Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 21, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    Civil War opens softball season
By Jayson Jacoby
Er-x-f.u! Sports Reports'
Tho Oregon softball team
will open Us 1992 season with
a bang Saturday afternoon, tak
ing on Oregon State in .1 Civil
War contest scheduled fur 1
p m at Howe Hold
Tho Ducks, tied for 20th in
the preseason NCAA rankings,
return 10 lottorwinncrs from
last year's 29-2'! team than fin
ished fifth in the Pacifn It)
Conference with a -t lti record
Oregon coach Taml Brown
will be counting on four return
ing seniors to provide;.offensive
punch as well as leadership
The Ducks are a voung team,
with seven .fresh-men and seven
sophomores joining the four se
Oregon's top returnee is se
nlor shortstop him Manning,
who set <1 school record with
six home runs .1 year ago 'The
: adomlr Ali Amrri. .in also hi!
at a solid .104 Hip
True t'v Simmons, .mother re
turning senior and an all-con
lerence flick lust season at
catcher, hit 25.fi with 12 hits
and 11 doubles in 1491. and
joins first baseman Anna Poore
l :)Vi i-i Kill) and outfielder
Mamie M l ill ( I 17. At. hits) as
the team's other most expert
eni ed players
Oregon also has some exc el
lent young players who have
extensive intercollegiate expert
Sophomore c atcher and out
fielder Laura Schmidt, an all
league player last year; hit 112
with 12 KB! And lei low sopho
more Kac hello fay lor, who
compiled a 12 1.1 pitching re
cord with a 115 LKA last year,
will be looked upon to provide
a lot of the burling duties
Another returning sopho
rr. ore p 11 i h e r is \ .11.1 s h .1
Dumiiski. who was 9 H m 1941
vs ilh .1 1 79 l.'K A
Brown, who has .1 *>4-52 re
ami entering her third sr.ivon
■it Oregon. said tin1 1992 thicks
need to avoid some of the un
forced mistakes of hist vtHir’s
We need to (day as .1 temn
,md not he.it ourselves like we
did hist veur." Brown said
Teams are going to have to
heal us II we jilav to our poten
tial. we re going to he a lough
After Saturday s home game,
the Dm ks start more than two
weeks of road games with an
appeurunce at the l.NS.V tour
nament in Las Vegas. Niiv Ore
goo's first game in the 11 -team
tournament wInch ini hides
five ranked squads will he
against the host Rebels at 10
a lie Trniev. Nov 2H
Cold Ducks take on Huskies this weekend
By Doug Carter
Emerald Contributor
A lot can happen in a short time, ami although
till! Oregon club hex key team lias not played lor
long, the players have decided to i hangc their
philosophy concerning ice time
The decision, made Monday night during a
team meeting, will go Into effect this weekend
when the Cold Duc ks host league rival Washing
ton for two games at I.ane County lc e on Saturday
at (> p.m and Sunday at H) a m
Hut Oregon's new philosophy is ai tually not
new at all Rather, it is a reversion bac k to the
poll! v installed at the beginning ol this year
When head coach Mike Sobol sti p| i 1 h
January, bis philosophy of playing a limited nuttt
her of lines was c hanged by new coac b V me
Peters' policy was to skate exi-ry! -C .■ , .a!
amount of ice time every game I lie Du ss re
spondee! positively in his i o.ic lung debut. im|
sively sweeping the California Culden it. irs m
two games
Hut the lolloyy mg weekend, Oregon welcomed
San Jose State to tow n and j I■ l more like a gra
cious host than a determined ho. key team The
Dm ks yvi :.t; iy> I and it. to ' id during the
two games
Subpar pi'rformuns us sm h us these lend to
magnify themselves when a given group of mill
vtduals is given a lot of tune to think about thorn
And during the last throe weeks of idleness, the
Ducks have hung up their h e skates and dusted
off their thinking tuques
It was Monday night that the Dm ks dei ided to
return to the disi mutilating ice time philosophy
Oregon will play three lines ol forwards lor most
of the game rather than the four lines that have
shared ice time since Peters took the helm
"When Peters < ame in. the players kind of let it
go, to ease the transition a little." captain Scott
Hrown said "Kverybodv who spoke up was in fa
\ or of the i flange Hut at the same time, it gets dif
ficult to revert bark (Some guvs) can't help but
have some hard feelings (about the dei isioti!
The Due ks are going to have play hx . d hm k
. :f they want to have fun against t! ■ Mu k; a
teim that has already beat them twee the- year
ar.d has a 10-J rel ord second best in til Hoi key
W i st League
Bn m il say s fans can evpei I a phy .. al game on
i’hev come out to Intimidate. Brown said ol
til Huskies "Lust time we played I .; t hit U lure
s was even .ir .pped
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