Marijuana-growing light equipment stolen By Bob Walter 1 rrtwakl Contribute < A Eugene garden store' the subject of .i major Drug Enforcement Agency investiga tion last vear was broken into Monday night Thieves reportedly made off with enough high-intensity electrical lighting equipment to set up a sizable marijuana growing operation William La I’ella. manager ot the Ruin or Shine Center at 880 U Sixth Ave , told police that nearly SH.000 worth of property was missing, including hlgh-tn lenstty halide hulhs and the ballasts that go with them, nearly 100 Vltalite fl uores cent bulbs, a stereo1 ■■■'receiver, two high-power microscopes and a telescope Idle burglars also took i ! f> pairs Cif sun glasses, alone worth more than ST.000, according to La I’ella Lugetic narcot ic s detec tiv e Thad Buchanan said lie esli mates the amount of lighting equipment taken is soffit lent to cultivate 100 plants, which could yield approximately 25 pounds of marijuana worth $.’1,000 to S4.000 per pound at wholesale prices Authorities say tie re are lew legitimate uses for these lights because of the t ost arid expense of running them They are type taliy found in indoor mari|ua na growing operations "The thiexes licit only saved the price of the equipments ItIichunan said 1 hey also avoided the suspicion of being seen buying it Michael } Sandsness. who i o owns the store yvith his \y tie Christine' is scheduled to lie senienc I d l ei) ..’i>'on'.charges of interstate distribution ot drug paraphernalia Sandsness and a former Haiti or Shine salesman yyere arrest • si last February after an exteii sive investigation of local man iiiana gruyvofs led authorities to the company as supplier of the h igh ■ i nt erisi t y lights m.irvv growers were using I'ite 1>KA agents were .title to locate even more growers h\ using Ruin or Shine s biistness records to track down hovers • I the equipment The case was dropped from leiieral to state courts w hen t: 'women pleaded guilts to lie' charge in Deceintxu They now tarot up to a \ ear in prison lire Sanilsnt'sses. who live : Vancouver Wash . also own-a similar store in Portland Both establishment* are operated art tier the name til Christine it, terprises Ini At the time of the arrest in vestigators reported that hank rn ords showed company de p. e.i Is ol si ,M mi lllon ill t 'eld mostly in cash Rain of Shine was allowed to stay in business after the arrests on the condition that the com Anti-Measure 5 lawsuit argued SALEM. On-. (A1 >) Oregon Tax Court Judge Curl Byers is weighing u case in which foes of Measure 5 argue it should fie nidified as breaching constitu tional rights of due process Byers heard arguments Wednesday in a lawsuit filed In some I’ortland-ureu taxpay ers against the initl.ilive meas ure passed by voters in Novem ber 1990 The measure “reduces the taxes oi some people .it the ex pense of others," Duane Bos worth, lawyer for the plaintiffs, told Byers Attorneys on the other side argued the measure doesn't make anyone pay more taxes and aims to equalize the bur den The lawsuit contends the measure violates the equal pro tection provisions of the U S Constitution's 11th Amend ment The argument is aimed at a provision for reducing taxes in a taxing unit when necessary to comply with the limits 1 he provision says percentages used to reduce taxes "may vary from property to properly with in the same taxing unit The plaintiffs claim that some property owners might pay more taxes than others for the same servicers, even though the properties have the same value ‘The purpose of Measure 5 is to reduce some people’s taxes and put it on someone else/ Duane Bosworth "Thu purpose of Measure f> is lo reduce some people's taxes and pul tl on someone rise." Dosworth said The measure. whi( I) took ef fri I last July, limited total prop ertv tax rates fur local govern merits to Sit) per