Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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<*! ** w> IB th# KMU Room to
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Cor'f riued ffO-’’ P.lQc* 1
hint) im hot- k hi..'! litre a ;m
tlii' ground, Hi i in- said tic
was twisting lor a wild; ■ bullin'
tin pul llir Iiuiuii uifs on
Scarborough said hr didn't
use recessive lurcc wlirn ar
rusting Beebe
"He's prob.tblv m his till s.
Scurtxiruugli s.mi "Thru? was
no nerd to usr i‘\i ismu' folia:
Thru- was no nerd I hr gentle
man was cooperative
S< artxirough s.mi su!rl\ ofli
errs arc taught to hand, all pr.
[tit: on tin: ground rathrr than
standing up.
I’rtrr tfondon. a grologv
graduate teaching frliow who
Wa ! tirssrd t hr im ofer.l *. u.i
Scarborough mufti have amid
. t Itrtng In: by rot stepping in
i,l U ■'■•he's I'!*-1' :
: f : : ■
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ju " :V tlift use* oh ft: ; !
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cuinslant ns
Be • 1 *' Inc vs .1 . li • I As
s.iuSt ! 'at Assayll l our, a
Class \ i.-iv,. incurs
\vhe'd a ja r .un intentionally,
knmvnigic, ■ >r rat 1 • l\ < ausrs
jibvM cl injur ■ I" ant iher, at
cording to si.ilv law Assault
lour c arries maximum ;a n il
ties ij! a S.1 >00 :,!.>■ tie ..ice war
in jail.
Bee In* i h>- i!. in'! . iw
Vet w hut he would plisa! to the
assault charge* when In; appears
1*1 court Match <» He sod he
wouldn’t c harge; Sc >tfh<>ruugh
u ilh excessive tore i
ifiiiHucJ If ;i: 1 ■ l
Sliiinwnl suit! imstai.es have been n i ... i ■' I fff• ‘ ’ • p y
but hi; wants Iraqis to m..#.e the i hungcs .■, tin u n»
Till' audience n,i n.l . ; then s a.i Iraq! : iti/etts have
I;. >.;,•! rid ul Hussein lur ib-i u.les uul tls.it tin; real dost
i .inn- from him.
Am User .111,in l.. ■ mb • : 111 ill tin- V'.! is! '..11.)
<J n’t understand tin ill!!, nm .• I i tw . cn i .n j.icrum ,m
Sii.ir.vv.it .sqti. t. ,ir..t . .,: :h-s! K..w.nt ss lustoru.alls
. i ir,i j .mil the cm.sr : m.. h
firkl t{sat straddles the two countries
Sh.uns.it said he In nines Iraq needs to lie relnri
multiparty svstem. but opposes the l S policy nldividi
two set lions, svith one lor the Kurds
The Iraq: gos erintn tit ss . .hi like ’ th K ■ .
solved," he said, hut sve are all Iraqis and if there
problem, it is an Iraqi problem
os eminent,
u : ounlry
been ifvmg
ruction has
A merit ans
d munifW a
a province
from the oil
tied into a
i:g Iraq into
sh problem
. a Kurdish
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photographs. and these have
been pieced together from lliul
t ip It? survey s
II,-thui! s.m! J’iii>■ V .hi.lair; s
location J!i miles trust ol Hrnii
is ttir jiorln t place to complete
such a survm because of the
generally clear sky ami good
weather, allowing lilt) to 150
nights a year lor study
A further goal ol Bothun s is
tor Pint? Mountain to become
the hx us of a large public edu
cation program
A grant Is now in place to
connect the observatory ysilh
various Oregon colleges via a
computer inter-1 ink I'Ins
would allow students and t.u
ultv to at i ess the telescopes
from computer terminals l'hev
could then manipulate the tele
scope's movement and analyze
the image on their si rent
As Dothun sis*s »t, the m.on
obstacles to achieving this goal
are time, money and ambition
"Basically, someone lias to
prove that this is a manageable
program,' he said ' We have a
i! Uh.il
ta< ililv waiting to ii
wd ni'i ii is landing !
Achieving the (in.. wmild
It it.- i'.; V.i ,
observatory in tin- world i.i *<i
!t : Sir- i ; HII|>Utl*r II:’- ' I . f
Beginning Marcn
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Credit available for creative planners of national
conference to be held in [ ugene this summer
Informational meeting:
Thursday, February 27, 1902. 5:30 p.m.
Willamette Hall, Rm. 350
for those interested Come learn more about what
you can do to make a difference!
Cont.u t Holly .it th>:' W >men'*j
Center for more mfnrmjtion .it
'.46-1 >95
I hi ( minlitj''' A*'./ hyurl .
r.* ifw. 4, j. .. w« • »f
. M«i
I r if *- ' c- t 1
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Lite on a microscope slide