Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 20, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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    ; Mother Kali’s Books
i Presents:
: Penny Rosenwasser reading from
Internet with Pr.idt ,md P.ilc^unun Pc.ux Aaiviu.s
Feb. xoth at 7:30pm • WCA 8t ASL
2cx)i Pranklin Blvd. #r}
Wheelchair Accessible
* V1V4&M
1 nr P,<rkin^
What can you do to make a difference?
• Navigating Your Way to a Healthy Relationship
•Safer Sex: What's Practical. What's Sot
• Personal Slones from People With AIDS
• Grief and lass
Friday, May 8,1992 6:(X) - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 9,1992 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Gcrlingcr Lounge
I DIM 407 and I DI’M S()7
CRN 6408 and 64001
I credit l'/NI* onl)
Conference fee - $20.00 pu> able the day of workshop
Saturday lunch provided
Spoils.iial by ll.umed ParvnihixK! W I aitc County
.UKI 0 u< OSuiikut Health SeisKcs
Scientists to discuss toxic tide
By Bone DeCaif
;!x jj>■ rtn on U)Xi< tides is ill
tneet let) .'() 12 at the t Intvef
Mtv s mar me institute in
Charleston. Ore. to find ways
to contain the spread of aninc
sic shellfish poisoning on the
West Coast
II S and (Ian.idmil experts,
including University biology
professors Michelle \S .K>«i and
Lynda Shapiro, are holding the
workshop to help si (enlists fig
ure out what causes the toxin
People are poisoned when
they eat shellfish that have ill
gested the toxin, called dorriok
a( id . that is produied by
phytoplankton. Shapiro said
(hue ingested by humans or
other animals, the poison af
forts the (i ntral nervous system
and (an cause lasting damage
Shapiro, director of the Ore
gim Institute cil Marine biology
sue!. s< idntisls .it tile t otn op
tion'are turning together to fig
nr.- out whut is known and
■.sh.it is not known .ifKiut the
t o x i n |i r o d u ring
jihv loplankton
It is ,m organism, (or rea
-..ins totally'unknown and un
derstood at this limn." that pro
du, i s poison. Shapiro said
Lust November, the toxin
Ion . i the i Insure of razor clam
ai.d Uungeness crab' fisheries
when it w .is deter ted for the
first tiine off tin* coasts of Ore
gon ('.illfurrvi.i and Washing
The hrst reported amneslr
shellfish poisoning ocr urred in
10H7 near t'anadaS Prince lid
ward Island Three people wen
killed and H)0 bet .ime ill after
ruling poisoned shellfish
Shapiro said the first out
break on tin* t ruled States'
Wcsl <. is! th.it v mntists know
o!,,(k cur-fcdYin September 19*11
in Monterrey. C «i 11f M.tny pelr
i .ms died .liter thev ale the con
taminated shellfish
Dntnuit a r id•p ro d u cin g
phytoplankton have also been
ti ll oil of the i oast of New
'Kastern Canada has devel
oped a successful management
program to keep shellfish safe
for human consumption, hut
the toxin appears to behave
somewhat differently in the l‘a
(afU ()i ran and more study is
needi d." Shapiro said
To » i n p r o d uc ed by
phvtoplankton could become a
common occurrence, she said
lint it cart he dealt with if you
know when it's there to deal
The workshop at the OIMB is
sponsored by the University
and Oregon State University
Out go the lights
1 In' University Physical Plant will !»■ i ornlui I
ing two t ampus wide power outages during
spring break The first is si heduled (or Sundnv.
Man h 22. from 7 .i m to ,r> p m Times have not
yet heen set for a 1hour outage on Saturday.
Man li 2H
Some campus buildings will nut he allecteii,
mi hiding buildings north ol franklin Boulevard
and buildings on direct KVVKB feed Aul/en
Stadium. Casanova Center University Inn. Kllfv
Hall. Agate (formerly Condon Si bool) and the
Museum of Natural History
In addition. Condon Hull, Bid.. Knight Library.
Clinical Services. Cerlinger Annex Havward
field Mi Arthur Court. Leighton Pool and IA11'
Annex will not lx- sublet t to outages
Anyone in ultetted buildings who will need
tempi niry power generators during the outages,
and has not already made arrangements, should
iuiii.nl Alex Cordon Physical Plan! < onstrui lion
project manager, at Mb Si Pi. or through campus
Cordon said he wants to hear especially Item
anyone doing rescan h that would lx- allet led by
lack ol continuous power and groups who have
sitedtiled aitivities that i annul lie moved or re
s< lied tiled
Ad writing competition
t niventity students ate among the entrants in
Citibank's Second Annual College Advertising
Awards competition This year’s awards will fo
i ns un multimedia public service; campaigns pro
moting responsible; use of consumer credit.
Students from 5r> campuses will compete lor
the grand pri/c of $10,000 and .1 trip to London
Citibank created the College Advertising
Awards last year, asking college students to de
velop a media campaign consisting of radio, tele
vision and print advertising The objec tive of this
year's expanded program Is to c reate a multime
dia public service campaign that encourages re
sponsible c redit bebav mr among college students
l ie h of the colleges taking part m the program
will have a c ampus c ompetition, open to all un
tiergracJnates regard less of their major
The first phase ul the program kit ks ill with
University students receiving a marketing brief
from Citibank on t retlit t aril use and literature on
stH . essful c redit management to help them devel
op their 1 ampaigns
Lntries may be submitted by individuals, or by
teams of not more than three memtwrs
In April .1 panel of University faculty will se
lec ! one finalist to submit tor review by a panel of
New 'lurk marketing and advertising exec utives,
who will select a national winner, to be an
me eil in Mas
A testimonial from a
few of our fans.
“The more I jumped against
the wall the taster my hair
seemed to grow ”
13th and Alder 343-0681
Results mu\ var\ from person
to person.
■ ■ >
J-lsian ‘Pacific American Student 'Union
‘Ihe 50th Anniversary of ‘Executive (trder OObb:
'llte Internment oj Japanese-Americans
"Farewell to Manzanar"
This Emmy Award winning movie first aired on ABC In 19 76 and was the
first nationally Droadcasted movie to feature an alt Allan cast Based on tne
txx* Farewell to Maruarur Dy Jeanne Wakatsukl Houston this moving
story of one Japanese American family reveais tne losses and Indignity
they suffered as thefr family was Imprisoned in tne Manzanar internment
camp in tne deserts of eastern California It is a human portrayal of tne
struggle to deal with tne physical problems and ideological conflicts of the
Special guest Florence Date Smith. Eugene resident who was interned
‘ rhursday, 7 ebruory 20,1002
at ‘WMlametteOiail 110. 7p.m.
'Farewell to Manzanar' Is the last of a week long series of
films and discussions commemorating the SOth
Anniversary of the Japanese American internment
for m»*f info 'flu •bu.’.n 'I’^tfu ImtruJristUiimt llnum • j»uite 12
1 U 11 • llnnxr>ity of Ortafon • ‘Lufftnt, i>J( 97401 • t$0j! W6 4 \42
Avoid long lines at the post office
Buy stamps at the
UO Bookstore.