dun V: t...k at 1 in | i mods .o:d |. it fell < dirk it 1Pc are as stroiig as anyone .n the lower Weights lull Oregon talks exponent e and vs i II la. ,s I. points in the middle and upper ‘Oregon probably has the most balanced team In the conference. If they can score in each weight c/ass, they should do well/ - Tom Ortiz. An/on,i State .i.ws/j".' cc.iC' weight*. Art/.nnu Stale s Orli/ h-. is ih> Ducks shouldn't lie i;w :!.liiki i however "Oregon probably has the most bfihim.ei) team ■ 11 the i < inferent e.' he said "If they can s< i.n ,n eai h weight (lass, they should do weir* (Jther top ()n*gwn w. : let s ;n elude former NCAA .jiiallla-r i).it • ren Gustafson J 5it pounds and Si 14! Myers »!. h e! a u du d meet record, in the 100 c lass Clark is ranked Kith in tin country at m, but his weight classification is the most difficult in the tournament. BOISf S I ATI No Pa; JO r o.u h is ruling Hoist* State out of the conference pit lure The Broncos Ixat Oregon . i Di and narrowly lost to ()reg.m Stan last month. B.-o.e State, a member of the wrestling !*..; 10 MllCe 1‘etH has fiivcit ites m sin era I weight t l.issdt i atioiis Neis Nelson, ranked filth in tin- nation at 1 50, is uiiIh aten in INu K) duals this year I’ d Jack *.m sixlli a! it.' a year ago. has moved up to t?7 pounds and is now one of the favorites in that di vision < \1 -SI A I ! BAki KSt I id.it: 1 In Koadtunt.* : s Paul hey saw w.o NCAA i hampion at 190 pounds last sear Fortunately tor tie- list .,! !!;e older eni e, keysaw has graduated . p ,:aiiv ii!aals for Hake rsfie!d. whii h finished second in the tour nament *1 sear ago, include Kir k Mi nge at 150 pounds, a fourth pi o i I iiuslittr a y ear ago, and !.;■■ ■ :i Fruoih h. ranked 19th in tin; ■ i nip. .it lliu pounds It II. EK TON STATE: Except for .m injury .md .1 forfeit, the Ti tans might have beaten tin; Ducks ii- ..irv E'ullerton State will tie iii. kv t ■ dap In ate its fourth place tournament finish of a year ago i uiierton State’s lies! hopes lor at, in.iiv i.S.ia! title rule with Lyn lion ( ,nipt .-I! ;i ! i pounds! who pl.11 ed third a year ago CAI.-IKII.Y SAN l.l'IS OBISPO: Opposite of the Hurts the Bron < os are weak in the lower weights anti strong in the upper weights. ( al-Poly individuals could win tin? heaviest three divisions if lira Schwartz (17 7!. Aaron Cantwell mu] and Seth Uv.odill (Heavv vve.ght; perform to their potential S 1 AN i'OK I) \ , : ■ . r si !i in some sports, a doormat in I hit 10 wrestling Oregon defeated the Cardinal 2r> 10 f.iriii i tin ■ N ■ ■ * ,in(i Ore 'iin State denndisl -d Si,mil III! it, ll will be ,t m . surprise il tlm Cardinal match their sivth-plaee finish ol Matt Tuph.im is Slant,>: i s !■■ p wrestler and should uni'emi ha the 1 Ml-pound titlir Oregon roach Ron Finley said interest in tilt; meet has Is an run ning high in tin; community, ami lit- cvp, . large crowds over the Oregon s Jarrett Clark (lettl will contend at Impounds The Ouch $ Darren Gustation (directly below) could also do well at 153 pounds OSU s Battik Mohammadi, a sixth place finisher at the HCAA tourna ment last year at 126 pounds leads the charge tor the Beavers I KM K\ \MI \ I sf Hi Hound M.iU hi", ' p m plonship Sninltlmilv Fi'h 26. Ni■■ in ( . isi .11! ii Fifth I’liu c M r h* - ‘i H) Consolation I in .Is 7 Hi (Ihumplonship Finals 1)1 I ! Chum p m j^A ZAR’g pA ZAjf COME IN AND SEE! 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