Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 24, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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This ‘good’ deal is
no deal to some
Oh heck. what's another a var to Univer .'tv
That’s thi* minimum amount we would pay should
the recently proposed mandator) health insurance of
fer go Into effect.
The Student Hcul’h Ins.ir,nice Ooimvoltm? . , runs
working on the i' . ,d.:bu > pl.m. vs i. ■ :n mp;<
merited vsithin tin: nest three to hear vars
In a step toward its possible integration, students
may he asked to decide ve;t or nav on this plan when
they enroll next fall.
So, in case anyone out there isn't sere if st .dent's
here at the University are paving to-- ... a! ft.? .
turning out to Ite too little, now he or ;.<•« a : at- .. >■
Should the plan be implemented, students not :lav
ing outside in .ut auce vvo'ufd h- ' . c.e,: • :
through the tadversity. Po •<•■:;!> pj« ' a ;
per year, this amount would be :owt i
tors arrangement since there would : «
under the blanket plan.
The lower cos! per subsc :bi : liy,
tni* must the obvious be
> t it * i -d us to w litiiis I*- a
bad i<ica•' Apparently mi.
For one thin}* those
.ire many student* at this
university who < anno! ,d
ford even the lower-priced
version. Illustrating this
fact is a recant S It IC' sur
ve) which showed stu
dents not covered by their
parents" policy aren’t
planning on subscribing to
the University's either.
The lower-priced
version may
sound like a deal
to some, but to
those of us on
the monetary
edge, it could be
the final blow.
Inert- are reasons lor this, one of them he ■ > ti at darn
near no one. rvi ept the lot kv tew \vt:. • e parents t>;;s it
(or them, can afford insuranc e — University or other
In order to attend this outlandishlv expen- vo
versity, one must make seven.;i sacrit.ies is it
he or she is an average financial Joe. whirh tu- ' •>{ us
are One of these .sacrifices is health , :i.:• .d.
but ever so true. Should it lie mandatory, that wo,, d be
just one more block to those strug.-.-!; ■ e to name t ti
Students voted down a similar p:..» several years
ago; is the University hoping two no's yy :! nude .. >e-,.’
bet's hope students will again down the pbm ft <• hov
er-priced version may sound like a deal to some hut to
those of us on the monetary edge it • mdd be ihe bn,.;
A x.k.
(.unmient,tries ‘
>\ i It?ji1111«■ and
' as ami 1 .nun
ttiii athii: ui the
■! i t'n
the uit
ibiinssiun Thf /
reserves the right to edit hit grammar, suit- and
d net essarv
writer must he vet died u|>o;t
,«.i .1 <! I ns .it i i' •. , ‘ .
( iltluf m Ch«*f
M4inJ f .Mur
f .litor .41 I <Mof
Gr*phtc« | dttor
t nl*f!*.iwn«nt l ifrtOf
* t ' • r
I I Jiiof
!>(XhIi f dctor
In t ouch l drtor
A ft toe UU I drtor*
St.«J»n< Go*»< r*n*nt Av \ . .t:*i
>tigh«r f dvx *t»or\ AdmiMittiftlion i
■ > I
Cop> f dvlof• ' I «> ► i *
Pholo^f apft«rft * **
AdvftMlftlfig .*• t ! * •:, i
i» • K Ik. • ’■ t .1-' l ‘ M. t - i- • >» *
Clftftfttfttd 1 «>. . '■'> ■ ;< A
tlui. aai .
Production • •
, a a • j Ua .1 w •
C ommi;M ■?>
A 'i . . J I ■ 1 •» - I . •'
N-# a*'-,,;
OffK •
J4'- V.-1?
( ’in' * 3 A .U »r» Sing
14- 4 >4 3
• ■ Oo P j 7*
l y^uawssoH—
Me ^E£l>S .
ms psath j
Stop selling Playboy, Penthouse
:. -rv tv. man. llii-t,
v. ' : >
sinji > .trryuig /'/.()/’< V at.'.! 1’i'tll
;. . ! i .i!:i;! us w i -: 11 r n iiat t■
.j,. .• aliuniiunSlv i J.-.ir th.it
! t: . s is p!' -. ! si-! \ ss ti.it lilt \
vs -ii;■ iii.it till! pr«-s.-:u t- u! I’Ln
!.I\ and ■ is dri-pit
. - i ii ;rs all’ bust-d
i .is i.-t.itiim.il or trivial.
