SPORTS Shotgun Creek offers variety of outdoor fun INTO THE OUTDOORS BY JAYSON JACOBY II was I a tp In the afternoon, and I was walking along the Shotgun Creak frail' near Marcola wearing shorts and a T-shirt, enjoying the sunny, <>T> degree day. Nothing unusual about that, ext ept that I suddenly remem here.I it was only February You're not supposed to he out hiking III the \\ lllatr.ette \ alley or anywhere in the state for that matter in late February wearing shorts or a '!' shirt, ami eertainlv not both But .because we obviously can't control the weather, we might as well enjoy its recent unseasonable permutations The Bureau ol Land Manage muni's SI; tgun t !n-rk re. rea lion site, located in the Coburg Hills north of Fugenu. is a log! cal choir e for late-winter sun worshippers he! , ise it olfets a wide array of hiking iVttii isjust a halNiinu s liriv'i' iivsav . .1:.• a. 1 i v t a . v> .n's to get ! . i ihi! Si: (.Irak I ra i i s I !ii' 11 r si. !> v .1 v of S; •:. i.* ami Mar .4a K. >a.i. is tiii- shurli'st anil immcsI Drive on Highwav ’ll. t'vvl.iuh follows I Hr M. Kell/ ;r K : V i : through Springfield to the M, i:; : i : v. I ( : o s s I h' ■ M Km 7i.- on H,iv.tin lltliigr ami drive t! 1:1o ■ -1!i: M'S ( ■ 1st till' . ill t. v IV ’ : ■ 1 1 .• . t in'll ,■ ua.i vv :.. . Is i • w ' in i rki1 iI 1 .v inn.rr .ii i ! • . ! pavr::: ..- .1 4 " ■ ; ok, i lie slight iv longer and si rr ruutr ivfhits a Tot m..:.' ■ IHTv. .i 1 low (1'4i org 11 ■ ..1*1 i. urt; ! . :'o:.i■ m.l 1 .► ■ M. K . ri/ i1 ■ \ : vv i1; i v -... : , : i. Arniituge liti.lg ;.. ivrr- ll. . M K.rn/ n- t'!; Is vv Hi.! i ng i ul pusses roi k i Itifs a :! 4. v lews tif ill.' five; paslor 4 rural fill ms hi'tore t-rninig at a |u:n turn vv it ft Hi ii K. at i urn ’ ’ CREEK:.' FMflCC PHOTO WLLAMLITL OAK PLARL HIGH HILL FERRY PATTERSON HlLTARt* ALDER STREET T £ WOR END A! A D DOESN'T LDER STREET! Go to Franc* Photo, li?0 Willamette, for Euqena s largest supply of Agfa, Kodak, Formulary, Oriental and Forte paper, film & tuppliet. Plus Eugene's bait buys on new and used cameras at well at lenses. I X Y TAYLORS prrn r n’t J IJTH i } KINCAID 'uo gOOKff&Rf exmiX BOOK NOW FOR SPRING Eight doors west of the U of O Bookstore. i ,CvKXO GAMES smmttiT (p PUSUCHAJKETW YZL ViOtO ADVtNTuRt I vAurrnvuPuu rwCTiil rr [— . mm mm ■ mm mm ■>.. mm mm amm n K ■■■ mm »K mm I CALENDAR BLOWOUT n 25% OFF ALL 1992 ■ CALENDARS ■ a 150 kinds to ! choose from *— - X— — - <— Lazar’s Bazar » 57 W. Broadway • 687-0139 y 057 Willamette St. (Downtown Mall) ■ — — — -X— — — Mm J <• A self-guided tour of our lab. - .---- ■"» '—n«—'""’TSiae V *fv«! -V K: ! ‘ ‘ k ' The fastest service in 1 ugene lor glasses and contacts. Hours Mon f n 8,im 6pm S.Uurdjy 8.1m 5pm Vi so .mo Mo ,!>•-. .ml .ter opttxl rainbow optics '66 t 13th Ave Jus! mm block from i.uripus 343 3333 ski mi pass AT TWILIGHT BURGER KING FOR $15.00 At participating Burger King Restaurants in Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove and Roseburg. you will receive a coupon for Twilight .Skiing at Willamette Pass good for a S15.00 lift ticket - a $3.00 savings. T* ’ ght Skiing ovory F riday and Saturday from 12 30 p m to 9 00 p m , I obruary 1. 1992 thru March 28, 1992. iqjGNWM //.■( ( ' unjr-, Oftor to stuors 13 yoan, and oldur Ono coupon per customer ploaso KUGN590 ()lymptc ( outrage