OUTREACH Continued trom Page 1 forward to all wirk. loe said Schmerber said longhouses li.iv>• traditional! v hold .1 spei iul meaning lor Native Ameru ans You como to the longhouse. vou have to leave all animosity, hatred aside, she said It s sort of a saered ground The bughouse contains a deep splritutilltv for the people " Schmerber said that the pollutes are open to everyone, not just Native Ament ans "Don't he surprised if the hrsl time vou (time up and no one rushes up and gushes vou. she said Indians are ipuet when the\ first meet vou Ont e they know vou, they'll talk your head of! I’otlut ks are only one of tire many activities that Tribal Outreach organizes I he group spon sors drug and alcohol rehabilitation meetings on Monday nights and drumming classes on Wednesday nights at the longhouse l-ribal Out reach also distributes food clothing and furniture lo poor Indians .ill over (he state The group helps many American- Indians who move 'a ilugene front reservations V\hen people hrst arrive here, they don't have anything except what they have in the tar. said (ainri.i Vellowliear -i rrihal outreach Ntafd mem ber As more Indians move into the area more people coming to its. area for gobs as well as etlu . -itinii, there s going to he more demand for our services I he Si hmertiers said they do not run a charity group We are not till a mission of inert y nor do we give handouts. they wrote in the group s newsletter Our goal IS to give a himdup la ell courage peoj ie to instil! a ni'vt found strength within thern.seIy es " Tlie St him-!per* said they can always use new yo!utHeers and urge studeitts to tail fiiUt-HOlH il they yvou Id like to help PARKING Continued from Page ’ all vehit It ' registered to tin1 residents or their tain Mies Kesidents arc not required to purchase a permit, but without one they are restru ted to the posted time limits Permits for most area rese dents are available at the city ol iaiyene Permit and Information t'.enter. J i l l'. Iiruaih' av Ki-si ti tin ts living in liomrs nvytiri! h\ I he ! mvrrsilv should inn (in I tin- ' nivcrsilv s (M fit >■ of I’uhlii S.iii'iv for jifrmils I hr i .i.i innun! jin r.rain is an i-v|!.iilsioti o! till’ jirugr.iiii ah rr.-.i S III p lot r In Ihii Sotllll I rilvirstlv Ht'lglifourhopii arm, vv fi ii il was i 'Stiih: isln 1 i if 1 ** 'il A similar J>r•->vlr.1111 was sl.ijti'if , :. '.in \\ ■ si ill til 'Ts 11 \ art', i m ■i 'in i INi On v*;.. •« Hi ; -4 Straub I Ml Elturd »s 1 ■' -'it ' 4 , Latin \mr( h <111 anil l ai iIjU jii Student (h v*»'*/atiwn -a... • -«-«•: .it . i Ml ‘ »::;ury Room H \lpha I ambtia Delta Phi Ma Sixmj i.ar '■ .ranw« *ai fi w at 5Vy.iv,. s Hir/a '■* K • 4 Avu Returning Students \%*«*< latum *• flu* : Uid.i) at U a ril ill K> III ’Oil HU ('Uilr k v>... «'t ‘K’ ’ lf; HV.. ( a-dal Room l) A S t1 () Studvnl Health Insurant* (aiiillillUiw e. ".ivt today i n W! a m 1 Ml t a»tUl Hoorn A M!St J 1 ANK( k S Ail ( lub . •. ; •• f ■ i. -* • i , . ; j .u* r.»»f l hn» K- • '-‘'I at 4 : fj: m Ri.'.'ir, ! 4 A.Urn Jan anew Student Oigam/ulnm ««> ' -»’.«■ . i ! Ji l. agU tel.. W' ■ . ■ ’ : 1 - ( *': r I In m ( imipuli is Alt! t h annum the Wav V\ r 1 eal M * r «' tile • * , i •* f iu.aU.n Series today hmi, 10 U* U am .1. JMf ! V « a din Dialuili t lulutimi un a iiiiliHClH! I tin*' S. ate A • - ’ e l • ' J Hi r Qu i j n a 1 ( 11< 1 Ji > I « |H P«I«I1 '• i- "> l" ‘ v' I h K r 11 k i o u * ami om»H n ; i ijl «»U|l !»»