Actors’ passion transcends pay, competition j Theater students are in a many are called, few are cho sen profession By Lisa MUegan They p i.>b.1 liI \ .u ; I! never ii»i! BMW's ur I’.biii spin > s titles, but imist ,ii tors say they didn't go into th*• career lor the mantT tiiYvwav i-or mam t .it ting students. thn ' o! in in im.ii I pav jmlrs in i on I j.'.i r i son to 1! i i * sheer joy of pet to; m it-.g on stage II s pi !o do s;n nertorma \\ anted uni VVi red - lunooui IV r ihtl i .1 wouldn't bo .if \v i i i.ii «■ in timiil.iling olisi.n Irs ih,it stand in thn way of pursuing her dream After .ill, tho University s own theater performance pro gram direc tor Hob Barton t .ills it the many are called, lew are chosen profession " I am oni vv ill literallv he com peting against thousands id people who want to do the same thing Her profession's union is tlie only labor organi zation in the country that has actually negotiated tor a lower "it's the nature ol 1 lif \vi ir k. she explained. I lu x kliuss tiiat you'll do it for nothing List month. I ant oni and -101) other students from around lint f.'ountrv got a taste id tins com [letltion at I'mversits Resident Theater Association national auditions in Ness York Lull student had to earn a nomine lion from Ha ir t .d lege and passed .1 n ... uiai 1 . uupet11ion to in* a tile ! i attend the all ditlons The t K TA auditions, held in several eities ai ross the nation users sear, alhns students a i'hant.e to stiovv their stuff to about ID tile,r : oinpanii % an i graduate schools at the same time Uninterested in getting fin pioyrncnt is a tie .iter i ompa ns. I aiu ont altended the .aid. lions sviih t!:e in: nt at id earn ing a spot ill graduate si I. •. d SoilH! College she Was interes! At Yah-, only eight oat d in students that UpptV lot li: .e t mg program an an epti ! Ness York Univursitv, o t Hot) students apply lor in to Jit spots Jell Whitty and Coleman Zetgon perform a scene from Antigone in Acluuj V slylei 4Our focus is that you learn acting to become a more complete human being. ’ Bob Barton, 1 he. Hr' performance l m Kjram director On tile ti U t t VS 11 huurs e.irlv S lie i' rilemhers seeing tilhtut iM) people tn the warm up nuiin nervously run ning through their audition monologues, rrr itmg vocal ex uridses and even practicing yoga Fanconi said some students were talking alio l ong other d ions at N. n V : x s | : ti grous juilliitrd Siho.d arui their ex(jerient e aiding in summer theater i ornpanies Hut 1- am oiii sard site W as confident in her abilities and Ilex er let the i ..mjietitluH lilt illl' ,dal. !i. • d ■■ a \\ . -.1 ( mast at !.! .tie t . kmd . ! s;t .. .Mill and not try to be competitive." ■die sard ■r that da. Now Fellow f: trig student will Cnmjie hr in te in the ( . ha who .iliiornia . K i '\ .1 U u (lions i .u r i mis vse,k :ii 111!' I ulltll ■ >.t! rnmpi' titioii fur jobs in Iheal.r some lini.’s inliinnl.ii.-s her "I (i-.ii !'m going ll> he nipping hamburgns ,.i Burger King I - ■ .ins’’ I d a t n ' '. -i t ii i ness degree. ’In -.aill H: i vv. ■ \ ■ r M i !•-.!•.. i ■ i ■! ii. r luvi' ni theater is too great to abandon Inf another in-' r It’s something. I i\ >• lu ilu and I liii v.’ !u i! :! Mi ii Ini s lid "1 love that vmi gel people to ihlttk 111. I,' ,1 lilt ul re wards, .irtd liii'. s vs In vmi d.. it " A. tin nigh M 11. ■. ii.i ' 'Vi--. t!i.’ .iti-r siir has nut limit. d her ... r.-cr goals in pet dunning on stag.' Sh.’ hopes to im her es I.if vs ni k hv in .king tieiself ,ivail.ible fur n sanely ul |utis in nim .ind television act ing stage management and camera operation She is also considering attending graduate school next tall Haiti .i : I Mai. Ii mil l-ant'oiii vuctre.l m their goals, t.he'v vv. n't he th’- onlv i 'invei ,,tv gt -id ■ wo:king in the tin a !’-r vs : : i ! - vs. ■: k . . g in theater companies all over t| , \ vs- h One . ist for si,ns ini hiding Whoopi Goldberg, \\ ftilnev M mist oil and Dully I’ai toil Barton aid he tiles to pro pare students for the sld! tom petition of the real world by re quiring auditions for placement into acting i lasses Von take At ting I in the fail. y ill! it li.I Vi? In i u:i:; >i-i i- Mi;:; Urns of people just tu get Into if.i set Olid ( l.lss." In' '..111! (lilt ol tho approximately 'll) stu dents who lake Ai ting I r.ii h ti-rm, only to students iimi illy earn plai t-in tin- \ tiny; li class Hut lt.irton! getting stu dents theater employ im'iit Is not the in.itn concern .1! tin’ t 'nivciMty thr.itcr pmp.1111 Our I01 us is you le.irn .11 till).; tu In iomc .1 mure ccwn plctc being.” lie s.i(il niiymie would 1111:,.I I euu; .1 hi Hiseholi 1 vvi in!. hut t h.11 s nut Its re.111 y .it mu t lt.irton the in.iui heneht of ,i theater degree is common! i at|..ris skills The skills tend to lend themselves In jobs that deal yyiih i iillt.e ting the puhlte and IV r k ; ug : ruler p e lie said rt'e-re s nothing 111 ai ting class that i.ull't help you live y our hie mote sin t e . ,!idly Alter graduate school, ham Old hopes she will he utile to set ure a job in a regional the ater i ■ I haye more dreams id doing Shakespeare in London than 1 do of ' being on Broadway, do a one woman si w of the I either id Uly Tomlin's I hr Scan h lor .Sign ol Intelligent Life in the t tihrrsc and to form a theater company would crossa as! roles (i e give male parts to women) ol t lassir plays SPECIALS FOR YOU EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! 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