Oregon Daily FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1992 Jean Slockard, president ot the Oregon Conference of the American Association ot Uruvorsity Professors, speaks about the need tor a special session as ASUO President Jennifer Bills and l>VOSC professor Bonnie Staebler listen. Students, faculty voice concerns j Speakers request March legisla tive special session, saying Meas ure 5 cuts have been devastating By Daralyn Trappe fmof.nd Associate Ector* ■Tin! time is now for (let tsfve .h lion to counter tile effects iif Measure ’> That's the message stu dent presidents, faculty and administrator* from Oregon’s;-colleges and universities sent out to (,os Barbara Roberts Thursday in their call for a special legislative session I hose who spoke at tile press conference at the t’nlVersus ill the present e of vocal and support ive students from several schools urged the go\ ernor and state legislators to meet next month and attempt to come up with replacement revenue for higher edut ution The i uts resulting from Measure r> have liven devastating to higher education and students, the speakers agreed, mill il vs ill only gut vvorsi' unless something is dune soon to stem the tide Hut S.ir.ili Carlin Amt’s, a communications us sistant for Roberts suit! the governor is no! pre pared to t all .1 spot ml si’ssion in Mari h I hf governor strongly tielieves that would he premature,. ' Ames said in response to the press t onferent e "We have a lot of work to do in streamlining. improv ing offu lem y ami reiiut trig the numlier of state workers before the public is ready to start talking about restructuring the tax system “ KoU'rts plans to restructure the tax system In' lore planning the luu.l u.t budget, Ames said A spec nil session is months away, at the earli est in Mav she said ASl'O President Jennifer Hills was the first to speak Thursday in opposition to that Hills, who is also the chairwoman of the (Ire gon Student Lotiliy, issued a joint statement from Turn to ACTION Page 4 Brand supports proposed change in Higher Ed Act j President says more students will benefit from congressional efforts for c:rect government loans or grants Ry Colleen Pohhg .wa.o Hop. ideal NHii's brands [nisi; for direi I ....ins to st.i hunts is us! in lime lor tin* n-.iuthoi i/ution of thu Higher Ldui ulion Ait. whu tl sets - Sum:,mis lor frdrni !.;..m< i.il .mi by cmding new j;:i..nis .mil .. .is: a; existing onus Official debate is under wav In .■ • v.1.si.ih ■ m U<■ :. inglon. DC, on the .ssuti und the final ouu.omi- is ex put led by spring During brands trip to Washington last month. he spoke with mcmbfrs of Congruss about onn of tin- at t s i mitral issues the aniount of federal funding for slu Turn to FINANCIAL AID Pago 4 Toil and trouble Cast members Janet Gupton am.a Rodley and Heidi Schrvck rehearse tor The Troubles.’ ■Much opens tonight m the Robu s> 1 Theatre The play explores the struggle of two sisters to rediscover a sense ot family teat has been shattered by the powerful forces of the troubles' engulfing Northern Ireland in the r lifetime The sh. ?w continues Feb 22. 27-29 and March 6 7 Task force on athletics appointed j Members will seek so lution to intercollegiate athletic funding dilemma By Came Dennett tmofa a Associate Editof The Oregon State Board of Higher Education has completed appoint ments to the Task Force on Athletic Funding OSBHE President George Rich ardson Jr culled for a Icxik with "fresh eves'' at the issue of intercol legiate funding within the Oregon Stale System of Higher Education “Funding of athletics Is at u criti cal Juncture, and the pursuit of a so lution will require exploration of many approaches.'1 Richardson said Funding of intercollegiate athlet ics in OSSHli has been an issue for the past 15 years Current state hoard policy perm Its the use of in stitutional funds for athletics at the four regional colleges Western Ore gon State, Southern Oregon State. Eastern Oregon Stale and Oregon George Richardson Jr. Institute of Technology However, institutional funiis tan not be used for athletic programs at Oregon. Oregon State or Portland State. All three university athletic programs are operating with deft cits In June 1990, the state board per mitted university presidents to use institutional funds on a one time experimental basis to avoid m< ri'.is mg the accumulated defit it of St) million Afti'r a sorit-s of publii hearings and another review of the issue, the board det ided .it its Nov lr>. 10‘ i1 meeting to explore other alterna lives to funding intercollegiate alb letics Testimony at that meeting ini hid ed concerns that the board bad not put sufficient effort into finding al ternative solutions before pouring millions of dollars into a bailout "While several themes emerged during our publb hearings, a con senses did not," Kir hardson said "It is the charge of this Iasi. for< e to find .i more acceptable wav out of the present dilemma, taking into ai count all of the suggestions the board received from faculty, stu dents. citizens and state officials Along these lines, shortly after the November board meeting, Uni versitv President Mvles Brand la gan taking steps to increase the fat iiitv s role in governance of the 1 Tu Tmn to TASK FORCE Page 4 SCORCHED The Sun Devils whipped the Ducks 89-76 at Mac Court Thursday. See SPORTS, Page 8 HITCHCOCKBURN Musicians Bruce Cockburn and Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians bring their own styles to Eugene next weekend when they perform at the Hilton and on campus. See ENTERTAINMENT, Page 6 JUST A REMINDER... Today is the last day to drop a class with a W and change a grading or credit option with a $10 fee. The Duck Call regis tration number is 346-1600