Actually, the poor fellow is better known as the boar whose snout appears on die Weinhards and ordering with your credit card, or you can simply fill out the order form in this ad and Ale label. The same hoar that's - become a symbol, an icon, a lov able pet. Aid if Tshirts f* V#., You Make my Snout _ Wet /f \ m v u? K.mJ, I’uii.huif thru’ .di\ .n ,y»tu*rwr Him* H*«fr htanj I Juru jru-l th*- ;•*; ».. . .i< »»s< ki^tl ■ f«» mi.'i * \l {•' *11 'viht -\u A •. ■ « i send it to ^ us with a check, money on der or credit ^ card num ber. Its that easy. Check aren t purchased soon, said hoar might end up as a plate of ribs, forcing us to completely redo the ale label. So if you have a heart and you’re die type who likes to hang out the shirts, rick up your ahone or put pen to paper. And ielp save our Blue Boar from becoming a blue plate special. Thank you. out with a Weinhards Ale now and then, we hope you’ll fork over the doueh and purchase one or more of our remarkably cool T-shirts featured in ^ this ad (they arc the official 1 hanging out apparel this sea son). You can get ’em by calling toll-free, 1-800-BLUE BOAR C Hiit: rinK**.) P.*tUrvi ) > ) i HOLD YOUR FIRE I .l< > lu\r i Ik.irt .iikI I'm willing t»> hu\ ,i ! shill i >i twi> i >r three ini r\ln t. > s,i\ r the pit;. •\ u>.. Me-ft i - i 'f I t\ i Ai,i * In. >< M f v K •*. • \U X! 'X < \ Sc \| - . XI ! OT u i’RK i i / M III ! INI* ■ AN l HAM 4 IM , > (.HAND ! ()! AI * > ->J. u*:. • . • U-f U , . j ■•?>.’ • if. ;! ■ - ti * tv. . i». . if hi * |Mv »f 1 i I* '• F. s ' f'-I F H-. ? {••! * ir * N A 4fl \ ■' . j l. V i>ak t h pi), me, 'll tree .1 *.K m l 1-800 BLUE BOAR