• « llM»4 \ lai *urkttio|i uJ«H» ami lh«lf Ufiuiie* J**) ftom k lo f, y m if iiiI«rt > ui «ily ( hi ulitin I i-lli.v* %U ij> .» ,, . . • *1 ■ • fjfr/T tit A » *i‘ f/l fr ,4. / \? W*' 1 t / fir lit l«:! :o puhl'i.tt ->■ f.l Alt fun ih . , »».*-; II ' • .‘.''/-'a*' .r-i l.uuftftl * V lHi- tt!> *h! to e I f TV Theme Music Trivia Night during the Women’s Basketball game vs. Arizona Saturday, Feb. 22 7:30 pm U/in a TV and VCR In part by your recognition ot TV theme songs Also come watch the celebrity Basketball game at halftime featuring U of O Coaches vs. local TV Celebrities flit Stem ml Stereo‘Video* Car Stereo 345-3000 THE VALLEY RIVER STEREO COMPLEX* A ■ m han Vjtoy Looking for a good deal? Read section 130 in the classifieds. 10% OFF ANYTHING AT LAZAR’S BAZAR IN THE STORE \ Regular j or sate Pric* I POSTERS CD'S CLOTHING 57 W Broadway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall SHOES CARDS GIFTS i i r r [ h r t *•' fir’ Graphics . TTPISf TTIMC • PAST! UP • IATOUT • OfSIGR • CORSUl TATIOR • CAMIRA • • TYPISITTWC • PASTf UP • tAYOUt • DfSICN • CORSUITATIOR • CAMIRA • r, , ,,,, K4i \I ■■ A •. •. '.If' I M » IMIM OYMl NT OPPORTUNITY Editor-in-Chief of the OKKtiON DAILY KMKKALI) |h < » -d Paih l ilk raid, tin- mde|>en«lciil undent nevttpajkt *1 ilk I iu%i-Mit> -t thee ' i r- . uiri fitlv attcjwinj' applu amno If the |»,oti• <' ■! I ditof I i ilk iw: atademn s.ai I i 4mlin trim in flirt*ol (Ik- I. >ut a< a.ir nm ijuait i \ . 4 his f her Iff m at I dm * fa graduate *1 tide fit 41 i|k* I mwitifv enrolled If a minimum «>( three ciedit li 'UM |«<-i term in three i4 the Ivhu av a.If im ijuaileit >4 hi* « In i i. imai l.tlilf \ll applu aim n*i*t Iv in f— a non |*o|tt i f flotation •* | m h . tfiri Air* indrjktklenlly <4 tlw I noemlv I Ur f*muu> of ihr < )l)| n to •* ide cdut alion arkI tiaimn£ I « ttndrnls in all a'j« * I* -4 nr* s j'4|M-f of«r(*iion hy seising a i*iii|hh amliriur '*ith newt editorial aiul advri titm^, » ontrnt Ilk- Idilof 4 ilic < >1 >1 *tn» t>- a Ifn | triton volunlrei Boatd «4 Pit c ct of s hat irtjk»n*ihilit> for all rditofial oj«riation« ami all editorial ionlrnt >4 the nr * tjtapci lei in of olfur i* June 9. I4W2. to June f. l'**M ami it j#riedrd f>> an f ieniali>>n jtciifl Ik*h» AjwiI H to June K Pin i* a paid Jk»*|t|i»n i nl net led part »c t t Ik hi Id pu k up an appln at ion packet. ** hu h nu ludet a t«4> tie script n>n. ai the ()l )l tioni de tk in Suite UK) I Ml of tall 5^ I 1 If in-ff mJf nuliofi ( fiipleted a|tf4ica(ion* mm! I*' (etui ned tii the ()| )l ll oafd of Pncc tor t h> S i ■> p m . M*’ikia> MiiJi An individual *dlf»r vein, led l*y the Doaid l»v Apf 11 14 \'M2 l hr (hr i;on lhul> t mrraU ft u i / .a. / / Of‘ju>ttunil\ I nifloyrr ,i’ul i i v» < '/k in c »vt. tin! ii ftu• < r < >iltmiill\ >lt v r t w* w - ■ > kpUu r Oregon Daily MHI I 11> Mi innrirfl I Minn, l’ () Hut '0‘C I n^rin , • ‘*7-10 \ k___d THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON J Hey' So I made the wrong decision' But you know. I really wasn t sure I wanted to swing on a star, carry moonbeams home in a jar'