NEA chiefs ouster called ‘wrong’ I'OK I L A N 1) (Ai'l I'fotnlimfif Oregonians win ,r If, til*' ii''fl'll'.i' (it ijii irk 16 ( on John I'fnhnm.ii i t, the fnnii< i'urUiind ,iliurn«:-> who resigne this vvi-i-k a her *i slutitiv (emit ,ih i haintun of the 1 dosv iih :il lut (he At t S Hi‘|) Mike Kii|■ ’ 1 - > culled i riihntlt.ivcr's l- sign.i iKm "a ri*.iI t raged v hnpetski said fight W i t.)' | I ’ Hi,,.,I pressure-■ front presidrri ti.,1 i andklate l?>il flut Lmin t. Iwlur.d (in' n'sigii.iUtii. "This i I’.it Itiii h.iiiiin run llillg llir t lulled,", ill |c. ills i,[ lie .itl v. hi hi, iind ' think ilA wrung. h- i-i'l Ai s.iii! t.J.iv during .i (atnpaign .i|i|i! i!t .in .inti rl Or rgo n M 111■ r r; t• V gi/t(i‘f .11 f>.iv<* i-ruliruiitivi'r. announce*! his n-signation on I Hn fwii Inrun cntii t/' d strongly by Biiiiiuniiti. who is mounting a r.jtnt'VS mg : ha;i‘ !> . i’ros; (lent nusb fi‘f tin* i'1 (iithlican nation ( onsi*r\ .tli\ «•'. n! < ntii ;/«•>) I ri.hhin.iViT's agtnt v (or sup port of w hat tin' < nt.• s t laim< ■■!.' .! ran t o.inti-r 5si traditional family vafui's. I ll' Orvgoniiin tjuotcil a m.vitc <■ t lost I■ i t! i agi*nt v as say ,1,).; i . ■ r was . ■ ► ■ I tt. icsigii to < mint!It.a h t 1 ;!.; i Mi, ;it t! ii ... I O duvvtntii! for tin Art-. in Gfi'gun, loaders tif the arts i mi silt w liit v sa tii tin \ under si ni the dtlhiuU Mluillion that hud fared !■ rnhnrriaver, svha V. .is blasted '(roili ihr right and eh during itis two and a bait v .its in the post 1 thins .sc sc idni (of lint tii.ils lie s he; n through." said l ox. development liiriH.Uiir In! the On gull SI,ak; '.pc..lean I CSSHVili He said Fri tad dl.lili' tile ires! ill' I (mill You nails hasc to wonder a i S ,ilc:,.! a i It \ , ' ( ns ••a.. I, 'V..:k V.t.'rdrv ext d. i ■ ;thi Mid-Veliev Arts ( oum ii in Sail-in said 1 rohn maser deserved credit tor deal ing horn-stlv with the arts i nm III..loti s let!;!;,: It » vs that r (Jiniiromiws and limits some trincs .in- mu - ssurv Greek week to raise funds tin ' i. s\ ' i.. » !! it'v uirk otig I .ri• i raising i'i ml ' (*. ! Jays i t (.i\ iltg" todav. In benefit the < Stir.i* U- N< tw rk nnd the Salvation Arms , «nlirr >*rim k ■ , .'• : i '■,,!«ir lies ituring ‘:vs ;;. rat si money 'and. clothes lor lilt’ two community phil anthropic organizations Grei k ,). 1Vs ol (,1 vi n>: s different-this year bei aitse it is fiui .i i umpetitive event." s.ii J P,im ii,, N.iiti ri-Nrj.iii. Punhel ten ic < a immunity Srr s ii i* ( h.iir woman U '■ s\ ant : make an impart On I hr community through our con tributions IIv inc i :poraling two m sv ai livitii s this year, tin- >;n .-k svsiem plans to raise close to S'M'OO lor the Chi hirer. '•> Stir.: • • Network N ..: ■ :. \t .lit si..! 'I ■ • inns SIira. Nftw. :k assists Sin re-.! Hear! Hospital in providing vital medical ( .ire and equipment Iren w• \ si>ven ■ ■ k t li.ip !."v. . • their site hens lor (!um. : U '(!:.- .uni donate the monet spent oil the meal to philanthropy Several local restaurants are supporting the gre ss by of fering discounts to those dining in the'campus area Throughout the week chapters will collect ( loth ing from members to he do nated to the Salsation Arnn on Thursday EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS_® Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 100 MRTHOAY GREETINGS HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY GAYLE » >.w t(tt PERSONALS M \4> FRATERNITIES \ljilt.