Oregon Daily THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 109 Panel: Student victims don’t know help is there j Sexual assault survivors usually unaware of the ser vices the University provides By Carrie Dennett The message (rum I'mVcrsrtv idnisil'.is-" trutors working to de< reuse s■ ■ s.tl.i 1 sault and bane. .mi'i'l on i impas e. il. the support scr\ I.'n are their. hid . too leys- students kninv aliou! them Mv v\ rsl fear is that there are ; ... out there alone who fool like it's thoir fault," said Doan ol Students Jane DoCidlo, one monitor d a panel address iiij* rape and harassment Issues UYdne-. day afternoon The panel yy as part ol the ASl () sy :i. posiurn on safety issues. and was urgan i/.ed by members ol the (heating a K.lpe I ree luivironmen! class as a group pro )>■<:! DeCidio salii she once dealt v\ ith a University student who had been raped and eventual!} kinked out ol si.howl 1 cause the trauma of her expere-m *• pre vented her Iron-. ki-*-p:t:g u( v\ ,th h- r classes. If the student had come to IM.tdin earlier, her professors muld have been inlormed that she had amlergone a trail But unaware ol hot options, tile slu ilenl only told about the rape to one friend, who was apparently equally One of the things that gets m the way of success is sexual harassment." I }e( fid lo sa id Vu litre g sex equally uninforint vice provost tor ai ssllient i an be .orratne Da\ is. personnel and ‘My worst fear is that there are people out there alone who feel like it's their fault.’ Jane DeGidio, \vh.-si ,i m. i■ ■.' i-. s. a.i .Uv professor. : ijtti-niu progress will sutU'f. Davis said However, ,i ! _'() d,i\ I' ; lot til: (i harassment Complaint a. .* e,ss .1 stud', to w.itt until lii.w ,1 r>• no lo: vr in t!:»* Another u| iiw nre ol is th the student I w .in unli' I i 1 progress wi! 1 nut In- .nilor. ill Davis, ,1 ineinlser o! She Aft Action Ad minis',rative Count end, etlut Ui adding •aim 1 Coil i;fin t !. wiluntrer t ourdinatur lot ' nil As .a I ’ Support Semites said when irah/ieg that HO };• • rt ent a r ojnr , , . ,r .1!' . ► ■ : • it I ! -nu's t le.ir that i l i' at; ai is Imja.riant Moth SASS and the dean of students office strive to empower the rape sum vur hv ml.inning her ol her options and allowing lief to { house how she Wants to Fire one nCJci L vruj Dc A ; * i a. ’ i,’- ' U: ill ik a':;; at tho f't ■ j ...... ,> /•. . • /'>( r root top hopin(j to draw a . f • • /.• !,iy % sunny skies Temperatures t ■ ' •; : ,/f w a dip d‘>wn to the low f>Os on F Student’s plays a little bit odd, off-center’ j Pocket Playhouse helps aspiring play wrights get their ideas on stage By Lisa M egan U'hi'n i'mvursitv ■ 1> 1 fnt Kussell Uyb.il! first ri-.nl .1 ■ !*' scrlption of Fox television net work s now slum Hi’nii'in ' Hr.ul. lit1 w.is a little Mirpr. ■< i The story Inn' stujndcii suspt ci. islv like a play in* hail writ ten only .1 few months bolortr Like* the silt uni, Dyball's I n iny Duh hm.m included person ificalions of the main i liar.it tor's personal it v tr aits Both shows also ( .1st three men anil one woman as the personality V siu a lad gfi._ (From left) Korin Clarke. Russell Oyball. Adrienne Peden, Greg Jones. Jon Egghng and Matthew Pidgeon in Russell Oyball s play The Red Herring O Happiness 1 was h ipi!!^ t),.i: ive would be able In put our show on in fore till*\ i'o! llte ti I«*\ ;si:their i.lc.j." IJvb.ti; I'lyin/i Uutf.hmnn in pst -nr ,,S thn-c pl.ivs Dyb.sll Has -.vritu-n .iiui h.iti jHTiwnr.t'd .it ihf i ’ni vv! N'ly Insplfi d ns such i amriiy vi; r.s s (is S.i'ur.I.i i Sn;l'.! l.n tf ! '»( ! \ In f >.i II s.li.! !.r II.e i.i w riling jj!-i\ s ‘.ini e !•-' w as ,i Sfeshfnan in high m huul } |.' 1 i: ■ . i Ills Hi; I ►. .IS .1 liUli' h.i odd, .( llltli! hil u!i i i-n lur "Tl.rv ti- tint .is Hiticli funny . . 1... k.:i.i d ahwiid. lie Wild A |V . i V .1 ! ut lllll! (if 111', jll.i vs. I hr KrJ Hrnmg O' //u/»/i//ie's. i; Man h ’> .it ri p Hi It W ill rin : i two days with frw! .ul in. :• hi ul thu I hiversii v l*i•< L ri I’iaviuitise, mi the Iirsl floor o! Villard Hall The Mi milium play was iirsl pciformed at hi' 1 hmcrsilv two years Dvl, ill. who also limits ami performs in Kril Hrrrinp, de SI r (lies till' show .is .1 M Isis- i' fiction Sanl.rn B movie about the sei and ( anting of Christ in the phiv. iwi) travelers set (!U! Ill find lewis Christ tiller the ' PLAY Rights to be speech topic By Carr e Dennett • I Av,.i .i'ii t :' * A ii.iliuii.il hum,m right;. ,u !tvis! is soundmg ,iii .il.iim ticll iitxiut till) eflet.t of jis\ i lu.itrv on studonts. ini hid mg iromjii,iilits of hiiin,in rights violations from I'm iI'tsitv students In ,t s[iciicti. tith'd Mmd Control and tin- t’niveisily," I },j\ ,d {).!>'■ i: . d tin' (.‘liMringfiousi; mi ilu in.in Rights & I’syi hi,itry. vs.irii'. tfi.it emotional, mi'ti t.il. (lohtii .it .Hid spiritual re pression arc r oninion in modern psyt fii.itr y Students in emotional • RIGHTS