EDITORIAL Personal responses curtail open debate The Enwnild editorial stall was recently contacted by someone from the Office of Student Advocacy con cerning our policy of not publishing anonymous letters to the editor. The USA representative, acting on behalf of a po tential student author, asked for an exception to the rule for safety reasons The letter writer had previously submitted a signed letter commenting on the issue of I'luvbov and Pcntlnnisa being sold in the University bookstore After publication of the letter she received a personal written reply at home Afraid of further ha rassment, the author requested that the linivmtd pro vide the option of anonymous letters. This case is not the first of its kind on campus Our editorial staff is aware of similar incidents where a let ter writer has received replies .it home, both written and verbal This. ot course, often threatens and distresses those re terming the personal responses, not to mention infringing ort others' right to tair comment Out stuff strongly urges those people re sponding to letters to do so suit the satire Our staff strongly urges those people responding to letters to do so via the same medium in which the letter at hand appeared. ii*t• lass and respect tor others right to express their ideas without feeling threatened These Kinds of person.d responses serve to stifle the open debate that s! ould be emouiaged in a university community I bough on. editor.... staff will rer. on open to dis cussion of our policy. we recently decided through a consensus vote to keep our policy of not publishing anonymous letters. This is done in an effott to prese rve the integrity of our editorial page via accountability by authors Having .1 name run beneath letters to the editor not only lends more eredibilitv to the ideas being ex pressed. it also 111.ikes the author more responsible for the content of the letter they are publicly assot rated with kverv American has the tight of expression, arul tii.it right should not be curtailed in .toy fashion Hut just .is a person or group must get a license to peace ably assemble for a march or parade, to use the space provided on the letters p.ige of this newspaper, people must .agree to have then names printed because there is inherent risk involved when letter writers sign their names to letters, we believe the warn iiig about this risk must be voiced by our staff, along with the strong reminder to those wanting to respond to do so v ia the letters to the editor section. Emerald ——— II I III | i'v?.' !*■*• • -, . i i l ■ ■ 1 v *•' • .; «• -> , «■ ; i i i: '' : i . * * ■ • * ' *• ' . iv y I ' m »* * TNi I -»0 • . »• •'«*■ v„ , • » *»"• ° - *’ : • M., . • ?*•« I • i*J n ; «f^»lr*l*on ....» • *1 . ■». H*purt»<« J •• , i i «.» a. * ' ' >> ■ ► » .. ,«.* f- ■. . y) K '*>■*>" . -I* *«»» v. Coj>y l d'to»» . i l-.« t ■- * Community Hu «» '. \ f »«tur«» *. M «*w *. US J.1,1 : f K .v \ Ja: *» PhOtOgr*ph#f» “.t'l' M ■ - AJ»*rtis >g 10 i‘ .a' . . ; *> * •- *» ’• " '* *• * ' ;i ► : i INN ‘ I Cl * H «»v i'll it »V.u ! • ■ *•'«* » * lot** ‘. ..•<■>, . .i U • ••• . M «« M.j ' f G#n«r*1 Mj 4 :*r * *■' A(Jv*»1nitig Dir*c!of i-• N#*» *f oom llosc# 14i> 5511 J4 6 Vji 2 Production M*rv*g«r m ■ > k 0i»p!4» rvg Adv#f1 s:ng 146 371? 14t 414 3 Q What will be the. effect, of the Administrations" wait-aivi-see" approach , to global warming ? _LT, Buffalo \x. Wait and see. \^r^r n rrf J u .«r « MM" • »-# v *♦» . %*++>.' *.< -• gv "'.-f.N it It, U art - % 8y TVif. J */Ch £ petJiOEwf LETTERS Big “C” Hiv.m H * i?:- t- v :■ mi conmncd ahoui ending r1 have .1 solution ' H'li bet '■•i than vi.i.r brilliant m.irlul •iris plan £'.astrution . : : ii'M i is ‘ .! If big ( Now in lull; you te ■ li .. 1 ! . id s ■ > .i 1 tin* benefits 1 i l! puts i|i,. responsibility ot rape with tilt1 rapist whim* it belongs. nut on the vti ittn/surv ivor It’s .t lot more lost if It < • tivi- th.il three vi .ns ol m.ifti.il arts ami loss Mine consuming .11 It s absolutely guaranteed to prevent repeal offenses, tilt ►. ni.itti.il .it!'