Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Professor charged with assaulting OPS officer
jOPS officer handcuffs and arrests a
University professor after the profus -or
runs into him with his bike
By la-y Icsv,
A l.-l-year-,>!t| Un w • n, pi ' .- T
assault Monday .1 f!> m .. dte; . a .u,
fit:«) of Public. Safety 1 lie er's orb t ' -. hog in-i
bicyclt; on the siilewwIk . : Pule .<1 tie A' ; : 1
Russian Professor |i im Bechc said ' ■ itdn't !" • *ve
he should have been oh uge ! y\ .th . nd : 1)1
file oI Publii Safely Officer Ole- S; .nl an u-.* t • <
u-ssive lon e when lie h.inih tdli-d ! to
Oi’S officers are permitted to ■:. .» e • .
Si ,(Thorough sjiti he issued Beebe a citatum lor ruling
tils hiki west .dong llith Avenue S , ; ,gU sml ■
be told him he was gome to ride he. : > • .; ■ ' :
liiewaikwiiv U'l.illSe he u,e :. ’ i; j-.i . lie - '
Scarlmrough said he told Beebe he would have to
write .1 second i llation il he ditto ! dismount from his
bike, teat Beebe began .' to • , to !h • .! oft , e an I
i:tl Si arburuugh with die t o o
"1 was writing ii 1 datum to the gentleman and the
gentleman decided to try to ride over me. he said
Scarborough s.nd he reieived an abrasion to ho. left
Beebe said he tried U avoid lotting S un rough hut
he jumped in his path He said in t in t eumply With
Scarborough's order to dismount loan Ins hike because
the campus ruin to not rule Ink n sob v. 1,k-. is meant
to protect pedestrians and there w t ren t any pedestrians
on the post office w alkw iV
Beetle said Scarborough appealed angrv alter he was
lilt bv ttie 1 iki in,I Was ■■ ttillig : .. k n il.::, win 11 lie
hundcullcd him
Hn griiii! ed me oil of! nr. t ike. twn te.i my hand be
P'xjiu t»> u*fw*«
University Professor John Beebe (left), who is accused ot assaulting Office of Public Safety Officer Otis Scarborough
trightj, talk s with Lugene police Officer Mike Gilbert (middle) outsido the campus post ottico Monday
Mysteries of space within reach
jNew computer system allows
the University's eye in the sky to
take in more of the Universe
By Rivers Jansser
In liir tii llit if is of ve-ns -,na 11. e crtatiun of
tliii uniK'ii'ti. usifoiuiuifis still understand vi!
lually nothing about the vast i ■••a lies of spate.
Black holes remain a m.-.iery star ev. iutinn is
o: ;l y ! e -g, n o : *. - i' :i3 ,— ■ u s uiv
still a source of t onsi.iht w under
Sis mont'.-. . i i : ■ i • v it i s
i'nit- Milan;.!.!; O' • . Bi ;,.i w ■. e.sl
anothor star-struck m watcher, oft of main
facilities set up to Ut'i ipher the universe
Three smallish telescopes vs ere adequate for
observational studies, sure llut significant as
tronomitai contributions weren't likely
Now all the! l as iRanged i fir mystciics of
the universe are a! least partially within Title
Mountain grasp
The Observatory :eu ally obtained computer
equipment that allows it to detect light up to
70 times better than a normal telescope This
means what once took 70 days to map now
only takes one day
The detectors were added to tie observa
tory’s 74- ami HIMnch lenses, giving them the
power of telescopes many tunes that size
Observatory director Or (.:eg Buthun said
the new detectors will In- used to study the
process o! galaxy formation H said lie hopes
to discover how th ; mvi-rsi developed by
finding galaxies in varc. us stages of ev elation
Quasars, for insl.it; are hyp fhesi/rd as an
eatly stage u! gala.M evolule.n But la-cause
quasars are so lar .may (they ..re the most ins
tant objects) they are dtlhvult to study in de
tail Howi vc-r. by ionic .nee ti-.a nniiu.K tivity
The University s Pine Mountain Observatory
near Bend bas new computer equipment that
can detect light 70 times dimmer than can be
seen with human eye
of near-hy galaxies arid ilisian! quasar-, light
may in: shed on the nature of quasars and the
origin ol the Universe
Although this is only a hypothetical exam
ple, it is the possibility for sued discoveries
that energizes Bothun
It's when you don't understand something,
hut vou know it's real," lie said "1 hat's what's
Pending further grants from the National Sci
ence Foundation, the Observatory will expand
its capabilities even more in the future As it is
now, the computer technology tan detect
sources of light 100 million times fainter than
tfie naked eye
l.vt-ritually Bothun hopes Pine Mountaii
Iraqi speaker rips Bush
for nation’s devastation
j Journalist says in
ternal politics are for
citizens to decide
without interference.
By D.im yn IWippv
Muro Uuin 1 mi I! ic^n Ir41 *|i
children suffer [rum mobiutn
(ion. w 1 are .1 [Melton u!
w ii.it tilt", used to lie. und till!
country's intMsinu 111««• is still
lit.ist.iied in the iiitcrin.ith of
, , i1; i i ....! W ii. . in
. .. ! M1 mil ii .!!
the l intversitv
These and other problems
I untmiid In plague Ir.i.ps said
Abdui-Qu.tdlr Sloiav.ir, now .1
griiduiite student .1! ( ulurudn
f or example. tile lru(|l people
lilt t* a severe liii.it slulrt.i;’1• tii■
t ause of international sant lions
and because bumbine nt irn^.i
tiuji systems tj; m11i ished the
country s harvest to JO pen ent
of what it us*a! be Shaiivvar
Children suffer the most, he
said, and *0 pr.u ent of life c hi!
do n m hospitals are there he
I opul.iniv polls in this i min
Ui itiduule lh.lt Uusll Inis uni
golteii the mileage out til lin■
('..ill V\ if lh.ll I.- s.t .it : 1, i it
!. .1 Shams ,ir -..»ut
In Uu Nt-w Hump our prt
nurv, unis ‘ pi;f( i-ni voted u
curium way on I of itmiriit
ulmiil lli«* Gull." Shmiw.ir sniil,
sit I rn glad to srt- Hush's plmt
ii ! V*. . : » if it:
Shutnvuf uigrd ill' Atnrti in
u Util uni f IiM'llitiil s lo have li
sped lor iIn• sell iii-i.-nnin.iiH it
nl the Iraqi people rather ih.ni
ilu ■ :. ■ Now \% ;. '
"I'm not saying the I S h.r.
no i;t;I;I It; go! iinijivi J an V
where. tui! 1 objei I In linVv lhe\
<i ui it," tio sjhl "You t .m'l mi
piiso your liiisis till mi- U I. .1
w onid you Stunk, ii it.i , s 'old
Vo • vvl; your pH" den! should
'l l .. 1 huvii some problems
with Saddam Hussein, but
I! .in nn problems, not
v. r, Sh.mss -ii ... id "We .ill
tiuve ir problems hut \se i an
III ! ! II I .11 • • poll! .os on e.H h
other "
An audience member, who
.. I I,. . from Ir.e.j, ashed
: thinks il s au-ep!
abb' lor (he Iraqi gosernmeni in
sup ■ . rule on Kuwait but not
h i sin- husii administration to