Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 21, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Con Court waffles
on major decisions
It's beginning to look like .1 habit.
In almost every major decision this year - Jennifer
Bills and .Sheila Stickel, Mike Colson, and now. the
A.SI O stipend controversy — the Constitution Court
has gone right up to the line and bucked' off.
If wrist-slapping were an Olvmpir sport, the Con
stitution Court would be the favorite, for the gold
When Colson, who was ousted'from the Incidental
Fee Committee last sear, brought h:s case in front of
the court, he hud symputhetii ear In far t, the "court
ruled Colson's removal was unjust, but would not put
him buck on the IFC because he would "just get re
moved again anyway,”
When Bills was accused of using student' C.cds to
send Stickel to .1 I SNA conference despite an earlier
Constitution Court ruling against it. the court was an
gered Bills hud violated the spirit of the taw. but
not punished because it was "unsntentiu.ua;
And finally on Tuesday, the Con .titmion (
mien on ;i < use hi w .1 a
the AMO {particularly
Hills) was aci used ul vio
lating IIO rules when she
reallocated stall salaries
last year
Du you want to hear
the result or ( an >ou make
an educated guess'
Yup, the court ruled
Hills was in violation of
the rule, but didn't ( has
tise her further because
If wrist-slapping
were an Olympic
sport, the
Court would be
the favorites for
the gold.
tlit.* violation wasn t intentional and not been clone in
bad faith.
Conspiracy and fraternisation are perhaps a little
too strong to describe the situation, but there's an
alarming precedent being set It seems every time the
Constitution Court has to make a tough dec ision, it
drops the hall, says, "ass shucks," and backs off.
'I bis is not boss .1 ruling court should a< t.
To the members of the Constitution Court II there
is .1 case, rule on it II there is a violation, punish the
perpetrators. The punishment does not need, nor
should d be. draconian, but the current trend sends a
message* that violators of the ASt'O Constitution tan
get off start free 1! they can prove 'dies didn't mean to
do it.
Ignorant e of the lass is no excuse
However, there was one tiling brought up in the
most recent case which does make sense In defense,
the ANl'O argued that the salaries ami positions for the
ASl.'O executive were estimates bv the previous ad
The AMO has a point. The incoming president
has a right to decide how lie or she wants to set up the
executive staff, and boss much to pas them lake a
note IFC; move the ASl () budget bearing track until af
ter the new president takes office.
Oregon Ihuly
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fcdiloruii J dftof
In Touch l diior
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Associate l drtor*
Student Government Activities Pa. t , T ,i, ,«i Community flu «*', vr i
Higher Iducatton Administration »* i «. features l iM «>„.i
Reporter* la* • » lUi'uy Pa.vJ v. .*-tx>' «*a K.nr ( >.«»■ j.\. : » H*u> Jn *.
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Ruling Form Letter
77ir ASVO ('onstitutinn ('our! finds (hat (ASl'() officer's name here)
violated sec tion (lake t/our flick) of the ASl JO ('onstitutinn when
he/she did _____•
IInweiH'r (lie court believes this violation was carried out IJ unin
tentionalh) 1!) not in had faith 11).due to ujiiorance of the law 4).
because no one cares. me Incline) us, Flierefore. we find that no pun
ishment or sam (ions are net essan/. Cl hcrcbij. lettiru) the court off
the hook once ac/ain.)
Donor sought
If you < oilld s,i\ i- m imeutte s
Ilf.-, wouldn't you Irv’ Thu
A Mu n Pacific AiiiitIi fin Slu
til'll! I 'ninn .%.111*•» the i i.iTinni
ni' : > !.u\\ tfi.it vit.; tii In
ji.iiht ipulmg in lh<• NiiUiiiiijI
Mat row 1 )oii..i i’; gram
Tvcrv vi'ar, thousand* of poo
: , I,' ||t.in louki mi l .uni oth
. ; fatal to '. ■ ■ ! 1 j seas, '■ S f a 11 Y Ilf
those death* i uuhf he prevent
id In ,i bone m.iirt 'it Iran
A transplant is .H i omplishcd
ii-i finding .i matthing marrow
donor with flu- samu unique tin
•.tie i h.ir.tileristirs <>f an indi
vidual's ! aic marrow. which is
usually Inlii'riii d Thus, the
in- s i than i e of finding a
matched donor is with sortie
f r. >:;: ! fie * •: 1 a : a! hat k
Tin* siuiaiion is iH i tally
dt sjH-r.itt* lot Asian An ■ i n .ms
and other ethnu minorities
Asians make up nnlv hv • per
■ ■tit . i the \ a! inu.i I Mar:. .w
Donor I’rogram Registry idle
t.fianie that a patient will find a
matt fling, unrelated donor is
lit’fween UK) to one in a mil
