Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 20, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Are You Getting
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Ducks’ Potter gains confidence
By Dave Chafoonneau
It was probably (In- biggest
game of this ugly season for the
Oregon rn«'ii s basketball team
It n,is playing straight up with
do .i(hd Oregon 'Shite
It vs .is not a time for fresh
men to he taking dumb shots
But Duck freshman Jeff Potter
took vs h.it some considered <i
dumb" shot
i It e h f o o 1 'I f o r vs u r d
l.iunc lied a IS foot jumper from
behind the free throw line, and
it went in
But it vv.isn't prettv
I didn't think u vs .is going to
bank in," Potter said
No one else thought It would
even be close
As Potter ran li.u k dow n the
court, couch Don Munson's
eves followed him all .the vs.iv
down the court, .is if to say
Wh.it kind of shot vs .is that'"
lli.it shot, more than any
thing else, showed that Potter
vs.is gaining confidence in his
game, despite being a freshman
who ss.is maybe thrown into a
situation too fast
(■•■'I* r .1 nunvi* tit KiNitnunii.
\\ .:!i will return in his home
state this weekend us ihu
Due ks. J 'I in Ihe I’iu lfii H)
( ili-n i.i <• .mil t> 1 -t overall,
l.ii • Washington on Thursday
and U ashii-.elun Stale on Satur
iln tail Oregon was st.hed
ul. I In p. \ in W ashillglon lat
er 111 the season Worked llllt
Wei! lor (’oiler, who did not See
mm li playing tune during the
beginning of the season,
it wasn't until the Arizona
St.ili game two weeks ago that
Jeff Potter
Potior in.itItr .1 solid contribu
tion to thi! team In that game
and the three following it, Pol
tm has averaged nine points
and five rebounds .1 game.
To make tilings better for Pot
ter he has been moved into the
starting lineup
"It's been .1 good situation,"
In >aid "Now that I'm starting,
it makes it even more sweeter
Jeff is one til the better
freshman fundamental players
I've find." fie said "Mis aggros
siveness has really helped our
oijii (iun HiU'iv
i’otter attributes much of his
confident e. especially offen
sively . lo Munson
"( ouch talks lo mt’ iitxnil lit’
ing iiggifssivti ami I.iking my
shots i! they're there,'1 l’ottfr
saul "if It’s <i had shot, hi' just
says it's a bad shot (if doesn't
rag on me or any thing
Lately. il has been Munson
who has hit’n gflting nigged
on Spin illation has been float
mg around since mid-season
about the possibility of this br
ing Nbiiison s last ypar
As If injuries ami poor utUin
liam c weren't enough for the
young team to deal with, the
Dinks also have to deal with
the possibility of losing their
VVe've .ill dealt with it pret
ty well." Potter said "(loach
has been up front about it vs ith
Munson said the players have
done a good job of handling the
"As athletes. I think they sift
through that stuff pretty well,”
he said I don't think it has
rnu< h to do with winning and
losing "
I he Du< ks are hoping they
can sift through the defenses of
the two Washington schools
this weekend
Washington couch Lynn
Nance said despite its prob
lems, Oregon is not a team to
The one thing I've noticed
about them is they A e shown no
signs of quitting." Nance said
i think coa< h Munson is really
t om enlrating on things he can
control helping his team
play good basketball
Potter said Monson has
helped Ills team through the
It', h ,1 r d losing t In; so
g.iHn s.' Iif s.nd "But it's nit i'
h> .11 ng from i ti.it h Mtmstin
lh.it we'te gelling hfllitr Were
nut tin- same team who w.is got
ling blown out earlier tins sea
The Ducks are a little more
banged up. but maybe thev'rr a
little stronger
f'lipcrbai k SI I .DO
A Book About Men
Robert B i. v
In this ground-breaking and extremely learned book. Robert Bly.
the National Book Award w inning poet and translator, oilers
nothing less than a new vision of what n is to be a man.
Bly \ vision is based on his ongoing work w ith men and
reflections on his own life. He addresses the devastating etlefts ot
remote lathers and mourns the disappearance ot male initiation
rites in our culture binding rich meaning in ancient stories and
legends, Bly uses the (iiimm fairy tale "Iron John." in which a
mentor or "Wild Man" guides a young man through eight stages ot
male grow th, to remind us ot images long forgotten images id a
\lgorous masculinity, both protective and emotionally
He does so m a language that is simultaneously
poetic and down to earth, combining the grandeur ot
myth with the piactical and often painful of our own
histones In Iron John he has created a rare work, that
will guide and inspire men and women lor years to
\ brilliantly eclectic written meditation... an
invaluable contribution to the gathering public
conversation about what it U to be male-air female
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