Actually, the poor fellow is better know n as the boar whose snout appears on tlx Wnnhaals Ale label. The same hoar that s „ become a symbol, an icon, a lov able pet. And if Tshirts aren’t purchased soon, said hoar might end up as a plate of rihs, forcing us to completely redo the ale label. So if you have a heart and \\)ifre the t\]v whc> likes tx) hang out with a Weinhard s Ale now and then, we hope you'll fork over the dough and purchase one or more of our remarkably 1 cool T-shirts featured in this ad (they are the official * hanging out apparel this sea si )n). You can get ’em by calling, toll-free, 1-800-BLUE BOAR and ordering with your credit card, or you can simply fill out the order form in this ad and You Make my * Snout/ Wet * f -» rutfu * Put. h.iu- .‘ffc'v -Ui =*-' if> ilUifu- Mil*, ft %.0 \t . wLifXi X/ t • '-h -U f u-* • - .*■ ’* .• At. >1 send it to us with a check, money on ' der or credit ^ card num ber. Its that easy. C 'heck out the shirts. l ick up your shone or put pen to paper. And Help save our Blue Boar from Becoming a Blue plate special. Thank you. HOLD YOUR FIRE I Ji'h, iw i ! x ill u ul 1 in w illn 44 u > In iy i I '! hit ■ M u. ■ ■ t I Im v in * >t. k'l 111 -.i\ c I lu- |HLI