Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 21, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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IFC funds eight more groups
By Karen Engels
Errv^f a \ci ,Ro;> ' * or
The !n( i dental Fit Comimtin' allot alee
1' i * * J >n budgets to eight campus group', this
vork. giving increases to three and zero-fundhq.
At Wednesday s meeting, the il-’U allocated the
ASI C) Child Care Subsidy 5HU1.7H) after niori
th.uv an hour of discussion anti testimony from
parents and organizers Thu il l voted (i t) in fa
\ or of liie allocation
I he group then voted VI in favor of t reating an
additional reserve account of 525.000 to hi' re
questeti by the group; next vear if needed
if this 525.000 is not used by winter I >)'i t n
will roll hack into IbC surplus lunds "1 he group
will learn by then whether it will receive govern
ment funds The total $21.1.710 allot a led rellei
an H percent intfease oyer the 100!-‘12 budget
The I it: then allocated tile group SlHt.,10 for
this year and approved a special request ol
S10, "1)0 in December
i’anhellonn Council ret l ived an allocation ol
> '.Hii'l. a 1. percent increase over this y eard
S " .012 Lydia hernia, II I t hairvvoinan, raised
questions about the 5*10 tee the group charges t.a
rash, saving it luniletl at < ess panhellenit repre
senlatives said the rush lee can hr waived, il re
quested Thu IPC approved the budget increase
The ASlfO ret ommcndrd $7 umu ha Panhelh-n
u, a -i 1 pen t nl decrease Iroiti the 1*102 03 budg
1 he Jew ish Student Union received an allot a
lion oi 53,102, reflet ling a ! 2 pert ent decrease
over tins year’s budget ol $1,2 )7 Thu motion
passed 5-0
The I1C voted -i 1 not to hind the Students tut
i ruled Nations, a first-year group requesting
In addition to student group budgets, the lit.
approved one spin mi request and denied another
Ihe Sister University Project requested $2,100
to send three representatives to tilt University id
hi Salvador to reaffirm the sister relationship and
find out ITS s concrete needs i'hu III voted
5-1 against funding the project on tins basis id
light surplus hinds and a priority to fund campus
groups m it conferences and Snivel I
\ iikiu' in .ill iH .j! s - s l .gun it I\n Killed by I
i lie l.eslii.m, (lav and llisevu.il A ll.tance in ll.ii
. u with VlbX'.lvA .md She romance langiiag. •• de
partnmnl made I spei la! :• I'JUt .! 11! $I 100 to
till in; a speaker to i .ilhpir. So p. ,k on ,mv and
|, stn.iii themes in 1 atm Am : it an literature 1 he
request was tallied t. t) u tth a i ip ot V»00 until
lurther information imild be presented haler in
the meeting. tin request was: lesuhmitte,! lor
MUM Idle lit: voted rt *0 to illlm ate ShUII
Tuesday. the IH alien a ted funds t ■ i live student
14 roups
I he Oregon Mars lung Itaml re., .-o . I s ' (. t<i*i. a
percent decrease over its HPH 11„! budge! ol
■S a i. I ()SfI) reipie i .Sit.' III’.
