Teenagers using stage to teach people about AIDS By Colleen Pohlig f morale! Roponor Disturbing issues arc often difficult to talk al»out Hut the AIDS Prevention Twit Troop li.iv mustered the skill by blending humor with seriousness As part of the ASl it ) sponsored Personal Health and Safety ' winter symposium, the teen theater primp will be performing various kits that focus on the prevention id AIDS lonij’lit at ' in the IA1D Hen binder Room Most of the • indent- involv'd in lie prnup are from South l.tipene 11 ipb Si bool peer Corv I o v it for the Lifestyles Planning Program, is responsible for organi/.ing the event Ho said the group's strong point is its relaxed manner in portraying n serious issue The group shows tfie importance of HIV issues through the medium of theater, serious humor and en tertainment.' l ex said "These are serious issues hut they perform them in a funny and relaxed mariner The group will perform several skits dealing with main different issues of AIDS sot h as risk tiehavlor, gas issues and drug issues all relating to the prevention of AIDS ! fie primary fix m is ultimately on l>eha\ iwr. said Miriam Mitchell, director and coordinator fur the teen theater group The skits art- about risky and safe behavior.' Mitch ell said It's about communii .ition and making choir es The skits are a bout situations that one might be in and the choices they may lie forced to make hollowing the hour-long skit performances, the group will offer a panel of questions and answers about AIDS The theater'group funds itself by charging a perfor mani e lee Sponsoring the campus ru nt is the ASDO, the Life styles Planning Program in tin Student Health (.enter and the Health iiducation Department EMERALDCLASSIFIEDS_® Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ios PERSONALS f r : it. f-*•!» FRATERNITY MEN Practica Hard Th»» W*«k’ Sm You ai IF. V.C.! j ►. \ A. N * shamrock CUhic *> i «V >„ *MC , . ‘r . *m j . «) APPP ,1 0 ... . • • • - : jm. o tttrm f . *ov. • .» • . : ON C AM* i DIAL A TYPIST t»s j ;; n I MO HoSl.f'C 4 *’» i il -v.; It > INC» IV. 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