New Hampshire primary small success for Bush WASHINGTON (API Aflir .i p.iriu ky m r.inihlr mi Ni'w Hutnpshlfi: pri in.irv Wlilli' Hiiusf pit *.! r. j ! < • >: i • t settled \S I'lliii'Ml.iv mi the liii'rar an lli point victory iv isn't that niter nil The White House -kept up its : happy fni e even .is It .sli's margin slipped in it. points (loud. ,ve still '.von White House press sei ret.iry Marlin I it/vvuter .mind .i s ullii ml result*. I.ile W ei| ries.i\ show i.l I’fesiilent Mu.h with u victory margin of 'cl perce nt to t7 percent her. unoffn . u hud put the spr> .nl .it Mi pen eril t<. in pen cut l'i MU ti | ;e .i! :. I ’.it r u i. M u h ue in. s numbers, I il/w.V.r said He (i ll wnv In-low -HI He only got 17 lose call Must .1 .; Ml .ippro.H fi w itl iis silence .itKin . lined licit In- :. id hn-n li.iimt.i red In ;mr. s. or leave the joh to cam j Rolx-rt I eeter or press sri rotors Sturt in h tt/water till emi they settled on a written st.iir metit f > the president ai knowledg 1 t the nit* was "far closer than o .mv had pretin led A new Hi --sage was firmed up hv the . - [t..- •. u pped olf Air hurt e One in hr svihe n Wednesday "Some of ■: I airessmen with me today said, io , .i.i e w hen is an lH-point victory • ■ ia saferetf anything other than a ■ is;. Je flush said Keptd hum National Commit t . Kiel] Hood and deputy ; an..yer Mary Mutulin took ■■■-.are to the morning shows netvsotk television' Only the pun ... : tin losers trv to take a win and make it a loss. Bond complained Tee I it i ailed i! .1 very decisive win Bush had appeared dis|)lriIod Tues day as reports of the exit polls circulat ed throughout the White House " The exit polls were wrong all duv." Matalin said " They had us at 50-50 .ill day." David (darncv, director of political af fairs for Bush's campaign, said one exit [loll showed Bush a point behind Bu chanan. and that it was tied at IH per cent later One of Bush's advisers acknowledged that there was insufficient planning about how the While House would re spond to Buchanan's showing More over. the adviser, asking not to be quot ed. said officials had underestimated the furs ol altai ks against the president bv Buchanan and the Democ rats in the li nal week of the campaign. 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