. that i an hi .i ', i:i;i- iiv a w ■ :: i t llni I i; pie .iitiu ki ts So, vuu mv it's ri'.illv .1 per frit sohillmi In siiini; court trios. people taught stealing have thi'ii h.in.is i hupped oil this is just the next logical step Then again, m.ivtir people K:■ \Vrs(b\ I .ill a a: :i i .a:. Mnii fur human (wings other than themselves \1 . . ::: i m : ; m(isIiU lur a predominantly malt! c rune instead of telling women how to avoid it aiiii !)].iinmg us it we don't v <11 ►. mtlilicnt t.i nut engage in sexist behaviors that ( titltniluti' to till' Slav t-t tta'V 1 all tr-al Women as iiutn.iri beings with a right to be sail! instead of set ond class citizens or objects That would bo groat Thun v\u wouldn't bdvit to think up drastic solutions to problems that shouldn't exist, but it peo ns. like Westbv won’t listen to reason there’s a i w a ys Tow anda Kronda Adair Student Pour it on l.M llv a di i mi serving of grnvvaround !i(‘n ' Apparently uni. Out of I hi’ .lit dining institutions in the ! imii‘.iiy i. 1111 lh.it I h.ivi’ tried I have yet lo find one to satisfy tm driving need fur gr.i vy Win hi Burger bug only y< terd.iv ! vv.is fun ed to re turn a rheoseburgerbeuause of its x •! gray v And .t*> I very politely < xplaii f tin griev nil! i to tlm guv behind thu • -k I.is fir,ul .11 1 i .! it Min as though I w on’ nuts' Granted. one can got i npiuus servings of gravy at Gary's O.ni vy I’ii. . • Init who ran afford fus exorbitant prtt o.s' f li n t ties sses know of tfic pleasure i enters in the human body that t an only be stimulated tiy gravy and its fife giving i-ssent e? These days, one !;as ! i go as far as Koseburg lx« fiae one i.in find a hotel that still oil' : s gray y bathing S. i oii.e . i. Marh ; i.i' gras v Mark need gravy I’ie.ise, give Mark gi.ivy Mark Anfhony Russell Student Tuck it in i nmniiTi! Ui juke Berg's tutom:, iih it), vi's, it is e til s- the tos\ri hoys gi t involved m the spirit ul tile : iskelh.ill ipnie Shaking tile iiasket that perhaps cost l 'SO .1 lew points, und it the referees hud seen, would have lost the ks a tei him ail foul. As for Johnnie Reece, he should feel free to wear Ills Sih ks tiny wav he wants to. Ac • . ording I NCAA rules, players are re,.lire to tuck their shirt in. not pull their socks down \o one tells A nloine Stoudamire to pull his shorts up U v the was. did sou attend the UCLA game7 II you did, sou prohubls noticed that Don Mac Lean of the Bruins posi tinned himself at the free thruss hilt the same was Jet! hotter i It: Kits the Du: i. s 11,1 s e half -I hard enough season without people telling them how to brush then teeth also Its the way. boss about three cheers tor the people who put the tiiSV els on the benches for the phis itrs' Tami Bare Student USA #1 ; i , .' a!i! 1. :■. ki .! ! vv comments on the Olympic g.iim"! as Mm from Am' an i'\i's There an* some intrrrst ini; observations to note, am! this bring a time of intern.ilion al tuoperatson in tin* name of sj ft', whv no! v.mlt mv two cents worth' The G S Winter Olympic i ram i. m.i.tr a great show ;ng this time around, vet I'm left with media gas oner again The gas trails gets going when I watch the downhill skiing merits (Jar lS women have bn n kii king butt" in the ski mg events, vet w ill VVI sis- ,un big endorsements or post Oivmpu 11v pe 1 don't think so It seems that George Bush's America and its media maniacs still see only tile male skiers as worthy of any extended hype Is It that unless we win the men's downhill, or have a I’tiil and Steve Maine standing on the winner's podium, that our national ski team is less of a sutcess7 1. tor one, am standing up in honor of the l' S Women's Ski Team and all their efforts They have been near the top in every event, and they even have some heavy metal necklaces to wear home Killer dude, just killer Steve Stanford Political Science