Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 108 Vein drain ' > If, M- * Nurse Gerine Snyder takes blood from Chris Lowenberg Lowenberg. who graduated from the University last June, said he saw the blood drive signs and decided to give It's convenient when it 's right here on campus, he said Senate OKs new vice president j Bills picks former IFC member, LGBA director will fill vacated IFC spot By Kirsten l ucas i mvJ Roport** I In- ASI i) Stuiii iit Ni-nulu i unlirnu a ionnor 1m idin I,* | !rr ( i nil 111 I tli lilt'll I! t-r i'l i .1 lll.i U noli .in llir nin \SI O vii i' (in-.;drill 1‘ursd.iv night The si'Hiitu u I so (Oidiriiii-d Sun Dm kst.i.hr lu tin' III ,i>. U.irrim s rt>plu< nmcnl Doi k-.t.111• • r will stop dow n Ip,mi lirr position .is dlructor ol tin It ■ ti.111. (u\ .uni Bim-x ii.il AUt.uu <• \Sl'() I’rusidi-nt |i>nmIn Hill-, .ipp1 n• !' d U urn-ii .uni 1). n k -.t.idt11 W .if:un. .1 i;i .1 t.i.it.' ■ -1 idwit i:i d.. ' . p . > and 115.III.!H,*‘till'tit, W 111 fi i' I 11 U !'■ f ; ' ' D \ : 1 ■ 1 it'll! JuSt.i W.it 'll wl;. ft-..' w ' . !: -i I Tik-mI.iV H.itfi'ii li.r wi :kr.l w ill) to..: \S ( ) ..! i : • i: t r .if t • a must ll'll'iltlv 111 tiff tVUl-U'.ir lit posit i W till ll dll' it i vr up ; in--.da v in i hi I nr to survi' n- vu •• prt"idiiit \ i ; ...■ W I t tl till ott.t ,... d ;! U irrrl . . t Will try to p.l.r, .i support roll' iti tlu- AS'■ t) ot!n ' . vvti:t h has tin'll pi,n;ui'd tiv s. ..11.!,d till'. '. .11 111 rip..i ■ -i' to tin .jin ■ to Ii that ll id ! hf t'ki'd h\ one of tilt' sun.itofs U imn , niidthf , ; i:t■ that '.ho |l.ii 1 i.o ti pal plot li'His ilia tlio'.f that ii i.o.t ti Wat'.tin and fVi.'lltUilllv It'd to bfjr fi-signalmii from ullti r My rut util's idea11. VV.irrt'ii d I don't think ]• ■ ri Unit'd would li.ni-1 misidcrr-.l Ha .ihi'iw . ■ As a s.-ll di'si ritn-d 11!dt• r -.tudfiit' .11 ni inotlmr ol two W.irron '..od I'd Ilk.' 1 think tii.it I1I\ lias HIV , ii mo insight ; i k'.t.idi't. U affi'n •• ri p. it i-it;t nl . tid hr '.ft", hur • i" t. SENATE I' ijH d A {struggle Heal j Rape by a known attacker is still rape, and the healing is still hard By Rene DeCair Emerald Assooa;« Editor Editor's note: This is the first of u two-part series on rape. Turt two will run next Tuesday. Sura was married to the man who rupod her. Mary was raped on a first dute. Both are among the estimat ed HO percent of rape victims who know their assailant And both are evidence that vio lence against women contin ues to be a problem One In four women will lie sexually assaulted in her col lege years, according to stalls tus Irum bugeno's Sexual As sault Support Services SASS reports that 1H to 2-1 yeat uhis have tho highest reported inn dents of rape of any age group Aitliough their assaults were several years ago, Mary and Sara not their real names now struggle to heal the emo tional siars that were inflicted by their attackers "I've been living through my own hell," said Mary, 2M, who wus rapes I four years ago. "1 have not been able to have a relationship with a man 1 don't flirt anymore " After the rape she tried to commit suic ide, she said, and believes she suffered a nervous breakdown. A week after tier attac k she joined a support group for help but it was too soon, and so she recently joined another one "Now 1 virtually have no self-esteem," Mary said "1 >'*»vote by *>mtay For this survivor and thousands like her, the horror ol rape is never forgotten, but talking helps heal the scars don't know how long it's going to take me to heal.” Although shu knows the at tack was not her fault, she said, she still is anguished be cause she did not listen to her instincts that told her to stay away from the man ''Even today I think I ( aused it by not listening to my in sides. " Mary said "I may have been too desperate to meet a guy" Mary was raped in nor (.ali forniu apartment after her date cooked her a meal and did her dishes ill what vs .is supposed to lie a friendly dinner to get to know one another When she first met him nine months earlier, he asked her a sexually vulgar question Al though she thought his com ment was strange, she said, he seemed iilti! enough I kept getting slimy, sir.mj>c vibi's from him." slut said "Hut I trv U) give ,i pe rson thn positive. Ixmi'lll of the doubt " She movi'd out of town .liter their miti.il meeting hut then run into him nine months Liter when she moved bin k to the ere,i to work .is u presr lined teacher "And he didn't t.dk dirty to me then, Mery snid. end he apologized for his e.irher re in.ir k "it w.is nil e to see n f,i rtiili.ir f,11 e Thu two hod dinner end ns the evening was winding down he moved close to her and stnrted to lit kle her 1 asked him to stop He hacked oil a little tint then started again,” she said " Then before I knew what vs as hap pening he laid me down on mv Iiac k and it wasn't funny any more lie wasn't laughing any more and neither was I I kept telling him, 'stop you're hurting me, you're sc wr ing mu ' I was so petrified," she said "One e I realized what was happening to me, I couldn't do anything I froze. All I could do was whimper." Me had sex on her upper tor so. which Mary believes Is Im portant for people to know lie cause lor a long time after the incident she didn't realize what happened Was a legal rape and not a sexual assault She said she wants people to Tom to RAPE Page 3