* I'll I « i 11*1 Nliliuul U In •-1 (■'< JV « I * | oll.j-t .1 Ini tl-llu lull ■ ■ 'IUj" 4 ll M‘«l I'll Jll» I l.lllill; **■><» ( < .HAlUt A Id. tf. * . . ■ i .! I y. ' . u . , W ! -Hi I ‘Ml | FRATERNITY MEN f*r j. In a Hjf.J This iVesA' I.F.V.C.! HEY, GREEKS 1 I'tfid l a ■■ i *d if» |he i 51 41<1 .) ^ !• ■ out One ot v'l.if torn)* lot died 4! Ifv* UO tis ill LJKif rnamoHK* V. "'.o >f cl floor o! in* i MU butHj.n; ■ ...,!« 3iH) Or f ee i I rp« lO solid lit 1.* ad tsrin >!f h oil. ' •»•**) 1o u,-« t • s . .. . , h i ' : 1 »'«• » • « i! •‘ I'* pf'- ■*> *y U’ 114.1 Wf v.%■ •" j Jhti »*fv w * ** . J- * i « \ . • ' V 4,3% :f > > «< a r o v, % .<;j < . 4 .. j - .J . r , W hj»« «'*! • ! ' # .3 a < ■ <0 If , jti'wUUno I?'* coil of *0 *'■“ j*» i! or .» . i f>«. !M ., f /v.jj th* i oil it ,.n- »’ [h* !j| (Ve .»i* for l .» ! U tj'-s t. . }>*» ,Ja> If >OU 4 • c .1 .».f . *f1.% :• I'.p J -« 1 J u» 4t w! -5 1 5 - '■ ' :tt’0l form d. and dn. . Hi Oft* < >■%% U>i|)'vr A 144 l Hi*« GKAD »< i Ai l in .1 0 . .• ‘ * ■ * . . *! !»/■-' 1 * « \4b4 . • ! • . ' A Mi ' . . If you hivte *om#fhirvg fo %« you K»¥* *<>m#!H»n<3 to *d¥»Mr»* O0€ CIASSIFIFDS DIAL A TYPIST t a ;t t t vi f ti *. i ( i *. • f, u*i ‘ A ■ ■ I l Til.' . f V . f »■ . l»| . -•<’ • « I ■ < ■ i«4'c {Mile-.- ■ HJI \\ * . ~ *• | 4r,\ i :i *’• , *’»" • t i ;*>' «, „ ..' • -..'V . •¥*. U-M • ■ . • C»H Me a! 14.' MM :•» I HAL I V I % . * • ** i ’ I Ml worn) M l . lAi !'-t •, i .'..IT 4 34 • i i TYPING UNLIMITt 0 II jrlui* I ar.J •" 1 J i 4 .. ! |1 Printed text to computer filet JS C A N N E R Sj 747-4599 smtrnmm*•* 34-1 J i> 10 60S I 1 ith m FOR SALE MSC Natu<«i WcKjd O t* .** v« USBUYORTRAOE ttwy* ft ' >■ '4o_ . usCARSTRUCKS GOVt H'iW NT M i/I 0 . .* «■ % ■ **• - ' 4.. , •• «' -■ *U* SI l/l 0 CAMS ■ • • a 4 * I . . ' *r*. : » M ; ; a a. i * w • m 1 uu> l •: v * M CivaiiBf W*goii ■ ‘ 1 1 1 m MPTORCVCLESSCOOTiaS I ^ - • 1954 Hernia ! id* i» BICYCLES », ,* .4 m*i> » i iko 170 SOUND SYSTEMS m INSTRUMENTS Htck»ntiak«f fh^lhrn Qufttf. *•> *■ ' m ti C~-‘ « -**• ■ - * - ■*' * 'u» i ^ a -•«: it *'r^» - - " hs it-' xi4 - ■; BUYING HOURS »•, u i » . • w s Smilh Family Bookstore mSKIEQUPMEKT wtx a J .. Atrn ■ O * • M». • « J t: O • S IN TRAVEL Sun & Snow A **«.<•> '■»« Co^nt .i.aTiu* » ' hi,/ !i£l4y * t*iV> Ih* I = . Met! »\ n i’ •“ »/ 14' 4 it* 8 a m 0/7 Triw-a fo? 1 j 07 J-W.f l m TRAVEL Utah Apply lor * credit card Fly to U'.»h lor $1?9 round tup Call TODAY" 46'j fi«3Q 205 OPPORTUNfTES A'* you currently or have you ever been involved in an «ii*i racial i eljtionahip? Tammy Hatey i m*r*ld ref>orter it doing a uiory on Kiier /neat reUtK>n*h« Please can 34 L 5511 *nd ask lor Tammy :f you Mould like lo give your »tory Are you interested in BE A PEER ADVISOR j Call your major department or I 2ll I Attention 155 Student* < • < ■ v <' »!') ’ •' HiU MONEY FOR COLLEGE We guarantee It. For free Information call (800) 648-8758 set c ai opvomunity HI HELP WANTED AIRLINES HIRING NOW coordinatorft a'-d volunteer* for j,- J », !;> d-c* ■ try the WM i.«? 103 Cget tor more •-•-to 210 HELP WANTED * *.«* , . Ml M i » r «• ' ' i | dttof m C » •«! of !h* • 'Kt ... •'/*« ['AU v l W{ HAL ■ ' i <•’ i i > f ■ * ,0.1 A m;.; .» «'•-.! (w» ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING c > 4 4 Doonesburv BY GARRY TRUDEAU V ; ,-f ’h: :a^ . r .tow? ,wr um*/ T*r ^3*••,'afi&CH*& - *i*‘ tPLiH ,it ■*?/.'’ HtfitlHi Vt>VA ' cJC4^ H6U7H Jf-COHSOBhCt, <*JCK fine HeY! in fwry nose YOUR .itiJr i flo Does THAT TAK£ W SACK'