HOW TO SURVIVE VO UR ORAL DEFENSE (’cHitc lii ihis graduate Modem workshop for advice on how id prepare for a successful oral defense With Brian Matthews, Professor of lliysics. Robert < )'I)nan. I’rofcwir of Sociology, Ken Kamsing, l*rofessor of Decision Sciences ;uk) I lien Seiler. Assoc Professor of lele k f ilm WilljN: IIIUR.SDAY. Ill 27, 12:00 I (M) l»M Will KB: 106 1)1 ADY IfAIJ. You've learned lots of theories, read a lot of books and done lots of PAPERWORK but have you had a chance to put what you've learned to practical use? Here's your chance to sign up for PI I K HI AI TH ADVISING which will give you the opportunity to: ▲ Speak in Public ▲ f acilitate Workshops ▲ Write for the Well Now ▲ ( nnrclinatc l vents ReinemlHT lHick C all is coming so appls now m the I lealth ! duration ( 'Hue. Student I lealth C enter and. Reg i .!e: tor Peer health Advising, I lop 1 It) and r' 10. lor more into ( .ill 34f>-44.% ‘ j s ■ •» i > f c 'v I I'v the 1 -■? ySi* it my* pfe '.'him. Mtultiit I*Jk I k'i H IKj1 Iraqi journalist to speak l aivcrsitv student* and faculty wlm have heard media report* on the t '.ulf and its after ::..ith from the perspei live (if the Altierii rnixilU will have tlie opportunity today to hear from an Iraqi journalist who covered the war Abdul-Qundir Shanwur. now a graduate stu dent at Colorado State University, will lx- ;n the I.Ml; Ben Under Room at 1 to p m AUiessalam, director of the Muslim Stu dent- Association, said will speak about many different issues, including the effec ts of Western sum lions on the people of Ir.Kj, re! .old mg the c ountrv after the lioinbings. the role of the Israelis and Iranians, opposition parte -, within Iraq, arid the Middle hast peat e talks Students hold unique fund-raiser k.dtur.i i’li.pihas the Philippine St (•..uii/alion. lias i tune up with a unique f ind raising, instead of the usual t > front of the i niversity Bookstore Tins the set ond term the grn qi ! iff-, wile!, - til kets are sold and the an el.dwirate dinner at home The term B i! 11.ii::11-r. gets a seven i mir-a- , 11:j M-rii d and made for him bv group metn (,,v, n Rivera. PSO putdn n lain ns ol Ihe group raised over S120 the. term Video on nuclear testing to be shown \vvard winning San Framisf a fihnm jkrr Da r vjd i. Brown will present his latest video tonight global efforts to hah run lear testing it i B> iheWmd Will Ur shown at U .tO'in tlir :*.!< S'., in A, in the basement of the Knight Ubrarv The to-minuto video portrays the international ( itiveov movement for a comprehensive nuclear te-.: (i,m Bound I \ the Wind'' raptures personal testimonies footage of anti nuclear activists and the ro ts ef anti-nuclear efforts APASU sponsors bone marrow search Phe \s;.wi I’ucda '\iihtii an Student I'nion Will host a hone marrow donor testing drive to morrow for people Asian ancestry between 11 a m and .' |nn 1 i Ml Walnut Kama Ai'ASl ’ codm :,o l.arv Hob said lie became aw.ireof tin ai ■ •. d I ■: Asian marrow donors bet yea: u len in. in in! about a Korean Ann :,, an student's search !. r iouor for her brother who had a fatal blood disease. A, - , : hog ! '. ' Marrow Donor Program ■’ego.':', ■ o :, a Mil Asian Amer ii.uis wi; godusii ns he, austr of dise;isi1 l.l'-w.i . o goo: ..: po'e;g P donors lor Asian Amer. • •• eg; . . . : ,:a s is small. Hoh said Act on!ii g to A\iI ' 'K. onl\ its art t pert ent of the half-itu o :■ ! : amis art oil Asian ances try Pro; . , ! tie suite r background are more like A 1,, man h IET ALS MliTIW.S I Ml Ho ji d of Dir «*. I ora U . « t ( « mitt«t»i «*-, i (iiwl i."lay a’ 1 W ; ;ti hi '.h® f Ml H.AArrJ Hoorn Mudrnli fine lt|ual Am »**< Hoard v>. ■ oivt lo..lay tti'tn 12 M) ! 1 Ml Ji tv. in KSfl l jrf.-.uty Ho.m H Mu iiml« fur tlhicjl lirrlmrnl uf Antnuli ** J lo-lny .r 4 }■ h. * Ml < -^1*1 H 1 m A Ml M l . < Itp)(im n. . '•,*« : ; K• H iKssn MJ1 ( J;aj fiu»n NludrnU lur ( h jIiw \na« hrumwn ** , ion n‘.' ai 7 in Abie i .avv.'i, ;• \ l !■ « till Sluilt'iil I nio« m * Id) j * *J i m lr« I Ml i «i. u,*v H ■ ns f kulluii Cili|)iri4i m. <« . I Mint no * * M<*n Kafir v wid.) . . t w Wu.KV: O uifyH i Mli-niulli i J lliv (.ulf W at At :.*1 Quad.! ShaJiwaf U'day fn :v. 1 u1 4 M! the LVt Her. Under K - • n Sk-t-ft With Anjftn at-.,- » Urruiiat and the |M***ure# that *.h’>; J«* - ‘< " ». !*• *} .%?. iiijih: ai 6 ir H ■ JtJ ii f M' .« ji.m fjritn the lil«i » Stii’-Juttl Uni n Hw him m d diw u»*mn are |>i i»d in •?• With the Him k IlittOfy M f’.lh t adehfalUin Hunger and Vr^rltrun \v* jirtifn I urn h v» . '.jh- |i. » r : :a> Iniril J \ U) « m ; j :rt . r. the i Ml M* n 1 «*h> IhiunJ U) the Hmii a y •> ' o * : }.a- f r leal t SeV. •'* m be jrftJMMiUHj by vide. (■(..ilu. ri iav * • t *' i ■' 1 t> U) ' ■ ft at the ► . U .. t. ■! ai Vv4u t 4 'i*’ !■. . ■ n w . 1 t ••« • wed by a *|>n i a i ** ulir^V si initial (M'I't )KTl M iH S Utdding l,! ih« !• a.. * . -input-v * :..mj } ^ o i -i.iy ihr mgh W* l« 244 hamuli iv lor m- ro information ! • ; •,«.•{ * i .h-.« iatu (m- .1 KIUU|I iixrlinK t if K li Mji > i : r flwm ' to M Ml p fTi Hi KMl K*Mfls K A ( *im Planning and PU< iim-nl ■!!. «■ ■ iUIjui vm, M ,i tabs p.a< « t .day at t Wi p rn H ?■) 217 Hefidf.i k% HI : ICION Jhr Oivim- S, IT v\ *>« “ > l ;; f a ■ % . vv . V i : 11 i 4 1! a <: Morality and ■ ►,’ • • No v* f.' A llinMii Hat; II>t>lv> tlurmi group w;* iV.-.y'' YOUR DREAM COUPON CHOOSE ONE ITEM YOU fit Al. I Y HEAL L Y WANT IN I ME AMI DEPT AND RECEIVE 25% OFF roAr! #11 KNIFE ^ BLADES Box of 100 Reg $17 95 SALE PRICE $12.50 i ARTIST & PRESENTATION GO o -j o PAGl S OH SALT TOO UBLE-EN PRINTMAKING PAPERS o' 00 • C\| Uj 2 CUTTING MATS