Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 21, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    W• will bi i« ♦ K• {MU
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Oregon burned by Sun Devils, 89-76
By Jake Berg
!l w.e- t!.i m i dm! had !•!■:•
Ari/.unu st.,ti \ i sp: .■..mi tout
Hul when it did. Ih»- C >n
women's ii.i skelba! I I'M tit wus
the Dili! In got st urt hot)
Tlit- S in Bowls, fueled Iiy .1
]<l H run .thill started tin- si i Dri'l
half. pit ked up .1 !• / HU 7li Pn
i liit ID (.i/ufi ti :.(i- w .1, l tiurs
■ i.iv night over ()rt ui .it Mi Ar
thur (kiurl
I hr ins',, tIii Bui k■ |i .1;th in
.i -D.s u! Mii ( i-..tt :■: ;>; ■ i
Oregon to I t lt iivera!! nr. : V7
in tin- I’m 10
it seemed tli.it noti:ir.g would
go'right lor tin' Bm ks I burs
das They finished witii til
t.iri, >>i-rs, in uiu -i.iv. 7 1 <•! »*•!
field go ds (17 5 perienl). and
h-i-l ()t< gi i point gu.itd Vanes
s.i Si Mi ii twit 1 nut with 10.42
still loll in tlio game
Oregon t ii.it It Br.siu Heins
s.nii losing tin- team s Hour gen
or.il w.is a turning point m the
I notes!
V mil ss.i's ai !V 1 Ii I ite 111. Itei V
hurt us. Hems s,i,,i He.ills
no one steppied in and took
user sslien sutnt m .. ..ills
t orlainls , no players look
rontrol id the game, though
Misss Stosvell d;d her tr -.! to
get the team going It seemed a
futile battle
Stosvell finished with a team
high 1H points, as si, Ini '» of ii
sliots front thrw-point land
I.arty in the firs! hall ss llh Or
egun trailing 17 f>. 1 ss Stosvell
tress uimhilu-d ss ills a pair id
Seidell jumpers put the Bulks
in the driver's seat and gave
them the lead, lb-IS After tiu
memus exchanges of leads.
Debbie Sport lib s two free
throws gave Oregon Its last lead
of the game, 7 0 27
^ ►'N.tfo t>|
Oregon s Cindy Murphy looks up lor a lay in during the Ducks 89-76
loss to Arizona Stale Thursday at Mac Court
1 <.i S v\ ho i t .tiii have guessed
that Y\ is lllc Ducks Iasi la,ill
then ' M.ul r An/,1.ila SI.ill- lull
il, because something 111 a lire
uruicr ihe Sun Devils' tailpipe,
and ihen lhe\ Yvere the ones
I'at k behind the Y\ heel
Ari/tma Male took oil on a
1' J blast lhat roi keled the Sun
Devils ahead. -i.t H Oregon
ltdl the court al intermission
trailing 47-38
The good things didn't slop
there lor Arizona State, either
The Sun Devils burled Oregon
with .mother Imrrage of points,
starting the half by outscoring
the Dunks 2:i-10 lor a 70-4H
The Sim Devils soon took
their biggest lead of the game
7.150 and with it. a sure
win, only their seam'd triumph
in the last nine meetings be
tween the schools The victors
also marked the first time Ari
zona State had ever won at Nlai
Court in the teams seven pie
v unis matchups
Oregon won the last meeting
7H-72 at Tempo, and Heiny said
that may have been the eontrih
tiling factor to Thursday ’s loss
It's always been One of the
worst things trying to get a
team up for a team they ve al
ready beaten," Heim said "1
think we were a little overrun
fident in the game
One positive aspect of the
game for Oregon was ihe return
ot Sporcich to the starting line
up The sophomore forward
played in her iirst game at Mac
Court since Dei 2B. when a
loot injury sidelined her lor the
!irst half ol the Pa< - it) season
Sport ii h, who grabbed Hi re
hounds and scored six points,
was pleased with the start, hut
she said her homecoming could
have been better
1 just wish we would have
won. Spun ich said
The Ducks get their nr\t
chance to do just that Saturday
night when Arizona pay s a 7:.i()
yisit to Mu Court Sporcich
hopes tin* Dm ks are more pre
pared for the Wildcats
"Hopefully it'll lie a whole
different team out there that
wants to win," Sporcich said
Heiny said the Dui ks still
Inn e a ( ham e of making a post
season tournament
We just have to win the rest
of our games,” Heiny said
’Dawg days continue for Oregon in 71-55 loss
By Dave Charbonneau
( rr^vakl Six/ts Hop
Onion's game with Wash
ingtnn Thursday was a game of
streaks, unci when it w.is .ill
over the* men s basketball
team's road losing streak was
extended as the* Huskies top
pled the Ducks, 71T>f> at Hoc
Kdmundson Pavilion
The loss was Oregon s sixth
mad loss in a row, and ii was
their l()lh loss in 11 games
Washington, whn needed a
is in almost as bad as the Du( ks.
stormed out id tin gate with a
7 0 stn'ak and led 0 7 Oregon
( atilt) baik vs iih a ' 0 run of ils
own to knot up the si ore
Not to in- outdone, tile Hus
kies retaliated with seven more
ot their ovs n and led 111-11 hall
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w 8) through tin- first liulf
Washington's work, on the
fjti.irii•> proved !o hr ihu dtfler
cmc .it the start us it had six of
fendive rebounds compared to
Ini' rebounds total for the
Due ks in the first 10 minutes of
the game
"They kicked us pretty hard
on the hoards tonight. Oregon
i ii.ii ii I).m Munson said
Oregon rut the Husky lead to
tour, hut Washington went on
set .mother 7-t) spurt to finish
the hrst half up JO-l'.l
The woes continued for the
Dill ks 111 the sei ond halt
Oregon svus able to i u! the
lead to eight earls ill the half,
hut the Huskies would not al
hiss the Die. ks to get any closer
Washington forward (.hand
ler Nairn who Is averaging
five points .1 game finished
Oregon off for good svith an
eight-point run of ins osvn, in
i liniing two three-pointers and
a dunk Nairn finished the
game svitli I t points and his
spree put the Huskies up 5610
From there Washington built
the lead up to as nun h as JO as
Munson cleared the Oregon
The big story of the game ss is
Oregon's lug gun Antoine
Stoudamire posting a season
low 10 points
Monsotl questioned whether
St. dam ire u w up for the
"Hi! never really got started,"
Monsun said "! don't think lie
was really ready to (day to
It wasn't only Stoud.imire
who had problems getting up
for the game
"It was just offensive inept
ness. Munson added "No one
seemed into the game It might
hav e been bet ause of the i rowd
(which was announced at
2,220), hut that shouldn't have
anything to do w ith it
On a bright note, Oregon t en
ter Chuck Patterson had a
strong game with 12 points and
five rebounds, leading all Duck
scorers Freshmen Johnnie
Reece and Jeff Potter stored 11
and nine, respectively, but
Munson pointed out their
games still need a lot of work
" I hese younger freshmen
just keep making the same mis
takes," he said "It's enough to
dm e \ ou up a tree "
Guard James French had 13
for the Huskies, and t enter
Rich Manning added 12 points
and seven rebounds
The loss dropped the Uui ks
to 2-10 in the Pacific-10 Confer
ent e and fi-15 overall
Washington moves to 4-a in
the Pac-ll) anti 11-12 overall.
Oregon will face Washington
State Saturday at F'riel Court in