On 1 Ut'sd a \ . till jri. he
tween f i a III. to 2 p 111 111 the
Walnut K on; ; i the I. M l
Al'A SI ss.it host a test lug drive
for all persons of Aslan am es
Irv. Anu-ru an ur foreign All
lfi.it is done oil testing day is a
simple blood tesl in wluth h-ss
fha 11 two tablespoons of blood
an taken The blood will be
computer analyzed and put In a
,i.ila hank in . rder to find a
mail ti
There are also nines av ailable
after Id pin tor drop-in test
For those not of Asian ances
try. Al’ASl.l still encourages
partii ipation m the program
For more information tall the
Al1 AM til fit e at 1 SO •} i-i.:
Gary Floh
APASU co-director
i'm respondmg to Nathan
Harrell's If t tor, " 1) i1 fere n t
(lame" [ODE, 1 i'Ii 1 7! I louiul
it ijuito humorous tli.it ho d .u
i use someone of living in a
hole tor thf pest sever.il yours,
when it appears that ho has
Harrell's solution to put a
': .to Wail .. p to lap.in With a
■ . reading, Wo'll open us
when you do” is absolutely ri
diculous Japanese floods are a
part ol our daily lives and to
hail Japanese goods would ho
devastating to America
American < tympanies would
ulijiH I to Harrell's "proici.lion
ism” solution t>< . .wise i litTip.i
tm-.. like American inti-tn.itiuir
al Croup. re,-else half of thi'ir
: : i hoc lit.?;-!! pretax prn'it fr. .ill
\V h> ;s Uiai a i i.rti whit !i
is h:i! a ! ■ V 1.1 panes'' W I irklirs 111
Hiroshima, is a l' s c ar. hut a
Hi aula Imtlt b\ Amm „:s in
()hiu is !...; ’ Aiiutk an i ompa
tin's arc urging consumers to
Buy A tin r u an when thru
prtxiut ts arr made m forrign
rountrirs which could huvr
supplied (.ihs lor Anii-rit .ins
You'll also lind American
gilods II1 at 11' vs rib fiifrlgtl goods,
i:ku Aim:, it; i .impair: •• on
tinning chips made h\ foreign
companies So vshc. s the real
i ulpiit'
It may ho easy lot Harrell to
point tile finger, hut maybe he
should i i :.• . ii r vs horn to p.uni
the fmger at
Another point 1 i like to
: , .s :, ! i..■: g .:! . ipati :■
playing the same game as
America, but they re gist play
ing to ss III
Cathy Kim
Never mind
U as Liu as J ( oilman vvatc h
mg this same film 1 vs as' Oh,
yy,;t i pae-.s !,. vs a•. Never
John Shenon
Many people h.ivf r uni' i
in guttvclv to Mike l-'rt email's
i'.iuitj11 ;• ;’ ir i ing a vm.a Wat
son (()!)!.. i-ft) li), bul I think
Mikr has ,i point i'tii! three
charges against lift an* shnplift
inU, rn ' iving merpavment a nil
trying li • get a fake ID
1 till to mt wiuit anv o( these
iih iiii-nts havf to do with turn
turning as a representative of
tin- student* at thr l.'nlversitv
Tin' o/oni' layer i*> disappear
mg, proplr :n K.issi.i art* starv
ing. tint you guvs arc arguing
win-;;;• r . '.. !■ :ii s-hi>u Id !r\ to
>;.*! .1 i.,s. ii) nr an! U all, let's
admit tti.it shoplifting is not the
mo-.! .aim .ihlir behavior in the
w •. ! ' w ’ .it if fore lit e w iil
Il.n Will it rad .11 f till- I '• S
a.it. a d da! t !iv one ra.i t uni?
U . a i : ■ \ a: ,t tl*.c statu from
slashing tin- ! tmi'iMls budget?
Will it hulp to slow down thu
spuad a! wli.t h thu Oregon lor
rs! : S : 1 ; ■- j |j HM r 113)4 '
, ,10; ,!. lppointed to sea that
h . at,a; uii ai ui i on has on I v
taught thusa friends to see
pieces at -.it ltd, liltt not thu
fie.it It I d suggest these (oiks go
: ' Vailow done Park and prat -
lu a then e\ esiglit there
Xiaoyan Yan
W . a r .• a e, raged b y t h u
:n :■ id in the letters section
: tin- I'.utcrjUi i ah 17 issue
idle latte; t red I led to John I
Whit.- la was actual I v uu
1: .red : , Daniel Stiles as w ell
Ii w a it tin- l.mornhi
j : ail inti-rape letter .is
a in ■ . I gander issue Rape
. .1 :i,a 'iiat .diet Is both men
a d w adi We find it hard to
be In ve that it was a truly hon
est mistake
It seem- pel haps the common
yth IS a wOman's
problem alone is believed by
;:.e tinirr.ihl\ editorial stalf
\ > • W Old like to see this mis
take acknowledged immediate
Johnl Whiteside
Daniel Stiles
in the ODE urticlt? reporting
\eil Postman's address to the
students (Pet) 18), he is said to
have advised people "to tie
wary of the t r e n d o f
mulllculturalisin and the politt
cul forces tiehind them."
I don’t know atioul you. but
I'm a little wary of someone
who tells me what I should or
should not lie tired of.
Gina Harris
The OrtLuii Dai I» Kmtrrahi will attempt to print all
letters i oiitaining comments on topics of interest to the
I niversitv commumts
Letters lo the editor must be limited to no more than
>u words, legible, signed and the identification of the
writei : ...st be verified when the letter is submitted.
Tlie i'nwrald reserves the right to edit any letter for
length or stvle.