This Week's Luncheon Specials Braised cmcKen with Rice $3.95 i CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT ty out dinners, too! 879 E. 13th • Upstairs. Next to UO Bookstore • $5 OFF ALL HAIRCUTS PMC St N! THIS COuA*OA( f £8 2S ^Personal Perspectives of HIV and Loss Tuesday February 25th, 7pm to 9pm Ben Linder Room, EMU Topics To Be Covered: Losing A Loved One From AIDS Personal Experiences with HIV Dealing with Oriel' and Loss 't 'i i’tvscnk'i! In (\>n Wallers aiul I).n ul Miller '< I )i*lp|i;i < amp, A/ S (iru I iiiul l.4>\s ( tinn\c!<>r For more information call 3-Mi 44E>6 Sponsored by Tfie Lifestyle Planning Program. Student Health Center X >1 A X A. A K N. > POLICE BEAT Tlx- follow mg incidents vsnu reported to tin* Olfttol Publ.i Safely ansi the Eugene Police I>i-{ri: I'i 1 l ‘i • 1 .; .1 ■ ■ i University student may be re sp-.risible for a theft at tin- Uni versiiy's School of Journalism i-i-ii til, according to poll re re pi its A li -..rn.ilism. hwnl .h ccunUnl reported a cash box •stolen from her desk us Kooisi -Ml) Allen Hall At < ording to police, the ,u - ...titan! s.isd tier desk <1 rawer is nally li!■ ked hot the key W .-i in tie e k -it the tsiile ill til'- theft Almut two hours hit er. a irons the print mg dt'p.iriment in Allen Hall i. , v,d : iie i ash hex on the of tin- building A ) v. ind Itm wet the only items, loft in the box Police said' the theft amount, r.h i ( he< k . totaling Sl.'ii i'oiue- have no other sus p i'*'i> lr>, accord - , : , ; ..'II p >rt- Whs n a!) iiffh er asked if ills niaii hail tail irsnk mg In said Hut the uiiss er said the man smelled of ah ultol (he III.;:-, '•.mi In- broke tie standing lamp outside of John soli Hall, but said It was an m ( ideni, according to polne He said, I tried to hang tile hill i ie on the top ol the Limp when I lie W ill -1 thitsg fell (I-. er \\ ■ .ffu 1-r askr.l the m.ltl W t i v hr stole I hi' bike hr said for I hi hr i k iif it i hr ;; .ir. w .is i barged w tlh I hr ft and criminal mischief. ai ■ curding to police • A or '.. i: t : sistant reported .1 case of crimi nal mist hud at the l I t»> j> i on til residents chair, according to police The mi spec t and a irirfld tame down the hall and the suspect w „lkrd into Ills room kite man retiised to give Ins name, was vrr\ uncooperative, and did not want to answer the tillieer when questioned, l ie- officer read the man his rights and was preparing to hand: off him w hen he decided to tell the police he didn’t have to go to giil. .in ording to po le e I lie oil It er gave tile man .1 citatum He went into his room and slammed the door, Police said tie had a cut on Ins left in d- \ linger and an idfit er saw bid!«i on the Iinger RIGHT ©N TARGET Emerald 346-3712 YOUR DREAM COUPON CHOOSE ONE ITEM YOU Ht At l Y HI At l Y WAN! IN THt AH! DEPT AND RECEIVE 25% OFF ProArt #11 KNIFE ' BLADES Box o! 100 Reg $17 95 SALE PH ICE $12.50 0«« (ipires Saturday Marcn 21 1M2 ARTIST & PRESENTATION PACE'S ON SAl [ TOO DOUBLE-ENDED ART MARKERS PRINTMAKING PAPERS TONER COMPATIBLE cn §■ cc i lu • : t cc a 2 5 CHARTPAK CO CUTTING MATS