Sfac/ Wallcriborn s drive to the hoop couldn t s.ive the w omen Duck s from their tilth consecutive homecourt loss in a game against Arizo na Saturday at Mac Court Oregon falls to Wildcats for fifth home loss in a row As 1 In' s.is mg . 1 hdi■ s mi Jllill r I rke luuilf l ’iiIorIun.11 <• I\ Ini tlif Oregon ivomim's basketball I nil in. it proved lalse S.ilunl.iv when tin* Dili ks full l<> Arizona 7<»-74 Sat urday mght.it McArthur Court llii’ loss marked the first time in coach Klwm Heiny's lfi year career that Oregon has dropped five consecutive games in l.u gene Arizona's win its second i’.u i lie 1U (Conference v ictory of the \ ear dropped (begun to 1 i ll) overall and r> It in the |J.ii to i lie U lidi ats improved to It-1-1 and J -1 (I Oregon i rumbled at the end ol the i I lltest to lose the game : In Wildi ats stored the final eight points ol the game, and ii:" Ducks missed out on some prime i ham es to i hange the outcome Guards V»im ^i SeUIrn and Missy Slovvrll »;.*< It nussi d the front end of free throw oppoi (Unities m the final • t» setonds lli.it would h.ivi> kepi I he Out ks in thr game Dehhie Spun ich led Oregon with 11 points as all five Duck starters linishrd in double hg utrs. but the Oregon bench pro d u i ed on I v 1 - poi nts The Wlldf .Its reserves .1. < minted for 17 points ol Arizona's total Arizona also otitsho! the I Jut ks Mi pen en! to tl> peri ent 111 the gam mi la bug a n.: pel cent shooting performance in the final UO minutes The I)ui ks w ill try to rvnr t:ise its honiecourt demons Wednesday night vv hen thev host On g« n Slot at M.u (' ut at 7 it) Men’s tennis team nabs win, 8-1 The Oregon men's teams Usim rolled over l',i< ilk: Luther an S.it.ml.iv H I ,d the campus courts rin1 w i a i in |i r u v tic! I h e Dm ks . e. ill rei )rii to 7 ‘t The one through seven post tenis were real solii!,' assistant i i...c I. \V ale ; aii\ said ' Lverv boiH had .1 good lii.iU I 1.1-1! k !i Ilrt sill' 1 ) . |jl.iv«■ r. (ruisi'-d past lb llii mn s Brian Benson The I )tu only Nil 1 vT a, h! as Oregon is now i M :'i h ) win n tin 1) California for a mu' k. ■ N. * i H ili( Lu ll I. Il 1 came a! if! until .. k > I ; MI U:h with coming soon Canoe ‘fete 1992 w alcli toi more mtoi mation LOSE 25 IbS BY EASTER $V|Q Spring Special only **dcJil lOfial• ltM/If D TlfJff WEIGHT CONTROL SYjTt M EUGENE 3131 W U!h* MjrWt pttet *»*t Suit# 13 □ 484-6044 SPRINGFIELD In 8 weeks you will lose 25 lbs! Pior**f P'Jklk 726-0426 Cold Ducks win one, lose one to Huskies By Doug C.rler I •• *y .1 <1 i.5k 1 he (fregon . inti lux W<• \ team sv\ fled it-, mask over tin’ ufi k.fi! i. trading in Sat urday's game-fat,e of iidensi i v fur tin' i.n kad lisit .11 (.1 . .i.li- it disji!,ivi-it Sumill morning .it i.ai.e ( ountv ft ■ U 'ft t *. i • • Sit : it -,■, night r.iut nus cmwif. : . - i ;: ! . *- k - ' », th- : game to a higher level ,md ii.i•,,1 i.lv d■■ ■ : i = t VV ; I I [int n Sun.i siiln..:l . int./n-iit ds-t-ng hut giivo ininute .uni coldest \ [ 1 , k -, ! r. > i ham es, of - oring in tin opening perm.I \\. r,. : ... 1 get III .1 tin ’ :i: I * ; * Vv g Mike M> Hugh d it veined th.it w . ' ing .ig.nii aft.-r a del.iv). vv e vv ere cold The fust period on Sun (l.iv was long and even a lit tie too frigid for the t old Ducks, who were ton ed to play short handed three times m the lu st I s minutes of at turn Two lengthv stoppage-- of play one to tape a fallen j> id bin k < alto lli>' h. >ards and an Other lor tile ollii nils to s. u t out penalty tails, resulted ill a 1 » in Hal le tl I si j 11 ■! i; id V\ ,ish i n gl11II l)uu h h .! i ’ s load on .1 posvrr*p|av goal with 1 1 I remaining m the tirst period \ 11 h ugh Eli* goal i tint ludrd (he game's Muting. thrUm ksguipliTits of Muring uj)ji< lUinttii's In tin- M-; onif .ttul third I XT i . ••■! s pull I Mg .1 1 01.1-1 O I El shuts on tlio Husks goal for fhi* game, Inti they rust i nuitln't fin*) tht' no! Uo iikr lo biiii i up am) in ih'1 g um', bat tbuff vs as m.tiling there to siarl tin till Ol null repeatedly ,i. r»*i*ci blasts in lb,, point .mil n liounit ! Ilia ip--. 11 *, \\ .1 .!! I: ■;!: 'll 11!I. Is .: i lb;. tiii.il two po .I■■ a;! tini if ss .ill it ■■ IVrs Hut I'VI'I! ( ) 1 lotvnt'll s business as usual approach iuhi n't -.park, (begun 1 lies sit thr tempo by . \ mg go,111 . 1,! 1.! bill krv Irum tlx- start. < rotor Hit h aril Tu< krr saul of tho Hus The .. nit' is ,o. far lis ollor .1..;ing Siituniay’s i ontest A clolvd of afniut HIM) fans. Ill (lulling roprosontativos from Oregon s other i tub sports teams and first timers wear ing shorts, filled the arena s\ Itii spirit and noise I ba I' s the most vocal crowd wove bad dr fensetmin Mark l.iebort said after the I Jm ks 1 1 victory "Its 11.ird to lose in Iron! ol a i rowil tli C loud Oregon started sluggish hut igni'■ t tie* i ross d ss ben lueber I put the Ducks in ' i SPLIT. f’.Kju 12 School of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave r, PACIFIC RIM GAMELAN ^ UO Ensemble , Tups . Feb 25 8 p m $4 Genea1 Admission $2 Students Seniors C OREGON VOCAL JAZZ v Wod , Feb 26 8 pm $4 General Admission $2 Sludents Seniors o GOSPEL ENSEMBLE •' Thur, Feb 27 8 pm First Baptist Church 868 High Street $4 General Admission $2 Students Seniors r COMPOSERS FORUM Performances ol new worVs ' ' by composition students * Fri, Feb 28 8 p m. 1 Rf f Admission For more information, catI 346-3761 (Music School) 'O UO Ensemble Weasel’s World Kraig Norris ’» >■■■ ■-v*' : >A -< A R£/tK£t i H A * ? r Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen ! Kit L iHt t V ' V if V / A, |LL nu y'l At Mil Vof( b f itt “ i . f < r H* ’ r.r> / A'f (* ; y. M * T •• * • \