Oregon Daily MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24,1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 106 Bill calls for grant increases, excludes direct loan plan j Senate Higher Education Act brings mixed reactions from student lobbyists push ing for financial aid changes By Kirsten Lucas Emerald Reporter Till' 1 ' S Senate li’lsiiill ol the Trail thon/atmn ol the Higher bdiu anon Ac I overwhelmingly approx ed Iasi ;Th;u mI,i\ garnered a; lukewarm .response am.e.g student lobbyists m Oregon and Wa di ington, D (late Inst week However, lobbyists remain optimite about upcoming action on federal ftnan ctal aid in the ' S House ol Representa tives The Higher Idluentu.n \< ;. wlmb sets standards lot federal financial aid ;s :* authorized bv (dingo s everv five wars The Senate hill calls lor an ini ri the maximum amount ol money able through Holt (irants and ex g up I: : stUtJvn! ■■ VV ilo need . d h ! .! u; A: , I r. I s.i : i; However. the Boll (Irani |>r«>s.:: on • ir feiiilv ret i'Hps ,ti:nti.i! t; tj>; ja. : linns. meaning nut every, ne who pia; iiies for grants res eavesthem, in i a..v. i limited amount of iiumi'i is avuihihli OS!, .iiiii t SNA have been. >jis*.:.;: ' Lhahge the i’eii C.i.iii! jii..i::.nn into .... entitlement ■ program l! Il l .% • IS 1’i'il iirant money would . ■ :: i. u i * - available Ui .i;-,\ !>!!«• eligible to res eive it Shah . u,i !i • Win!, il > is* .1 i opposes grant entitlement and I'm -. !• .1 Bush threatened to veto the S*■ n.i(<• hill :! tin *>n!i! Inman! measure was nu ! . I * •> i Another ! * is?* iur students In tin- s, m lull, also dm I.* White !i . 1 •; ; V, as ! hi* r\i i u sn m u! a dm I !i .mis !>:■■ sain Sens I’uul Simon. i> 111 . and David l.)u r* nln tg. r, K Minn . ;> ■ • ;>* si-.i in. niiHiilii .ition to tin' (luaranti i'il Student Lean [in.gram to eliminate hanks from tin- lending process. rn.ik.ng it a t iuun priigrani. ■ < . : ' V . I;: ■ • • - • In i ll lubbv nig along with l SN A and OSI. lor the Simon-Durenborger \i:t partisan issue. Shah said President Bush has definitely made this a partisan Is-.an and that's too had Mi'.'l.ird agreed "It's all sin; k" and mirrors from an education president that doesn't support edut atinn.' she said Despite U'Uite III,:: a . . p p. . s i!., 11; N h a ! I said e-ntitleinent and direct loans will be proposed again in the House 111 Repre sentatives. where strong support is i\ peeled Once the House bill Is approved, the iio use alii! Senate versions a. -:, g i into a i onltirum e o! senators and represent.! lives ril.'V Will merge the two bibs into a 11tiiii version to lie voted on by both houses of Congress Detecting for dollars *a it i :..z t.f t \ % t* n ■ i r.—--’jiai. j ■■■ i ■ —i ■ ■ ' i w ' »«» •' <* . ; ■ ; ;.■ i "■■ r, .-<■ ! ’■ ’ r '■ J> ' 1 • /»>:;* nrlihrtr, ■ ' l ' ■" A v i : .r ! ’’ ■ /: ( ' ; J<*/ •. //«' . ; ’ ' . ;■ • Jt’.'c■ ' ; Hr : ' ■ . ' 1 ! i ' ' I! \ ,1 . X’ f, * ;• 7 < • < V‘ r :• t / Health and safety topics to dominate ASUO winter symposium j Panels and workshops on self de fense, AIDS and eating disorders are just part of this week's activities. By Mandy Baucum t."'I*all Confribut ' Personal Health anil Safetv is the theme of this year s ASUO winter symposium Throughout this week, students and the community are invited In a variety id information i. w< rk.shops lures and panel disr ussions In the p «st. synijiosuuns have been characterized by heated dist ussions over controversial issues, hut (laililin I w ain this veil - events coordinator, has set out to change all that The home arid safety workshop, put on i v the Olfiei of Public Safety, wdi tie extending information on tiuw tu I«■:11-r secure homes against theft or unwanted en train rs OPS direr i..r Carey Drayton said ! t.will be mi general safety ami some uf the things ■ mid to do to minimize our < ham i s of being vu tuns Twain .1 Iso wants to rea< h women vvhu want to l*■ *r11 Hloru about protei ting themselves against assault It\ hosting tiif self-defense workshop taught In Cut Vi : sit', ins!: in.tor Nail 1,1 Telsev. i want llu[ es to pnn idi a group of women with tin’ opportunity to learn horn her Telsev \ teai Jiing style appro.u lies delense from an awareness point o’ va n and eiuphas./es |f-if, tense from the inside out Despite f'w.itn's effort to eliminate umlfoversial is sues, she fell It tiei essary to ifli lade a its Sure given In Planned Parenthood on Current Issues and Keprodm five Rights I didn’t feel the svnipusiuin would he complete V. Wl linen's Sssllfs. 1 W .11)1 •• ini lici smse reprodur live ri11!h issues .ire .i iiin-.it to w i sou's -!y .mi tli-.illli. Twiliri felt justified ill 111 i hiding tin- lecture Letting j.i Ljjilt! know whom tin", i .in turn to in .1 hunt ’ rri-.i-. is .mother issue Tw.nri leeis is import.nit I!\ p.,:img t. 'pettier ,i res,nine (.life i oiise.ttllg of .ihoul to H ,i| groups, she wants to give people ,i (hence to see the .isse.t.ioi e thev h.ive .It ( ess to It'-, illllil/ing the henefits we i ,m fistp it We just know Il.lt's :..it there, 1 w.llll s.llll I he AIDS Prevention Teen The,tier is .mother ol the in,my groups th.it '.‘.ill he .it tie symposium The Teen ; he.iter is open to .ill I'.ugoiie high school sluiienls hut now i (insists mostly of South lingerie High School stu dents !•-*• to HEALTH P ep-3 ACTING! Acting students say they • are taking to the stage for love, not money < See STAGE, Page 5 NUCLEAR DANGERS A University assistant professor in a Friday j speech traced the hazardous history of the Hanford nuclear facility See HANFORD, Page 3 i WEET HOME? The Oregon women's basketball team lost its fifth home game in a row Saturday Sec ttOOPS. Page 9