1 * x A A * t 1 _k $5 OFF AU HAIRCUTS Si HT Tm<5CCXiPO* *f B ?cit> t*vw WOMFN MF.N Duck Tails Hair Salon 343-8214 • Ground Floor FAIL' \iM \ilhl Wl!h i »M«*f * EARN UPPER DIVISION CREDIT SPRING TERM By working at the Survival Center on socio-environmental issues. You-don't have to be an expert just have it m your heart to want to help heal the earth Survival Center Stop by the Survival Center for more info EMU Suite 1 346 4356 7 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BOOKSTORE DRAFTING & DESIGN design master . Vertical 'J»'d . Sharp image „Q fln 189 00 SALE $139-0 SUPER AG 100 . 3, to 20* enlargement f’"T ove-v/e of l iisity maruvj* » 3-D objects lir.ColQQ0 Reg 319 00 SALE $219 Stunly *>t,uni«r.* '!“ul . i 4" pt«»>g>aiS '°P . Bott< *n,c*1 *0-,12",>'°'2o'C) sale Color Correct ^9^ v39 00 T ube * 11” x 18" l"’118 One Daylight Tube SALE $S9 00 Taborets ^ODUCTORYOFFER N0-SOLID OAK TABORET . 3 cl.av.e- * nestable Reg $209.00 SALE S1 Reg $298.00 SALE S215.00 Table Accessories . SPIROLL . An4ci>*5 to *«ni'H) u»bi«_top_ at U*t«3® ' 48" tongti FtoO UTS 00 f W ) U’SS 75 SALE 20^o OFF t&ri otte side tray ’ . Attach*s to now « '•>' «« « «LE S29.9S .SIERRA SEATING . Prx*omabc h»yhi o<*u»trriont • [Mack or gray orfic* (»5C4Hi Meg $135 85 SALE $75 00 Dotting t> . VVitti laard'op I tool'8't (fttl) Reg $177 25 SALE $99.00 . Witt-. ad|u5lnbla tootnng (f R2) R«g. $197.26 SALE $109.00 1 introductory offer SOLID OAK “>« •c£5I™“L,, gaug. Mk ^ ^ C <**9" UJ 2* $249 00 SALE $,69.00 ft-"" , PICKETT iStyte 130TA) "ULTIMA" DRAFTINGTABLt :'ZZXZ#SS2S. no 31*42 R»g*2tSOO SALE $179 00 Reg $199 96 STUDIO RTA Tech Table (3] *J2).Tubularba*. *.£ch^TlS«. • Black of wtnW lop SALE $99.00 _ OMNI ^ Drafting Table (30 * 4 . fold o*ay dewy •™a<*usiu • Sturdy & stable H.9 *226.00 SALE *115.00 Come Take a look Al Our n'T beautiful SOLID OAK FURNITURE AVu’ 4 POST DRAFTING table • 36 * 48 • Unfinished aohd oak • Macte m Oregon Reg SALE $?50°o $185.00 TWrtMlllh t Kincaid. Open Monday - Friday 7:49 - 9:90. Phona 944-4391 Ihix Emerald Duck golfers to hit top 20 By Steve M ms The Oregon iticn's golf team expects ,i luji JO ranking when the | i Its i < rne uiit next week. after ,iii impressive sixth-place finish in last weekend s Big Is I a n ii inter < o 11 e g i a 1 e a t W lak.doa, Hawaii The Ducks went into the tourney r.mk< ii .Mill in tin nn tiun hut finished ahead o( eight teams currently ranked in the top JO Among these teams wi n- I'milir VO Conference ri vals Arizona and DSC. ranked 'second and Kith, respectively, as well as seventh-ranked BYi a:: i N, i il New Mrein U i finisher! ahm t w ii.it I exper ted, new hear! coach Shaw n Air,her said 'They all play i d y\ei! and wen- relaxed ! eadmg the Dm ks was senior Doug DuChuteau. who shot a i') over jr.rr 2.1 1, !yirrg trim lor 1 tit 11 I he scores were higher than normal due to strong winds drat averaged" between i(M0 miles per hour troth days and at tunes reached as high as .0 mph. Nuhudv finished under p.ir ! ir tin' three-round tournament as (iki.ifii rii.i State's Alan licit ! n Won ill. event with a ‘lover p.ir ,:.:u N. a I \! \ won t!i< team title In two strokes met th :d ranked Ok lahotna State with the Ducks coining in k’ti sin is nit tile pat e U I leel like W e plilVed bad an I still t in isheti sixth, so We If preltv happv." junior |etl ! v ..its s.iai 1 ills veal’s Duck sipuiii has ! ; v e seniors, in c 1 u d i n |* D.AM.i: k Ahii n h. Trov Tumiva and James Chrism,m. win all went to Hawaii along with Lynns experience is the strength of our team An her said This IS tile strongest traveling team we have Oregon got the nation s atten tion during the fall season win r. iiiev treat a strong field ill the Kohertxnn-Holmes Interred . -male Mi: k to); l .a! it TheV : ii.ke it; \( A A Division I re cord lor first tti holts In a four man team in the proi ess by sh tun; I i under par Aldrir h won the tournament, giving himself a legitimate shot at an All-American lierth Thu Ducks are oK until Man h 7 and it when they host the Dm k Invitational at b’ugene ( oiintrv Club and l.merald Val lev l loll ( Curse Wa ai 11 bt i a t K• [Mll T a ur i4iy 1 Fri laf, Fab'yarf 20 t 21 Original £ Hindmidi Hitt Th. Cat* I n Tha Hat 61) 26)4 PO 801 12011 (jyiix 08 97440 Create your own FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS PHOTOS ©WORK HICH QUALITY iMACIt A MRMCT 6irr ' v* £» yim kWw'j ilk- cop*- CWltrr MO UIT IITM IWUMI CM ftMl