Another Duck team plagued by injuries By Jake Berg £moraM Sports Eel"/ your s On^un football made injuries a clU.hed joke, and no one thought it could ever he as bad again lor anyone Well, the women's basketball team is making a good run at it The road trip to the Washing ton schools last weekend her aided the return of Debbie Sport icb. who starred for the Ducks early in the season lie fore an injury sidelined her for 10 games, including the first half of the I’acific-U) Confer ence season The sophomore forward scored 11 points in 2 1 minutes ol tin' win .1! Washington State tin Saturday, and com b lilwin Hciny noticed a difference in the Ducks 1 :t-H overall and 5-t> in the i’at -io. Debbie’s present e in the Washington State game was a major bit tor and soil ot lurried us to victory." Heim said "She is getting healthier, but the key is licit we have to plav tier n imm i ei 1.1m limns When she's in the lineup, things happen Liven in .1 slinrt time im the Hour .it Washing ton. her present:*! made an im mediate impact It's nice In have Spurt it h, tor sure hut that doesn't mean ev erybody is hack (tenter Sara Wilson tame back from an injury against Montana State, the same game that Sport tell was sidelined ( omt idcniallv. Wilson staved uni of the Washington State g.nm Sport it h's set ond game bat k because ol a sore fool Wilson is questionable for tie night's 7 111 contest at McAr lluir Court with Arizona State and Saturday night's game against Arizona, but Sport it h ts just happv to he playing in Ku gene for the Itrst time since Debbie Sporclch Dei 28. though she w on ! hr .it till I strength I'm looking forw iriJ Spun it h said 'Tin happy, hut i fu^l wish iiiv loot fell bet k;r "■ The l)ui ks should < ertuinly hi* leding better wluin Spun u h heals huea usa Oregon has shown a weakness on thf hoards and has morn injuries than just Wilson and Sporcich Missy Stowell may lie limited in playing time this weekend because of a sore fool, and she is one of only three players In have taken the court in all 2 1 games I'he other two, Stai I Uallenhorn and Vanessa Sid den, have taken up much of the slai k along with Stowell Wullciiborn was the top si or er in the Ducks' ti'l M> loss at Washington, and Selden. Ore gun's S loot-7 point guard, has been the Dui ks top rebounder recently The junior [lulled down Di hoards during last weekend s road trip, a team high Relxmnding has proved to tie ii discouraging dilemma tor the Ducks Oregon rebounded the ball only 22 times against the Huskies, including a meager one offensive rebound PRE-REGISTRATION ADVISING 1*1.AN TO SKK VCH K ADVISKK NOON K)R ADVK't: ON Sl'RINO Tl KM V HUH I IN(; Special Advising Outreach This Week EMU Main Lobby Monday & Tuesday, 12:00 - 2:00 I’M Thursday & Friday , 12:00 - 2:00 I’M Cedar Room (', EMU Wednesday, 12:00 - 2:00 I’M • Quick Answer Advising • Undeclared/Pre-Major Progress Reports & Transcripts available (bring photo I.D.) Sponsored by Ac'adermc Advising & Studen* Services l b*-i Oregon Hail Drop-In Advising M - f, 9 00 AM - 9 30 PM ......----— Lifestyle Planning Program Presents Taking CARE of yourself A series on Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Day #3 of a four fxul series: “Taking CARE of Yourself Inside and Out... a course on self-defense and awareness building*’ Pn'sentcxi by Nadia Tclst'y ^TOPICS COVERED: 1) Increasing awareness and ability to evaluate and resjxmd to potentially dangerous situations. 2) Personal image and empowerment. 3) Active prevention and self defense. February 20th, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Carson Gold Room, Carson Hall For more Information pleaae call the IJfeatjrle Hanning Program at 34t» 4456 .‘-jxwLvifi'rt hi; Ihi■ Ulrsti/U- I'Uuuitiui I'tof/tiun. StuiL-nt tlculth CvtUn <1 I ’tUiKisllii of Oni/<*i; l_freshman Seminars PRK-REGISTRATION FOR SPRING TERM Monday Friday, February 17 February 21 K:(X) am V(K) pm ^64 Oregon Hall mu. iw I NC. iw AKi: I'W I’ll l‘W PS 1W PI 111. 1W HN(i I'W ('ll l‘W TA 1W Matters ot I lie and Death Racism in American Literature Pioneers ot Image Lihnic and Minority (iroup Stereotypes in the Visual Arts The Cosmic Connection Political Hiography: A Window on American Politics Existentialism and Tvpes of Characters ('rucial I luman Issues Creativity, Eccentricity and Serendipity in Science Contemporary Issues in Modern Drama Office of tht 7>cjn of Students h>4 Orttfon Hall >4i< 11 h< Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen r M( M*. •' '' K H* . 5 r * ■ At;. 7«f .A-l .. h , •. A ■‘V' H A ^ p ' . » ' hn» // rr>c* ft ( j f •*'.**’ nr.* r , ,4 • * f' AV. WK>' A*. - M A • • <. h; n*f • 7 h> •v*a » .. . 1 Him U? t Xt:", v* rr i 'wh . A** * i • • 1 * . A -9 I X1 Weasel’s World Kraig Norris COWNOi if rex' ■■ SRL CAU FOtiA't fiOKN 06MC r J OP 6 r L£Afir€D SMrtaff? v£'U 81 P*jHT 5A.« . a.-; 7 . w*8£ RXiHT B*t ?,;r .. WEI: S feQrftSAcr « n v.'*‘■•K- h • n WITH V VH - 3 *" SfPlXiWN’ '* Tl* Ot V Vv Y >.m>' . I At wArS SUSP10FI AS MUCH