SI.000 of val ue I'he ce .1 mg on si hoot ta x rates started at S 1 r> per S 1,000 and tier lines to S'> per SI,000 by HM5 Joseph Lurunge. an assistant state attorney general, dtdended the measure on several grounds, including that voters intended lo distribute revenue loss from the tax limit propor tionately among the affected lo cal governments Laronge represents the state Revenue Department, which is the defendant to the lawsuit He also said courts gixe great deferent e to measures up proved by ihc voters ami t! .t such measures are presumed to in; constitutional people have a right to set a (etiu)}' on the total amounts i t property taxes a person should pay. l.aronge said Boswurth said the sole pur pose of the measure is to re (hu e taxes fur some people and that there is no external pur pose, stud) as giv ing lax breaks to farm land owners l.regorv liyrne. a lawyer tor two sponsors of Measure e told Byers the I'S Supreme (amrt hits not required precise equality in taxation" in inter preting equal protei lion righls liyrne, who represents Don Mr I n t i re of (I r e s h a m and Thomas Dennehy of 1‘ortlunil. said the measure hasn't mist'd any one’s taxes Beaverton attorney Henry Kane, who intervened In the lawsuit on behalf of himself, said the p I a t nt i f fs haven't shown any actual harm and merely "complain that they pay more than someone else Being treated unfairly is part of property taxation.' Kane said "The fat t that some body pays .1 little less is a fat ! of life " Bosworth said the plaintiffs aren't part of any groups but are "individuals concerned about 1) poorly i tint eiv ed initia liv e measure Buy 2 Used Records or Tapes and Get One FREE or $1.50 OFF any Compact Disc (One Coupon Per Cu»tomer Per Utty) ’(Free used record or tape of equal or lesser value) We pay cash for used Records, Tapes & CDs HappyJTfails 361 E. 13th • 485-5351 Expire* 2/7/92 Biikeniiock I Treat your favorite shoes to a tune-up. — • Repair worn heels — • Replace suede ► liners ^ • Rebuild & seal cork — • Replace worn soles We Oder a complete, in-house Birkenstock repair & resole service I h <■ B i r k «“ n s I o < k Eugene • 5th Street Public Market • 342-6107 • Da i/ 10-6 ; ,un i sniprtali' authorities to assure that nuni' of in equip n • : w .s used in nr.'H nuirijua hi llutli Sanilsivtv.s ami the s .desman ha\e }>«■<■ n her, pend tng sentencing : !;«■ bun . os \1. iiiiiiv ap par cntiv i ll!' : ' .I the slum by kn k log nut .1 ji.incl ori the garage ilour ut tin- mar nt tin' building a St ■ •; mm. ■ v bom a : • ',il. !’, !r r. ; i, i: (nil that tin- Ihn". •••■ wen- tit. il !<■ in pr> tijii'n the garage dour hum the . . ■ I. ■ and li i.i In take the pri >p eriy out through an upstairs door I’ulil !• mpurtrd drills iM't. taken It-i'ait throughout tin stum, and that some things that had boon gaillrri'i! Iugrthrl near thr garage door w m left behind l.a Pella says losses were insured police have no suspei N nr Witnesses CHECK CASHING at the uo Bookstore S exclusively'a ADULT IV'c.ium' u d.vsn 'i h.iw 10 lv dirt v 10 U ! I hr arru'*' IjracM •-«-!«•» i ion of vni't 111 y vmix vs, \\)\ s (ill I S & IK)OKS tor the dUv rming .idult 1 A 7 26-7 104 V •• ■ " • Vi r7\_ S|l\ [ USTAL \ II I l lil.u U niiurn.ikci s & ,u t<« s (luring' MACK IIISTOHY MONTH Mm it ■lun^U hin t I Shut 1008 FRANKLIN OLVD Nu»t to 7 11 on V ifii) 344-2691 CLEARANCE SALE ON ALL 1991 MODELS =■31 Come in to register for our monthly drawing and check the weekly specials! 1340 Willamette 687-0288 T"gERMAN AUTO J SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volks wagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Ulvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 •r 1 TKIUMFIIANTI out or rur ycam n Most ntoVCK.ATIVK rim#1 u«b«u« tlupjKft Is ?yji*Ai cii « nnunLroia i tu ismL ^'rtk} . 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