Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Roberts not to blame
for state’s fiscal woes
Hi; it at the University nr cities in general. Oregoni
ans have all gone recall-happy.
Case in point the recent effort bv disenfranchised
timber workers to oust Gov Barbara Roberts out of of
The Roberts recall campaign is a classic example of
misplaced anger Loggers and their families are angry
because the timber industry has been heavily hit by the
recession, environmental concerns about the spotted
owl. and that taxpayer revolt. Measure 5
In the face of tough economic times. Roberts has
taken an unpopular stance with the thousands of timer
dependent families who fear losing their way of life.
She wants the owl protected; the timber industry wants
to lose the owl and keep workers on the job
Even without the spotted owl controversy, the tim
ber industry would still be in a financ ial crisis. The
owl makes for .1 good
scapegoat, and so does
The recall effort is a
bad idea and not on I s as a
solution 11. timber issues.
The state is in a fi.s< al ci 1
sis that 1 alls fur immedi
ate attention, and for good
or bad. Roberts was elect
ed to lead the state
through this crisis A sue
t essful recall petition
A successful
recall petition
would only
prolong action,
throwing the
state deeper
down the chasm
of fiscal despair.
would only prolong at
tion, throwing the state deeper down the e basin of fis
cal despair
Imagine .1 successful recall effort. 'I he issue is
placer! on the May or November ballot, or maybe the
state is tort ed to pay tor .1 special election, costing the
taxpayer more money Roberts and legislators .ire then
forced to light for the governors political life, leaving
no one to tend the store
I,ven it the' elec turn goes Roberts wav therein sav
ing the state government an aw kw.ad ti..e.s,tion period,
state leaders wdl have their alter:.,,; : .med awav tunn
die real issues livsng in a econunn that will inevitabl\
move awav from t niber revenues, ami living in a post
Measure > state
like i! or not. Roberts does no! have mm h control
over protecting ’tie spotted owl I hat issue: is in the
hands of the courts and numerous federal agencies
What Oregonians must focus on are issues she i an con
trol. including calling a spec ial session to put Oregon
bin k on the track of fiscal rec overv
(lommentaries should he between 750 and 1.000
words. Ic^d'lr and signed, and the identification of the
writer must be verified upon submission. The Ijntr.iUI
reserves the right to edit for grammar, .style and length
if necessary.
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Academics first for student athletes
By C .i'<v • • So ynef
We continue to hear that
student athlete gradua
tlon rail's a! the i niver
sitv art' "comparable in those of
the student butiv at large"
..!1: i - M vies Brand I he
Wt-g; •>!>■(•( itJ.mi I I I) 11. 1 '»‘»2)
This is ( omparing applet
vv .: . . ■ When d ; ...ggri■
gated b\ rai r and gender, the
giadiiation rales tell a far differ
■ i : s'.iry rnd rare and g-aider
:d a a! i, a! (.lie-, have
dwavs in ' ii Ine pii.nt in the
in-.! j .a - Ni its J . e! He si si u -
dents do not graduate due to fi
nancial dim. allies rather than
arademn shorntunings Thus,
l ie ai.-.e student athletes are til
finanttul si ho la rs h i p. one
vs aid I'spi i t then g,radaaiion
rates til be higher !h..n th v are
I o lii and s I redtt. he has re
quested t tnvei-.'.tv Si nate Pres
ident Paul l-.r.gt Iking 'a appoint
an ad lux i i-iainiltee ti roron
stltute the Cnmmitlee on inter
i ol leg late Athletics !!us is a
welt nine step However, issues
suili as the scheduling of
game* that I oil 111‘ 1 with dead
week and final exam-., the arro
gant delfllsivt ness ol tile nth
li'tu department when iptes
tinned about nice spectfu grad
uation ratts and the reported
feelings b\ the ili.ii k Student
i -mm that some hl.u k athletes
heheve thev are valued more as
athletes than .is students,
prompt these suggestions lor
• College administrators should
take leadership and publish
pro ai live, in depth and well
ri seari bed commentaries ex
pressing their view s on the ai a
demit vs athlete, controversy,
w ith rei ommend.itions on liovv
to deal w itli its w ell-known
i on trail lit ions Hie present re
actionary posturing does little
to serve tin- interest ol students
* ltd
suih articles should he pub
lished in pope or a-, well as at
.idemit ournals to insure wide
k Hopeful l\
/ have yet to hear a
explanation as to
why the athletic
department is
presently located
under the vice
president for
unless counting
gate receipts is
more important
than calculating
grade point
serving rhetoric usually found
in alumni magazines and on
the six o'c lot k now s
• Si-r ii-us i . II-, leruiioii should
ho given to having the athletic
department report directly to
the president, nr reloc ated un
der the vice provost for ac a
demn .illairs I have vet to hear
a n o.,.liable explanation as to
win the athletic department is
presently located under the
vine president for administra
tion unless counting gate re
c eipts is more important than
c all dialing grade point aver
• Head i uac lies should not he
pul under so muc h pressure to
vs in Although their lives with
in the academy are longer than
that ol tile teac iling lac ultv, like
teaching faculty, coaches
should he given five- or six
vcar c ontructs to prove their
worth, with options to move
• Student athletes are students
first, and should not Ire segre
gated from other students either
physic allv (in dorms), pedagog
ic a 11 v (in spec iu I c lasses,
though tutoring is entirely ap
propriate i. or administratively
within the institutional bu
• It) :
dii g ic t ommtitees should
he m;ti ited and monitored by
the !•' u ultv Senate The com
mitUic's ( hairperson should be
,i senior member of the tear fl
ing faculty who will not allow
him or lierself to he bullied hy
the athletic enterprise
• In referon< e to the sixth
point, the shameful lobbying of
faculty Intercollegiate mem
bers hy the athletii department
should not he condoned In the
past, some members have been
gi X en chon e til kets, < lose 111
parking, free meals and travel
to away games I believe such
pradu es and no eptance of
such per ks should cease
• !.sternal (institutional) evalu
ation should he periodii ally
conducted of the athletic de
partment and its a< adeinit sup
port scrVK es 1 he-,e e\ ablations
should measure formative, pro
less, summative. impact and
outcome variables Relying
soley on personal testimonials
no matter how sincere, is like
asking professors to evaluate
tfieir own teaching effective
ness Moreover, these perl..du
evaluations sfiould put particu
lar emphasis on assessing race
and gender specific rui rutt
meiit. advising, matriculation
and grad nation
• Students rei rutted under ath
letn. scholarships should be al
lowed to keep those si holar
sfnps if they choose to discon
tinue playing sports
1 believe these recommenda
tions lire reasonable, feasible
and some may already t>e im
plemented I hear the faculty
Athletic Committee lias reflect
ed a marked improvement with
faculty members Qulntard Tay
lor (history), lack Clark (soci
ology) and others Also. Brand
lias expressed sincere concerns
afxiut these issues — frankly,
he’s the only administrator who
offered to meet with me
The integrity of academics is
the only thing that will save
student athletes And educa
tion. after all. is the primary
purpose of the University
Cl.irciu.c Spignrr is an asses
t.mt professor a/ the I nivcrsi
i\ s School of Community
Health a rui Kthnic Studies