Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 21, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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    Class: Geography 101
iflrm: Fall 1991
Instructor: Lane Tr
it District
1) Define the foiling:
A) Tundra
B) Tropics
C) Topigraphical Mapping
D) Travelogue
E) Turkestan
2) If it 30 3:15 p.m. in fyisenada,
what time is it in fjjanaa?
3)yhere would you find these three regions
Dordogne, Lot, Tarn?
Compare and contrast the Gobi,
the Kalahari,
and the Mojave.
5) You are in Qugene, Oregon.
You can ride an LTD bus anywhere.
All term long.
Just show your student I.D.
How does this compare with the other
great transit systems of the Jjorld?
6) Take the bufl p k
from Amazon Pack to Amu tag
Describfl the terrain in 500 word/jJ or less.
C W9t Line Vinvl CWlfiC!
Bush approves
more exports
to South Africa
(AP) President
Bush on Thursdov
opened the way
for Increased exports to South
Afrit:.1 ns well ns International
Monetary Fund assistance to
the country, the State Depart
ment announced
Bush declared that South Af
rica hud made "significant pro
gress toward the elimination of
apartheid." a declaration re
quired before U S .'Export-Im
port Bank assistance rain be giv
en to U S exporters to South
"A healthy economic situa
tion in South Africa is of criti
cal importance as a new non-ra
cial constitution is being nego
tiated," said State Department
spokeswoman Margaret Tut
She said the United States
wants to be as helpful us pos
sible" and is prepared to con
sider a proposal for an IMF
loan for South Africa
The United States lifted five
vears of economic sanctions
against South Africa in July
But many US exporters have
been reluctant to do business
with South Afrit.a without Fx
Ini Bunk insurance or credits
burlier Thursday. Tutwiler
declined to give anv U S re.it
!ion to the dramatic announce
ment bv South African Presi
dent F W tie Klerk ol a whites
only referendum on ending
apartheid The vote is seen as a
test of white support tor tie
Klerk's moves toward a multi
r acta I detnoi r .it \
"The specilies ol tin- tratssi
non tu u iH w conslitutum ur<
lor the people of South Africa
to decide among themselves,
l atwiler said, adding that the
calling of a referendum ts "an
internal matter
She made no mention of tie
Klerk's action in announcing
Bush's decision to allow the
; vim Bank to Insure and pro
vide credits for exports to
South Africa
The US government will en
courage exports to non-govern
ment South Afrit an importers
who practice fair labor stan
dards. Tutwiler said The lavs
requires certification Iroin the
U S secretary of slate that .1
company meets the standards
Companies owned by a major
ity of non-whites are exempt
from the requirement.
Tutwiler noted that both
Busii and Set retury of State
James A Baker III have talked
III recent weeks with tie Klerk
ami with African National Con
gress President Nelson Man
dela. who she said txilh "indi
cated their concern w ith South
Africa's economic future '
Assisting U S exports to
South Atrit a would help create
Jobs in the United Slates, she
said, and fulfill agreements
real hod at the July economic
summit in Bangkok, Thailand,
to assist South Africa "in those
areas where the majority have
long suffered deprivation edu
cation. health, housing and so
cial welfare "
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