pizza p£T£* * ■ LJL» t ■ I (MMcROM) 5 Cvtoeo GAMES iwrnwrr (o WBUCiAR«7w X'SL VUraADVOTTVRt viurrurvpHJUU iimiiii tou\a ju rr 1992 NOMINATION FORM FACULTY AWARDS FOR Nominations art- being accepted f.:(' alto l Intv.crsity of < >rcgon (acuity members for distinguished (iradaate tea,lane It I: ws. wbase their own conijvti.Uon. .ire ineligible lor these awards Ibis year there will be iwy.lirsted aw.irds an.! one Burl melon Northern award, each ac\omp.eiieJ by a m '.ni 'ary pt;/e N ' a -too tr.ay by students, (acuity, stall and alumni It you wish to make a nomination, you may use the I >rm below or y u may send air letter s I nomination to the following address Lorraine (i. Davis, \ ice Provost for Academic Personnel 1(13 Johnson Hall, l diversity of Oregon. Please send vour nominations no later than March 20,1992 ELIGIBILITY FOR AWARDS I RS I Kl) VttAKDKOK DISIINGI Mil Dll U'HINC II,e late M: \ J l iskd estaK:-t ed tin l-rsted \wan! ' I'm ; ' ed leaching s.< the l u sersity l (freimn could annually honor l,*uilty members who has c taught c mp.irahvety short [vr- *!s and have den*>nstrated exceptional abilities to induce students to tea. mi and : >i mere!;, mens ;r/e fhe Listed Aw a : eat • only to faculty who arc in their first seven years ot uni vers - fl teaching may >v\ur at the undergraduate or graduate lex els Ml RUM,ION NOR I III RN KOI NPAIION I ACT I IN \( IIIIMMIM \\N\RI) fhe generosity f the Burtingl N tk ; la 1 ls enabled tk ret ■ I Orvgon t I senior faculty member who has achieved an uMa ,.! ■ g re. :d ,o a . .. r.e: I bis award can go only to a (acuity member wh I,. ;d.let: . ;.:w has demonstrated excellence in teaching it i;; ; graduate lewis I nominate for the l i I rsted i i Burlington Northern Distinguished li.oiling \ward. uhex k one.1 I he reasons fur this nomination are as follows: t \ltaxh additional sheet, if necess.irx.i Signature of Nominator Uldrvvs Phone IV ifulKult- v-*ur stilus Student tavultv Mum Staff RIGHT ON TARGET! Senate to confirm new VP ,y.: ') s. ;..■■■ w, ;; ■< ; ' .>:hi >(>• Arm .1 mu A 1} , . , j j r ■ ■•-sii ■ ■ r jl .it 5 in fti.itn 215 A linn Hall i) i’r.-Mili'nt Ji-nnilirf Hills rrlnsi-d :■> dis< linn ln*f vU i’ prt-si • i 1. .. mil-' A• v- O' :!i :.ii 1 Bills’will .ipp<.mt 1m lArt? Commit ■ • .. \\ .rri'li t‘. !!:■ i> m HnWi’M'f. tlum has ’ ::.i'DI !:i a:i ! iA^' ;() l.sri u;; vn iu the st iKiir. Hills .ippointiv will rt*ph«;e forim-r 1 W .’ >:i w!. f ifsi,;:, itimt guns into Fireball grabs attention of Coos Bay residents " :. .' bn ike . i ]) >i r I -lint i.-hM nil ', ■ j, . pi mil knows •A!.i! » : said Potts ()f!i( it V . k d\ linn I:!*,;, - !: -.1, !>■: i: i s !. ; *. ;• I ■ 11 • I ■ 111: , vs i ■v ; tin > ; : •.*. i,i• • : ,j.;h lilt* i 'ilivci xiiy ! in* l nu'Tiiitl regret-, !hf> i ... I I mv , .ui'iiMuii li in.n h.ive . .Nil ! Ever wonder why doys attack mailmen? V.ivt*- l! ,t :'>C tliry drUvri K' • ’ .) / junk H'.-*.! to Ao.'-it- i.-\ r.t. fi yrai and n •• wanting .t irvnfir Otii tires * »nr L-.;i !tr.1 mli i>m tirrs .i/r , • . !r 1 ’ !. ii > 1 ut it..i* ' •• » •* tlh th ti»;s . hi nrvrr rr.i.J ,! i •- ‘ of lilt o'* I** > wuntni mull In lhr ^4:ha*;r rrcyrlr ;t by '.iu;«pm*i It Into thr J\mk mail bins i-x atrtj ul any ilurtii .urj dr%k •<» al 'hr U ul o I’ust Oin< r Y’our mail will thru lx i ollrt !rJ and irprocr%*rd to make uthn pajxr j*ftxjugr«n>