THE SAGA CONTINUES... It’s Been A Wednesday Tradition Since 1989. c "NUTS X ONIV 1 WEEKS l I li FT I" Eugene’s family owned pizza restaurant, Track Town, has always stood for quality pizza at a reasonable price. Starting Spring term, the Wednesday medium one-item pizza will be $6.95. But until then, Track Town invites you to join them in the Wednesday night countdown at the^-—-*^ current price of ,>5.95. TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd. 484-2799 RIGHT N TARGET Oregon I** Emerald ADVERTISING DEPT. 346-3712 |> K I \ (. I I* I IS " > SOI \ I) K I I IK I Ml \ I I \ \ I S I I \ (, a WHY YOU SHOULD STMT PLANNING FOR RETIREMENT WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. For retirement to hr the time i»f your life hav e Co dream a lit tle about the things vmi \ r a I vs a\ s v\ ante*! to Jo 11 a\ ri r xplot < start a business Just imagine W ith .1 Jrrain ami a plan \ on i an make it happen 'tour pension an J Sos lal Neeunt \ shoulJ pros ule a ^ikh! li.iMt icturmcnf iiuumr, hut ahout .ill l hosr rxtias that make- \ out d» cam** j u»\ m h I r * 't oil II |»l ohahlv need 'nlllt aihlittonal sa\ mgs 111! DRI AM IS YOt H Ott V WK AMH I PYOl WI'MI Till- PI \V 1’IAA C KII Krttmnriit Annuities (SR As), tax deterred annuities for people like you in edut at ion ami icmmh h. air a £ihx! wax In iau- for f rt u emerit and save on tales mni SR \i .in*\ vuu make ion trilmtions throu^h your institution kefoie vuui taxes ai e i alt ulat ed so you pa\ less tax runs You pav no tax on | sou! A i ont rit tut urns ami rarnnys until \«*n in n\r l hr in .»** unmnr Anti saving rcyulurk mrans your ronlrinu lions uiui thru rarmn^s l Ensuring the future for those who shape it.* i f i 411 .Itiil 11 j> t]UI( k I V \\ hat rUr make* NKAs so sj><-« lal ’ \ r>roat allot ation t hon o\ fmm t hr satct \ ol 1 1 A A lo I hr »n\ rst mrnt at t uunts ol l HI I s \ ai ahlr annul! \ no s.ilrs v hui a \ «4i irt \ of \s .t\ s to i r» cis c itn omr. tin i uum^r .mmnln > j>a\ mrnts os ct u i i \ r< i pr f loci, of i ash \oii m.i\ jiso hr a(>!c to hoi j oss \ tuii SR A -u ion Im'Ii *i r \ tui irlut \ 1 i tins plus t hr top irnrsimciit mcitt that has hdpcti make- ! 1 \ A (. KIJ the* l.ii gcsl i rt n ritirnt s\ stem m t hr « ount r> So star t *. 1 rr.irnnu; and planning toi t hr tune of \ our I ilr Met uusc lhr soonri sou start soul SK A the greater voui mvhu's anil \our retire men! ss ill hr I ** /r) *** SI VK1 1*1 ANMMi H)K III! 11MI ()l YOt R I II I . lOlYVY. J .*( \«»u i her i HI f '’Ifni *1 Vr' r I'fi:! \\ K ' %r •* ® II\\i Wlh I Vj*! i I h .< d N s <-1 tie Nr« > ,* n'i ■ . t* ,i hodH-rj jr.vy t:%t Hoit> N j «. i j-' ' i <.M*r ■ ( ./» Vjii /y I '•* I I Oil ’\tntxt » /li, />. rn i x Ktf /V**<**« >. N V* •. j<‘«H nh« m»i - ■ J. V«J' 1 • Kt * ' I «. i BOO 14? 2 '\\ t ,i vvOS > r: «v* Civil War’s here again The Oregon women's basket ball team is far from homesit k As a mat tar of fait, t In1 Ducks' record as of late at Me Arthur Court seems to state the opposite; Oregon lias lost fisc games in a row on its home c ourl. the longest sut.h streak in head couch Llwin Heinv's in var career l he Due ks, 1 t- H) overall and 5 ft m the Pacific 10 Confer ence. will attempt to halt their slide tonight when they face Oregon Stale at 7 .10 in Mat Court CREEK Continued from Page 5 Irtl here and take another left three miles further on Marc o!a Road Proceed from there to the t railhead While tlie trails are a main at trac tion .it the Shotgun Creek park, there's more to do than just hike The site also offers c overed picnu t a hies, rest rooms, lire- pits, a large grassy meadow and a large play ground lor later in the year there's even .1 developed swim ming beach along Shotgun ( reek The trail system is also exten sive Unfortunately at the pres ent time alxrut halt ol the trails ate t losed due to logging in the area The (railhead signs dearly mark the c losed sec lions, and current c losure information can he obtained by nailing the Lu gene HI M offic e The trails that ale open are worth the drive, though The longest trail is the 2 f> mile Shotgun Creek loop hither of two 1-milf spur trails desig nat«d trail A and trail It on the park s maps can lie taken to join the main trail Because of the c losures only a quarter mile of tills side of the loop Is open Also c losed is the Meadow Loop trail, whic h leads one mile from the Shot gun tdeek trail to the ! 2 mile I)rury Ridge trail, which is also To take- till* longest opeli hike head fur the (railhead at the west end of tin park's meadow, near a covered picnic area des ignated b\ signs as shelter »2 The trail follows Shotgun Creek upstream. w i nd ing through a mostly second growth Douglas lor forest After about three quarters of a mile, tlu- trail veers north away from Shotgun Creek and follows a small tributary bn>, ►. through thick rainforest filled with ghostly mosscovered tree s A little more than a mile from the trail s beginning though, pink Hugging and a sign mark the closure hounda rv If you aren't satisfied yet, re turn to the parking area and look for the beginning of the Lower Trail, just before the [lark's ac c ess mad crosses Shot gun Creek One note The Shotgun Creek rec reation area closes at I lit) p m , and the gate at the en trance is ioc ked at that time It's probably not worth the risk to stay later and hope that the owners of the private residence just inside the gate apparent ly the only people in the area w ith a key are home and in the mood to help out trapped y isitors Juyson Juaiby is j sports ro portrr tor the Lvincmld