SPORTS Olympics a cold shot to big American egos FROM THE SIDELINES HESaEZZSI The Winn r Olympus an* over Personally. ! don't know how to rc.ii t to Th.' Winter Ols ;:•!■. S .ire about .is interesting to its. oli. I -don't know , that r. Ng.m.s ihule who preaches his g ispei ami holds tip his signs, on i am pus However, that's not in sa\ c erlain aspects of the Olympics were not interesting l.el me start with someone I used to be proud of knowing Tonya Harding 1 wetit to junior high s. bool vs ith !larding W e wet'en I great friends, hut we w ere a. .plain lain es I remember tuns hard we all used lo laugh ai her when she would sav she would he m the Olympic s somedav W ell. she proved us V\ !. a 1 don't quite understand Hat ding hveryone knows about her showing up m i ranee a couple oi days before her per lor Illum e while the pust id the An a .fir .m skaters arrived weeks in advance it seems as though Harding just doesn’t want to do the vs. :k to get lo tile next lev id She is obviously not the easiest person to get along with, as her rotating trainers will at test to It's no ai indent that Nani \ Kerrigan ami Kristi N .,u,.ig... in were the ones w ho came home with the medals Women's ligure skating is tia i: 11 on all v the ■1 the Olympics The elegance arid puin- these young women pro dune on the ite is the most cap t., at mg of all the ev ents This visit I would have :.11ti ■ r .. , ■ : ..,1 Vli m- M.mtti.i i r.' ■ i\ block liric Lind: s into 1 ■ -,s all .eld get a sti. k it! t!:• • i ruli h Al least that would bo 11,.11«■ elegant and grat >• IuI than ti. • t.sjlla V til’- liitun- sk iters put till ! think ri rrs > it . bit till ha: I t. at la i-.i < r. e ;u ' '-i-i inji , ullipelttion It was (lilt a pretty sight ; In- I ’ S hut key t-- .m !• k — of us ha k t ■ I nan !. . pin of da Vs before lulling it) tin' Unified Team I'm not .i big I’.t-- k-. t (an. but every lour \tars I find myself relearning tlif ruh-s ol htxkey. answering questions like \\ hat the hoi I IS n mgT' and 'What oxac tls is grounds tor sending a player to 11.• - penaltv box The United St.ites did show .i lai k of ( lass after losing to the Unified Team by blaming the loss on the referees, they did gel tint reputation .is the "Bud Bovs" of the tournament, and some Amt-m ans seem dis turbed by that But i:unw on. the rest of the world hides us already 1 don t think heaving bottli!s bank at the Swedish fans who threw them m the first plant! is any lug deal So the Americans were arro gant I didn't set! anyone getting nil Ad-erto Tomha s i .iso when ho said In w .is going h> s’ii par •|\ with live habes iip.or w inning tin- gold i'-umha i rat ked mr up That It Sir ge M it! I. .t k a!ike ;s quite a guy The Italian wins tvs .1 gold nro.ials a:; skiing and then says in was glad to win a silver and wants a hroo/e to t tnpleto ins 1 ollot tmn I' Bonnie Blair is anything hut " Tho S speed skater quietly w :i tw 0, nil-rials Ulti W as the tin i s Ane-rii an to w in nul l tiple medals T'lie ( Tttli'd States did not do ail that had Shis soar Wo an no! a winter 1 uiintr v W e I- 1 si.allv did what Was i-\pei ti ll id Us at the Olympics: linish to w aid the 11:;.i 1! 11 ol tin- pat k as tar as medals go. have some strong and some w.-ak. pel loi mam es, and hnaI K plovo the United States has an attitude Mi st Aiiii-iu ans do not 1 aro all tli it min h ai-out t'e- Wm.;-r ()Iv mp; s hi-trauso they know the United States -will not he near the top ol the heap i In■ \ are lair weather Ians who could i an- less that the Olyinpe s will now he heli! every two years insu-ad id lour Americans would much rath er watt for the summer games when the- United States has a chance to dominate the medal count It's all pis! part of the atii tudo Riu- CharihHiin’.iu /'•> a s/- Tt.s fi'jmrlor /or ihr Unmnild CHECK CASHING at the UO Bookstore [self SERVICEl COPIES ALL DAY EVERY DAY Tke Copy Slu)f> Open Mon-Fn 8-7 Sat 10-4 f'tthtntiri • iv-i f<«/< i O' 485-6253 Weekend Special s48.00 250 FREE MILES Friday afternoon to Monday Morning A-WAV lu:ivT>ni 683-0874 110 W. 6th (By the Huh Center) Some Restriction* CLEARANCE SALE ON ALL 1991 MODELS ; CYCLE-31 y REPAIRS A CYCLES ^ THE 19925 > ARE HERE! 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