RAPE Continued from Page i understand that rape can take forms other limn vaginal Intercourse "Rape is rapri is rape. ' she said Must people when they think of rape, it s very narrow mind ed.'' Two days after the altar k she called police, but shir said they wouldn't file .1 report !>e< ause the assault was in her .apartment and there w as noth ing to prove the sex wasn't r onsensual Mow. four years later she said, her goat is to heal herself-and get rid of the guilt anti the rage This kind of anger and pain, statistics show , is something-. Mary -is not ; me m hav mg'.to deal . w ill). in TtWO, there w ere 1 . i 30 reported rapes :n <); eg: n a number experts x,tv is extremely a w, hi ■ a most women do n it rep- r! ‘Me tnm SASS Statements say less than 10 percent of rape victims report it to the p..!ue 1 sing (bis fig ure the number of.rapes in (lot- s ,n '<\i'tO would total more than 1 l.tiutl Moreover, out of the !i '.\ rapes ‘tiat do get re ported, 'even lewei 1 .is'e> 1 ..tie. id' W itt) ilhe a! Iev;eti attacker lien ig ( : 1 x 10 t'd Out of the i. I 10 rep: :V,r rape-, .de l begun tin 1‘etO. -1.1 arrests w.u m..dc • >: 1 a urc kiiow n number were 1 oiiv n ted Ili'il 1 r Mary and Sat., 0 among the ma.o'sty ol w omen w ho did not see their, all u kers punished lor their crimes although they knew their assail Sara. JH, w ho w as raped hv her (a wlyvved bus hand a couple ol years ago. said she . 1 -,i not try In prosecute because she w.isn t sure il w lull hap pened to her w as an actual rape She woke up one morning, she said, and her husband wouldn’t let her out ot bed “It was like he wanted sex and 1 didn't and he wouldn't let me up. she said 'll wasn't like making love II wasn't mutual and it wasn't ur ing " Alterw aid she said si. w.is staled and si .a k. n. and she confronted him hut he denied raping "1 toll) him, this is rape Hr kept saving, boss could ! sjv something like th.it,' S.ir.i said It ran right through our marriage livervthlng that 1 sail) happened, ho said It didn't "Throughout our marriage all of mv thoughts, feelings and port options were lielng denied We fought some about whether or not it really happened,' she said 1 didn't trust myself at all at tins point I shut down what 1 thought and felt and i fused down and just felt miserable They didn t ever la's about the mi idolit during the nest two sears dies remained married she said, partly liecalise sfie suppressed her le.dings at . out the I III idellt and essellt.llU ! . ■, s • d It . It of her mind it ssas like that tune didiot hiipj < :> IIiis all ssent unde, ‘■.tails u: i- Vr ...I After that mV unease irt life ami is! existing IS . :!!-! up and up; I Stuffed tile •thoughts.. I slutted till' feelings I was m ured at home. and h.um- ss is supposed to t>e safe, she said \ t i me poi ut. |..;i a use C! her anxiety 'dm i a..: . rape \rrs|s hue to talk to moiie aat iuu !■ .e ■ven though she i ouidn t identify its soiirt•• I se alsvass stolid lip to things that sseri tug ger, but this ss as a generalized fear she s nd it didn't Have a fai e She disori ed her husband tie< ause of In. men tit) abuse, .such as telling her he didn't !..... her and that she svas ugly . It svas after the separation, as she ss as reading in the ‘library. lii.it she realized ss here the Par ss as i ounng from Then* ss .is a line and it defined rape, and I just started crying and i rving and i rs ing " Sara is now getting professional lielp to aliosv her to cope ssitii tile tear and the pain that the rape i uused Sara lives alone in her apartment sstth tsso lug dogs for protection Ilut she is constantly fearful, she said l or example she is afraid to lease the svmdovvs open at nigh! and is ung.s that sin* should have to change her lile style lor fear of ss fiat mas happen to tier Wed. she does dale men. she said she ;s m ,i s ari SENATE Co*: nued from Page i II I appointment *is ,1 t I;.!! in 1 if;!U of rwent complaints di in ted .it the committee Dot kst,i.ier toi.l tin- i' ;. .* sin- v\us concerned ,iln>ut li t problems sin' li.nl hr ml about which have been csui.erb.lted 1 , :. ulget ! i;ts due : . Mi . 5 ; Id K'.t.ldef <1 I Ml •• ll.i ! !. .1 wlull- she Is willing tn t ut budgets ".is BLUG5 9PM-MIDNIGHT Bubba's 344-2295 BARBECUE B GRILL SHSSISS HOME FRONT by KRRfN UOSSLFR CHOMP I ON FEBRURRV 26, 27, 28, 29 MRRCH 5, 6, 7 Arena Theatre VillartJ Hall Ticket* 14 00 general % I 00 atudent* and *en*of» HotMnton Ttheatre bo* Office 346 4191 When only the best will do... 485-8266 1917 FRANKLIN BLVD. Close to Campus THE FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON Good heavens' Pablo got an F in art' Well. I m lust qoing to go down to that school mysclt and meet this teacher face to face'