Ihmgs got rough this weekend ns the Cold Ducks be.it Washington on Saturday. 4-1. only to have the Huskies shut them out Sunday. P-0 SPLIT Continued !?on Page 8 front with a goal seven min utes into the game Solid de fense mid ( jean I hei king ( - >m limed with solid gofllkeep; '. g hv the Due ks Tom 11.the. pie V ided the lively t row d with various tliiinres to lap into its ample supply of (li'-ers taunts and songs The stands erupted again '.shen wing I.vie (if.illt put the put k past the Husky goalie vs it!) a high shot to the sink side fur a TO lead going into the lust intermission Plav ss -1 s!n|)ped itiomeniar tlv in thi second period whim an oflh i.il was swept olf his feet and min .tin* Dm k hem h will'll |W(J players iilihded in a 11111s11 (or ih Its sc [ ., i k i hi offi a! was fun fd to lease ih« gan.' wilh a broken nose, and the game continued short .1 sk‘' r in stnprs Minus an olliclal, the game got more physical in nature, us .1 Husky skater twisted a knee and the Ducks' Darin Vnr/ali rei eived a minor i oneussion Hut none of this .stood in the way of center Scott Brown and another Dm k score Nothing, that is. exi ept the goalie, w ho proved to he an inellective de UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOKSTORE DRAFTING & DESIGN bMUMi-iiaa r • design master * ! ' , ; ; , i I ’; '*4 ,l' ' . i • l.if K'”'ur,t' * f • •• , cnn nn , !H<) oo SALE $139.0 , SUPER AG 100 .ui . • *•' ... ; ■ ' / *i > - • ' **' SALE S219 00 . -J-l !-.«"• . . 4- •• . » { ■••• 1 U>P Table Accessories SP1ROLL .Dr«*in0*->i"-' , . 4K- u*>;s> SALE Wo OFF * 1^tlLOnC SlOf TRAY ... SALE $29.95 Reo S49 9b • SIERRA SEATING .. .. it 1 ’ . ;•...» • ; Ottice Height * ! ' nraftinqfPrawingTa .PICKETT Sty; ’ ' 'A f ULTIMA" DRAFTING TABLE . A"- . !.»« Wfr«|x>mry • M » uo-.i R«««“ ?»Ll!V,799 00 S\00 . STUDIO RTA Tech Table (31 *«2)# , „ : ?££ £ — • SALE $99.00 Reg. Si 99 95 ^ SA^ • OMNI „ Dratt.ng Table (30 J )mii4, . Sturdy & -itabtu . SALE $115 00 Reg < . . =>MU %\W lO" * 12" *1 '■ 1( Co'" C°,,eC' 'st'.'oO Tube SALE $39 00 1V' x 18" »1110 1' One Daylight 0e9 1 ube $98 00 SALE $99.00 Taborets Introductory offer N^' SOLID OAK TABORET . , * mliusLiW*' Rag* ‘ SALES150 00 $298 00 SALE $215.00 R« a Hi' J » ’ SALE S75.00 Ofattmg Height * • V, Vih U‘> l> .. Uri- ! 1 H' 1 Re9 $•"' SALE $99 00 I K >tnrii) (f W." Rltt) %' * ' • ‘ SALE $109.00 f ih • L At Our New beautiful solid oak FURNITURE : ' *. , TAB ■ * 36 « 48 J a. " 'V ■!' :11 Brown's breakaway, as the Duck Captain neatly j. i .1 < d a h a i . k h a ti i s hf! through ii is legs fur a i-0 () re go!', lead C. nter Ned U hi!<- made tli>* si. re 40 when he gathered in his miss and heat the goalie ilir< igh tin legs \\ ishmgtun fmaiiv t.based the goose-egg hum its side e.l the scoreboard with six.minutes left in the g.iine uij a wrist shot that beat Balds on his sin k side high Oregon has the weekend oil and two full weeks to prepare in-I ore hosting (lon/aga for two games on Mari h 7 and it DUCKS Continued from Page 8 are playing us “'ll relaxed tlhil everything thev shoo! scums in go tn." Munson said Oregon shot a solid I(> per mil from the field in the first half hut didn't gel much bllen sive help other than from Hence and Patterson The Dui ks' other slarters tomhined lor just eight points in the first Iff) ininuies fresh man Jeff Putter didn't score. : Oil,C. hi U ilh.Ul.s had just two points Sioudamfrc warmed up m the second half, and Keei e ( on tinned h!s strong oflensive j• I.i\. lull I! v\',is tar too late lor the 1) ;; ks Patterson picked up ii i s fourth foul less than a minute into the second half, and v\ ith Potter having to plav tentative Iv inside with lour fouls of his own the Dm ks were powerless to stop Washington State in Side Oregon i.turns to M \rtliur i ,,uri ‘ till without a road \ into r, :‘ . si■ ■ i he Du s', t I heal Past Tennessee State on a neutral court in Japan hack in Dei i illl/er Oregon will hrst trv to upset Arizona lor the third straight season in she Pit Thursday I, fori- l.nttig Arizona State Sun day afternoon. ACCIDENT INJURY GET HELP ON YOUR SIDE A'!' • .'y 1968 UCLA La* Grad James L. Bumpas 687-0908 ***************** § VIDEO GAMES WitTRUT PUBUCUMfT m Vll/W AWtniUKt I m VAUfTMVOmjUA •CA* *■« ToJCMlIT Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651