' K . ’ S , ill' |)!,.
iiisiikii'.g tin- pii-s
■: v; : .itnr.-.is m hanks
:. ri■ .i- thal vhui and
. ' .i.i: , j it m si-v
. i i : -.Ii it is. i ;! I ,Hif sf, di fit
i u!t in if..; i One sid<- i ..a rite
ih • cvamp!i- ut si andmav ia.
i !• sis indiuiimg thal rtd.i
On tilr ol\-.VT hrUU Ur UlrU
pnnu l*11'»fi V 11i'■ I'.nc) Mult *s
With !{..• li Jrpoflnj ruf)*‘
i.iiLs i, ivi■ !...•! iti*' h u;ht m
]•; ; ::, i : /; !•■ ■■ \ vtib
m : ;! 1 : ••• iS ;.i ( nu n^'lurs W !u I
\s k >« '; vi.-, • i• i*1 r'• U: !
that ■ h [i M'fj l.< s! : \ ii Wii \ s
i a b =
Mi *>'. i!i nr : ;{ irp’M’ »,i * ! N J>f*, i V <*
1 V . !
; ill U :'rn:!r
. !. • s. ; it , ■ ,;fr
; ; . .4
. . - .. : ! . :. »
. : . , ‘! thi'sr a lib
.i\H\ •in-] bum.iniH
1 pulling
■ woman n.ippllv
s. .s a strong t on
...i.iriu i between the attitudes
i ; . :■ .! ii i I'i.ivli‘ v and I'l'iil
. : the .i!U!.. !•••> actually
by t.ipists A study by
n ! Ill',Ills i.OUU College
nii :: hiiiis lli.it i.ipists, much
iiuui' ih.in non-rapists. U.-lieve
si: : ' V Hi sevtule stereotypes.
>!. • h i.. v hi yv mill'll .11 •
i|i.,iin!.iii( i‘s might perform in
lull, .u11! List! their self-worth
. v..a< . . :ii|uest.s
N. t '.'..rpr .singly. these men
tend to !e heavy consumers oi
III. ig.1/: lies ..S' I’Ltvb n> .ill'.!
f’erif/.’ii . m‘. .11111 the\ take the
IV. -ig i/mes message to heart H4
.,! tl.iise A he admit to
behavior til..! meets the ieg.il
definition of rape (penile pene
!i ' . , v. .' •;.! fonselit) slrong
h Shi'V have, in fat,!,
■ i \ i ' . u ! i h k i ■
ji ■ ur [:i n i-ivfti .is ul
w.utUni; .inti tu'iuling .1
Id... ;.-.)! hi'lirv i- liic persona I
! .1 .11,1! h\ . . Ili.ltn v.. •: i, • • 15 1.1 w
hit l'!i\hoi itiii i'l'lUhuusr, dint
! S . t| . tn.ig.i/itii-. pi.iV
;:i i ii i; a'; I reinforcing r.I}it•
[ ;. itit ri w.it ran.Is abrogating
til If ;.g!;t Eli be plihit&ltf'il. 0 '■
!: • . : 111 !< ,:i if.;! '.<• 11!.! (h>
! believe tin".** (mbit* atiiius
..si !.o ...i" i'. every pubilt; or
|jt iv .its* business in whit.il they
rouid (urn a profit
. . ! !'u ! .<
' .re Is I. '.by (.bill; lied !.* Use
1;, ; * ; , • • • . .. tense
‘i'.e’ft! es Of ,!s i }!i Is on other
|»<!..ms * i its c lienie!.- ‘
i : " ' • ' '
o! r'.hii ai i uni cnis other lli.m
i a; less to pub! ished
it in loilow its present
j ... \ ' K it prepared tu honor
requests !of photographs or
\ ;p . who h graphically
sjtx iimi-nl the ,11 tual torture
and murder ol wnmi'n' Ol mun
of color' Is il Irulv obligated to
si'll anything that exists that
1 he image ol i ompletr free •
‘lout whit h, the defenders of the
li, a ixstore's }11 il ii v ar t ii u late
possesses a eompellmg simplic
ity Hut our community has
Other rights artil Values as well
the rights of survivors to a
Hindu am ol resjiei t and priva
i\. aiul the value o! collet live
social responsibility to name
tiat two When these concerns
i lash, as they sometimes do. no
single right or value should en
joy automatic primal v over the
I t.ne I'ctt'rsun i.s a ducloml
i ■imliil.ilr .it the fnhrrsity and
c<> director of Mon .\nuinsi