The lit! increased t 'ni verst! V I he iter \ ! ‘log >i I
budget to Sl'UeiO up H) peri ent limn Sir.>100
this \ear I he increase will enable the tie iter to
keep the cost ol student til kits dou :
1'he loiinuil nt t in ninunrnt.il f un and /./tigu
lion didn't fare as well The group took a 19 per
cent cut. receiving 5.!,07tt, down ft :n Sg at. ' last
The University tlrisis t enter was al mated
SIT t'K), a slight decrease irorn the 1 'Cl t ug hudg
et ol S14d%
The Associated Students tor Historic I’reserva
(con jet l ived a SggU allocation an It t pen ent de
crease over this year's Sg-10
Ml ETiNu-S
(.n«k» A^amtl Kapr w. S .. day
night at ? in YMV lavj.tr H- >ni E
Mudi-nl f in uutumutal K«>rum •* «:«
■ day at 1.: Mi p rfi in K in '. .mimnn
lh-; . . \ :.,14 v% .. : -«v H«*j ('■'fd \u -oaf
VS.iiu Yuuft ' '*■• :<* V ■*.««■ yu-i.'i f
Mi u an Mud>«»l* \ u! h>n *% *
1 'lay at <t Mj p .'ti if. K m 1 Sii Straub
mi son .lankoj s
A Mountain bike tootk |iai1> »*■ <**
plat ts Satu/day at M a m at die Air.a/ >:i
I’j. Lvsjy w f *y (futtl Ma// * Ti n w :t
party i* >{Kjfi*« f«?«S by the (K.tii -• ! I*t
i h« Student 1 tin* A ulmH o I
an ‘-ja-'t- u . r. ^ |..r Sim 4' { * . i» w ‘at
i night at ’ n K H»m l l« (.iitwfl
A ( li Ktt ulluie film vs •'
tu flight at 7 in K ■ -»rrt 1 AO t >. .mlna
Fho apu duality of Hegel a philuau|ih>
will be the of metli < *U uti a tv <1
■' ■ s . * • u n d v* y a l !1 a ■ a Mil)
KKI !t:ii )N
Ul*J teetament Piij|ihia »•* *»l ( hrwl
I Mi the Up. >f .» t.:n di ** -»%*. n
apofaoted by the k*ituf*Uun * atnpua
Mihuuy at 1.' to p ffi ,!■ KM' (entury
Hlu:in A
H n-k cud Mditi t .s aa- i
• ;ay at *» p m a:. S S.widjj at U a i ! 1
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.’k-yd-.'ia /.»/ ■ ■ K if A.' * t> the
< ■ . . . S !r -/il .to ia / .M' V.i * n>M>n
the day **»•' .T a •. ft A:» run
day ■ ■the e>.o,i| t * the e»etii j*- i
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iS.f full-,’.. At. i i/iui « />*■ a • fu
/he l ! * • */1 a I J raivftt’i the h^hl lu f-il
!■■ 1: ••> ...4 .. . -
FKli 2 4
8 PM
»| | I n Ml N Ms "I «.l M KM
KM l HAU-WiX )V1
a mu '-fc
Sam Phillips
FEB 25
8 PM
}l i VO HUM Nil J11 W NMM
State employees aim
high with food drive
By Ger't Koeppmg
• •»•,# j vj R(>;. it or
I lljViTMU employ ivv have .1
tradition li> uphold
In lull i ebruary \ St.ili' Km
plnw'i's I oihI Drive, Buiversity
l.u ultv tind stuff showed a trn
t’l'iil in< 'reuse (ruin tin1 previous
year m thi- .iininint of fu*ui and
money they futsed fur Lnri.it
tariinly s hungry
They Mis.'tl SJ.tHIO null ^.020
pounds ul food. said Shi rriu
M; Arthur Barton adinine.tt,i
tile assist.nit to tile Ofiite of
1 • e dative anif t uiiinniiiity Re
III I el ogiutilif! ul its efforts,
the l niversity received the
states Ni.si Imiiioie.l Agen
tv award, Mi Arthur ll.irtoii
I'o at least mutt'll last year's
efforts, each fatuity anti staff
member is being asf.e.1 to tin
Hate S t i If three jimt infs til
i a nnetl a ini non per istiahle
food items
food items tan fie plated in
lie oi the V> designated bins
ili.it are in almost every build
Ing on campus, said I’.ml
St fimtdt, student coordinator
tor the food tiriv e
Si hmnit -.aid tti.it although
thi' ilrrvi' is designed for state
employees students are nisei
weh iimc to donate food ,md
tnonev t.'hi'i ks should he made
out to -I-in id for Lane (aiuntv
and sent to tho (lllii *• of Com
munitv and legislative K<*I.■
tions, jo t Johnson Hall
Tilts years loud drive started
on leb :t and will run until
I'Vli Jit
rin- first Stato I mplovi ns
food Drive was slatted by tun
error Vo tor Atn i ll .is an atinu
al ft fort bv stall- employees to
help fo il tin' hungry of their
Food raised In. Hllivefsitv
etll |i IlH ei s fill's to food lor
I .me ( anility
Idlen Knepper, the assistant
direr Set ol l ood lor I .atie ( ioutl
tv .aid that most ol the food
raised bv Ibn drive will go lo
the organization's loot! box pro
food lor l ane County pro
voles f»,S00 lood boxes e.u ll
month w It It'll leed s 1 ti.SOO
511 ip if K. nepper said ()l the
t ied box recipients, Knepper
said, Vi pert tint are i hlldten
Applications for 1992-93
Now ItciiiK Accepted
I >r m< ic information, come to the Ol >1 front
desk m Suite ton I Ml or call t in SS 11
Oregon lhiil\
Environmental disasters in a ttea s world