Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 20, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Take Brand’s advice,
go after Measure 5
Facing brutal budget cuts and skyrcx keting tuition,
t 'niversity President Myles Brand is taking his t use to
students, alumni and I 'niversity employees
And his plan is sure to be a pain in the buck to lo
cal postal .service workers
Not to blow the surprise or anything, but in a few
days, you will probably ret eive a letter from Brand, de
tailing the debacle of Measure S Brand urges letter re
t ipients to write tbe governor and their state legisla
tors. who should be providing the leadership to get Or
egon out of this fiscal mess
By now, everybody knows what Measure ’> has
done to the higher education system: It crippled it.
pommeled it, drove it into the ground 1a< uluting < osts
(or less servir e a quo k and dirts ret ipe for disaster
Brand, in Ins letter, snvs the answer is replarcment
revenue, lie's right Those who urge 'the state govern
ment to trim the fat. so to speak, from ’tie budget have
it only partially right Certainly, streamlining and con
solidation is part of reor
gamzmg thi' Oregon lav
system. but Measure r>
struck so deep, there turn
is not enough mone\ to go
around tor the frivolous
programs Oregonians en
What frivolous pro
grams '? You know. the
ones like child services,
welfare, health < are, not to
mention higher education.
(Sregomans <an learn to
live without those, right'
Ihaml says d no re
placement revenue is
found, l Diversity students
!,k e an "enormous'' tui
What frivolous
programs? You
know, the ones
like child
services, welfare,
health care; not
to mention higher
Oregonians can
I earn to live
without those,
lion increase in ;xeptoriU>ei rei i
I hat's a word that wasn't used in connection with
t!ic latest hutch of tuition hikes It those didn't fall un
der the "enormous" i ategory. f*>r sure no one attending
the I Inis ersils w ants to si'e what does
Although Hrand is doing something about fixing
Measure Vs login v. .1 letter isn't the complete answer
Yes. getting students, alumni and faculty on sour side
is .1 good step, but more needs to be done (lolleettvelv.
the letter re< ipients can create 1 hange, hut their task
ssill he much easier it Hrand is down in the trenches,
pas ing the s\as
Our I niversits president has been doing quite .1
hit to help change the higher education system. Let's
hope he continues to do so
lake Hrand's advice Iki svhiit you can to tix the
crimes of Measure
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Body control
Sunniiii11 - in .1 debate thi
base (•.'.in's are lust m rhetoric
l.*.jii i tally vs hi-u the tuple is n
I nine IV personal or emotional
1 hfee fundamental aspei is ul
llu' proi. huii i- argument arc
people have the right lu free
dom, people should I• .ivi• tom
|i!ftf (Iililr. ii u( rt ill'll hi id 11 - •
fetuses .ire either noli living or
non-human entities
On the best point no one
{>< TM ill I .111 CMTl IM i <)! 11 j l h -1 ■ •
freedom without some h.id
eventuulh euining For in
••liiii: , i\, don’t h-iv i i • .mplele
freed mi to dlsi barge firearms
vvInii". et is ;■ please, iur ohvl
ous re,1 i More gi■ net,i 11v.
i. ii r h i ng su ell freedoms is a
. itgi ;;i.iiv.limn behind Iovs s
On the m olid point, vs h\ is
i >mplete i on 1 ml over one s
is always punitive' A ciiuii
ler i Viim11.e might run a worn
■ii. asks her brother lor a trails
fusion ..mil he matches her
Ivpe! He agrees, hui during the
(.till edure he impulsively
i h inges his mind, to leave on a
irip She dies as a result
lien1 the hods is i i ear I v the
i miner s. lie can obviously do
vs :!ti ll vs hit he s\ anis Hut, hot
loin line, is ibis jtisl?
