Students name Grammy choices { By M;ng Rodrigues Errwatd Contributor It's thut timo of tin’ vi'.ir again, when tin’ music industry's most prestigious honors are given out From a series ol network TV taped specials in the 1 (i(i()s culled "The Best on Re< ord." to today's live telecasts now seen in HO countries, int hiding the first broadcast to this year's la newly inde pendentrepublics in the lormer S.-s let Union, the Grammy Awards continues to break new ground In global appeal " This is an important step in our goal to bring the Grammys and the best in recorded ttuisti to tile world," saidMichael Greene. president o( the National Academy ol Recording Arts ,1, N, tent es. in a press statement "As the universal language, music bridges cultures and creates .1 better under standing among friends and foes alike, and we are extremely excited to now have the entire Fastern Bloc as part of the Gramms netw ork Nominations for the i-lth Annual'Grammy Awards again cover a wide spectrum,.ol.'record ings, with nearly -lot) nominations in ~H different 1 atogorlos Among the uesv Grammy categories this sear is Best R01 k Song, w ith nominations going to Jane's Addiction's "Been Vaught Stealing." Bryan Ad ams’ "Can’t Stop fhis Thing He Started," Metallic.i s "Filter Sandman,'' Toni Pettys "Learning to Flv. " Qtieensrvi he's Silent Fur i ditv," and Sling's "Soul Cages ” Traditional Pop I’erlorniani e. another new cat egory, debuted with nominations for Harry Connuk Jr, Johnns Mathis, Diane Schuur, Nata lie Colo, and Barbra Streisand Fuel) sear, there .ire some outstanding nomi nees K !-. M tops tlie list The band is in line tor ses en Grammy nominations including Record, Al bum and Song of the Year Giving the hand a run for the awards are Brs an Adams with mv nominations Itonnle Kaitt and Dim- (irusin with five each. ami Amy (.tan! ami Natalie ('oli? with four nominations cat ii Coles retordinal have also earned seven additional nominations in producing. arranging, engineering ami sungvvriling categories ( tile. Grant and Haiti are also contenders for the -Record and Allium of The Year award The ti.000 voting members of the Academy are not the only ones rooting fur who thev think are the best In the business Tills campus has quite a bit to sa\ about the nonnnts-s as well KT. M gut a lot uf votes here lor what main -de fined as their thinking music ami prov-a alive videos "There's no duiibt that K K S' would win tin* Record and Album of 1'be Year, sophomore bin Tiniev said "Their songs make you think, there are no silly or spacev lyrics. and their whole im age makes a kind of karmic statement that's really ctxil The era of crixiners ami romance seem to tnak ing a big coinehm k too Natalie Carle and Harry ( unnick Jr were popular < lion es in this s ategory "They capture the kind of sweeping romance and emotional grandeur that typified the ballads of the ’50* and (>0s you don't get in to day's music now." senior Tracy Peters sard Bonnie Rail! Was commended fur her middle Amerit a sound " w hile Amy Grant didn't get too many votes for her new. pop-artist transition from Ghnstinn music artist "She just sounds too iltiflv and generic,' soph omore Cindy .is said i think 1 preferred her the wav she w as. though 1 give her i red It lor ven turing into new ground Idle Grammy Awards Show hosted hv Whoopi t.oldlj- :g will In- tele- i .! live In ", Radio ( .its Music hall m New York T-. - lay ! eh c from H to 1 1 p rn KS I I 1 I I I I SINGERS Continued from Page 6 tor University students. S17 tor the general public) are available at the EMU Main Desk Coekburn's most recent re lease, Nothinn Hut ./ Burning Unlit is the latest in nearly two decodes of writing, recording and touring with his blend of Iolk, blues influenced rock and jazz Coekburn is also .1 srx 1.1I .11 ■ tivist, working on behall of American Indian rights lor whii h in1 has appeared at bene Ills in Canada ami the W S In addition, his interest extends to Central American political is sees and environmental vat ion His music reflects these in fluimces, esper ialiy in songs like Radium Rain." based on the nuclear disaster at Cher nobyl, "II .1 Tree I alls." a song Starting e Feb. 8th SKI EQUIPMENT 20% Off • Rossignol • KS •Olin »Elan •Salomon -Marker • Nordica ALL SKI CLOTHING 30% Off • North Face • CB • Roffe • Columbia Ski Accessories 20% Off HARVKY FOX'! ARSONS opom r irwcj ooaoi SALEM • ALBANY • CORVALLIS • tUGf HE 199 W. 8th, Eugene 484-7344 Advertise m the Emerald uIkhiI rainlurcst depletion. and Kit Cnrscm.' a *>tiiij4 which ad dresses injuHtlt i's against Ann-r lean Inti tans (sukhum* musii has earned him 10 Juno Award.. tin1 (‘.ana dun equivalent (i! thi' titiimm\ Award, j-. w i ll is Holland's I d Ison Award Appearing with (.oikhurn is Virgin Kei urds new .mist. Sam Phillips. who just released her second record. (rue/ llivrtl in iris i h* i i Km 10% OFF ANYTHING! AT I IN THE STORE ■ Regular v or sale t Price 1 POSTERS CD'S CLOTHING 57 W Broadway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall SHOES j CARDS j GIFTS ■ c Language & Ways of mxmnnicating u Sat., Feb. 22 12-1 p.m. General Book Dept Ages 3-8 UO BOOKSTORE 1JTM * KINCAID. OPEN MON. - SAT.. PH. 14643)1 There are probably lots of things you would rather do than study. So... shut^P and Dance One thing is certain: At this stage of the game, it’s better to twist than shout. Save an endangered species. . party A"”1'"' Guido-4 an 13th & Aide*. Tuesday - 25 cent night Wednesday - Hump night Sunday - Ladies night