r CALENDAR BLOWOUT 1 i I A I I 25% OFF ALL 1992 CALENDARS a 150 kinds to ! choose from L -x— — Lazar’s Bazar 57 W Broadway • 687-0139 v 957 Willamette St. (Downtown Mall) ■ Hi m Hi Hi < « X— TREK. The All-Terrain Advantage Wlulr c \ i j \ . <(w u if \ my » I rnl .l> llif rit Ink-, in i!■> i !.»■ • \r« l ll»* I S iii-mIi* Iniinli *! J Aluminum fiame r up lu lighter au■ I I 't viiff«** titan iicrl < iff tin . 'iiU *1 quality. Aixi |tr(foliumc ■,■ *i <1. -.rt vf Huy ill- I */*>* lick <4 * *) M Mini am Bike lx tin latrtt in Im >. k ir* ln». 4 t \ 1 (hi U. .1 in ft»rCHfl>. i n* ‘V*, loilf *• ahl- -.miu -I fl In l • *11 H*t C ‘\i K' N!**|> I ugr tie's hrk In* ill. 4* a lei TREK 6000 $499.95 IREK usa \ ir.i.h:. n l‘> fft- w-.'fniJ irn it t fot mr r < S syury. Mm Sut Yam Spin HOP 1503* .U2-4X7K • Ml K. Illh \vr. <«t I lilt Si H*i« ju>»I VN ili^rttrllr ENTERTAINMENT PhcXo t>y Coo^tn y Singer songwriters Robyn Hitchcock (left) and Bruce Cockburn will perform in Eugene back to back next week Hitchcock will appear with The Egyptians at the EMU Ballroom Feb. 24 Cockburn will appear at tho Eugene Hilton Ballroom Feb 25 Cockburn, Hitchcock play Eugene By Meg Dedolph • i : : - " : .• ,i Bruce Cockburn and Robyn Hitchcock and liif Rgyptians, two |ii dormers whose mush h.is been described as delving classification w ill (s' performing m liugene next wo rk i M 11i.• r. National Music < ’.oordmatur for tlii* I'AIU Cultural l-orum. said these two per lor ini'rs were < Iiomti with the Unis iTsily s di \( to population in mind I try to bring forth to the community and . Diversity till' lies! mii‘,11 wt can. Millt»r said, adding that both performers were stellar art ists in their respet live fields Robyn Milt.hi o k and the l.gvptiuns w ill tie appearing in the I.Ml Ballroom I'eb J-i at H pm I'li kets lor this pertormani e Sll for students. SI i lor the general public are .11 aiiahle at the I,Ml Main Desk Hiti hcock is a popular performer on college radio and has a solid and diverse following among students. Mi tier said Hie people who go (to liitchi oik's perfor mam e) arc going to know all his work by heart, Miller said Hitt I; k ~»\i,d\ Metmdfi and Moms Wind Me ('! tie Igyptiansi have played together on and oil since the late '70s. first as a group (.died the Soil Bovs, and have made music id lrn hard to classily duo to the liter,irv aspect of lliti 1h im k's w hose writing hits boon 11k ened to Nol-1 Coward as well as John Lennon The trio's newest album. I’cmpiw Island is their third release on the A ik M label. Hitch i rack i alls it his first '"adult” record her arise it doesn’t put anything in terms of insects, sea food and vegetation It's not seeing life through the s< icncediction filter that small hoys like to use, Hitchcock said Perspex, Hitchcock said, is the English term fur Plexiglas, and was used in World War II fighter cockpits In Kngland vou r an buy these little Perspex paperweights with a sea horse or something like that inside ol them," he said. Hitchcock described his songwriting on /Vrx/iry Island, saving, "II you believe that mush is a form of magir and a form of impre cation which I've always believed, well my songs used to lx- curses Now, they're pray ers Matthew Sweet, another singer popular on college radio, will open for Hitchcock. Miller said Canadian singer-songwriter Unite Clock burn will lx1 bringing Ins music to the Eugene Hil ton Ballroom Feb 25 at HOC) p tn Pickets (S15 Turn to SINGERS Page 7 NEW LOCATION Come see us at our new location on 19th £> Agate (behind the Hair Loft). Whether you're looking for a quick burger & fries or a cozy place for a relaxing dinner. Bubba s Barbecue & Grill is the place to be. Now serving beer, wine t> espresso 1461 % 6.19th 343-2B95 OFF any full j order of fries • Expires 3/20/92 | Bubba’s .JLR1ELULL--LJ CAF?lATTil w/ purchase of any I Sandwich except chicken I Exp.res 3,20/92 1 Bubba’s BARBECUE 6 CRILlJ Recycle ttii.#’ paper . Kmomid ( 50 % OFF At Over 2000 Hotels & Condos A In ovrt 4< *) » tl its tti I hr U S ( nu.til.t anti Mexico. t'p to 50* oil ltMM) rn.itM*s Dis- ouiiIh on i.u trntaK A An larr! i i^ht Uu k with «»ui mk iiiIk i ship i.hI.iv' I oi nnut* info soul SASK to ( l.ril AMI IUTANA* p (> hox :m;74 Ku*(car ON il74t)s‘i (MI74 FREE $250 GIKT CHECK For Ui Vega* AllanlU t'itjr l)UnfyUn4. l>lane pw arid Hrno Hawaii 01 lak* Tahoe with rai h membership ONLY &4W Wl • * J Mil ( £. 1 f*«i M*«iti