tie. the Uiird point, (dearly
till bins is at li ,.s! a developing
human being If no!, abortion
Would is- annei essars lievolid
this t housing a pom! where
something ’becomes” human
is troubling 1 he most logical
plai i is at cum eptioli ( an ss e
aflord to ert on tins point' I! fe
loses are human, boss can abut
nun i»' ri^iu -
The women is hu m't abor
turns art- hum.in .uni shnuhi tic
i .ui'il tur Art' thi- fetuses jiiv
!im so, simply bi'< .him- tbuy .ire
helplessly dllil hupi'li'sslV si
Kelly O'Connell
\ infill art u In 5 >((•<•■
(I i b 1J l on llu' hovt oil
ul businesses wini have < untriti
i !ni i tin ( X A ii. ifsii t give
enough inhumation In tin- pub
lit it bout John and Phyllis
Miron i Imv haye i ■ ntr11mt<J
Hi (liner t iiitM's, loo i Ills pas'
(hristmas. members til our < on
cremation made candles that
d H ,y \!
i .tills AIDS 1 iuspii c
\\ .■ Wanted to contribute to
ihe cause ol establishing a hill
care hosjlH e 111 l.ugehr jot poo
pie (s i'll AIDS S i tie! ’aim .Oi.i
t ’li v! 1 is
\\ hen 1 hrsi met !• ■ tin in De
t ember anil I; It! lom vs luil our
( (aigo-gattim was planning, he
was exiei.imgly gracious ami
eager to help tie supported our
eI!orts by providing much
Heeded tapers la-low Ills ( osl
I'm sun' other examples id Ids
i liarity almund
li'- is a true friend o! ilns
community and worthy id our
support Would the misguided
/eal of people like tlarol Berg
and Allan Brow n he lessened if
they t ouId see one ol tile can
dles John ami Phyllis helped
make ’
I appeal lo students to leslsl
the efforts ol those who are try
mg to publicly shame the
Hirons iind other business peo
pie People of influence in our
community including the edi
tors ol the l.'mrr.ilti. should
condemn tins Mit.arthy style
buyi oil and the subsequent vio
lent e against the Mirons
Jack Davidson
Pastor, Cascade Presbyterian
A mu.ill. mm-pulitii .1 i. ideo
logically neutral (il possible) re
quest tu libr.tr; borrowers
l’l ease do not write in I in
hooks you borrow from our (or
.in; ollter! library
Libraries .ire ,m astoundingly
underrated gilt to the mind
free inlorm.itlon waiting to be
molded into understanding,
know ledge and flashes of in
Most books I i bet k out are
ravaged by other people s no
tions of what is important on
tile page notes, pencil mark
i n g s , eve n p e n a n d
highlightings Tins m<n be 11 lu
min.itii.;: !. r the original reader,
h;. it I-, i i'.tiiii !:r>{4 graffiti to
t::>■ :vt !» rmsser
i iii s hunks belong to a 11 of
us Please. use sour pens for
note taking, not marginal com
n: lit-, II sou absolutely must
• s t si'f (km in the text, try a
i.iis dot with .i pencil iind then
,-: soul dots when sou're
done We are a community of
readers, let's have regard tor
i'.h h other and for the privilege
ol intellectual freedom
Delia Fisher
First step
In the plethora of letters on
the JoSonja Watson (ontrover
ss. one point has vet to be men
tioned It has repeatedly been
r homed that the poor judgment
she showed in the past has no
bearing on boss she performs in
the present
There would be some valid
its to this except for one thing,
svhii h m ms opinion is more
important than the far t that she
shoplifted a fess dollars worth
ni non essential items or the
t.H t that she attempted to get a
t.lke II)
The real problem, to me, lies
m her evasion of responsibility
lor these matters According to
earlier ODE articles, site appar
ently avoided taking care ol the
shoplifting r barge until forced
bs the judii ml system to do so.
and still has an open warrant in
Washington County tor the oth
er i barge
Hit resignation is a gtxitl nrst
step toward taking responsibili
ty lor her i hulces If she follows
that tip by making good on her
stated intention to repay the
amount she was overpaid for
her summer positions, and then
takes care of that outstanding
warrant, she will have laid the
groundwork for rebuilding her
character and reputation
Lveryono exercises poor
judgment from time to time,
hut it takes a mature, responsi
ble adult to face up to the con
sequent es on their own voli
Debra Day