Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 20, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Native Americans provide outreach
jTribal Outreach, an inter
tribal organization, uses Uni
versity-owned long house for
weekly potlucks. socializing
By I iS3 Miiiegan
T1.ii' brightly lil iiuiim' .it ti.• • b »
v. !kv :f t.i:.-i uut !. i:Irk j i!k
Irtsiilr. ulutdri'is .i:r ji. iViin: lAitfiicn -i.'*'
!,I : :,l;. ,i !..i ! -.Vi I i 11 •! l ill I', v : .1 ■
In-.ilihg drum--: ,m,i . }j;ir;i;r
One woman nib!.;. on .1 pn:< . !
bruud, but most pi-up;.- ii.iu- lifvjUu-d .;,ii
jlii.; I’l.itrs ..I I.....! \\ .:!int; tu ! !.ik*'r
hiiiiii- Imi- si-vcr.il lubli's
Loiuti il i:< . 1 r 11:>- l riivi-iMly Mumiuiii
. : \iil;ir,il Hi'.!nrV IU'\! 1, i 1I) N v fi i.: -
jin;! \ >'• i • '•!;>•• : "!:>■ i while hieiM
In i i .■; lie ' i\ ■ > \ |"
i.ifi; iiu/t-ii t>\ the Ah... t ,i .in Indian i;r. nip
Trih.il ()ulre.i< h
i t:r« ‘s .. jiii it! j . there h: i! -.eh
It: tv.‘t'h : ■ 1 ■ : - . t ‘ .1. ■ ■!t ;‘ ,t !
li.iembef Jbhii A fihi\vht',:ih
Ilu-t 1 in i. ... i i ■ .1 (hii" h i\ .i
. . . mi/.i!
.!•■ \.ilr. Anver ii .;:i
■V ' it Ill'll !>V ill!
imi w
!;:i..thbi'(i the Nl.tuH.il .lfii.ult it .
i|| !;:!!: tilt; ih.tWiUtt ■ h't.jj.ii't v .ft
I ! tig fin 111 ting t lie hlitlditlg, tin it.;
VersitV agreed tn iei inh.it Ouintaih list
It free 1 tie N.itn, e Atm : a .if Sluili : :t
1 EiiiiU iilso U M". 1 h t t f,' l i> i 11 li!
Sl ! ,i.-li in ii ' in 10 j> it: i'Vi-fv ! ri
' . ' . > ' . > .irr iii-sijjhr.t n
ii;.-i ■.. ■:■' . ,;! v >ir.ip|><'<l %i»il««.nls
.in ;i' Ismvii WtiV in six i.ilt/i1
i :v s nnl-jiint Si 11• ■ r• • for you III iln
i ; !: IV ■ ■ I I ;■ , . s.r.fl I III n lo’*'
' •, | (in: I fi : ni l IV ,i!ui \ I ill ll.l I. f If
h»,, S i I li: V, }; • kilt | in! \mu i.ltniTv)
In lin o '
S, ii fin rt),T .Hid hr-r hu*,i>.ind (nr. '.vim
i.;iuii|t •, other director s.ifd only
tfu' -i or four jn vjilr -.v 'ii- itli iiitin: (hr*
j : :.i kv: w n -n tlmv si.iri>'«l '.he- sumim-i
\ ,v iln imiIi,mid-, ivi i.i(;i- .iluuil 'll
. ! , , , . j,! 1 ; ! '.-.iii,■ -!Ii 111 ’ In I, 'nl.
Lionel Carroll drums at the longhouse
used £>> Uibiil Outreach .1 l ugenc based
intertribal organisation that aids
American Indians
Fiddlin’ in the rain
nrst . irk ■ r tert ms pa < t . 13th Avem n a rainy Wednesday
East campus area
limits parking time
jFairmount neighborhood program,
in effect since Monday, sets two hour
limit for on-street parking
By Came Cermets
r '■ • ,i ! As v a ale I ctitl
S(uil(;iit‘ wliu imc i took ailvanlage ul In i1 all-day
11 ,; ► hi in ihr hast l imriMli area can .In si1 no more
!!;■ i.-.uieiiti.il permit parking program planned lor
iI.. i'.iiniu.ant ni■:p,!jt*11r 11<><■*I went into ellt-i t Momlav.
limiting on street parking to a maximum oS two hums
The two hour limit signs are tnslallei) in the area he
tween Agate ami Villarti streets from 14th to 11Hh avr
, . l’.iiMi.g is reg.dated Mmuiav ll.rough I'lalat
is III U .1 111 In I p III e\< ept huliiliiys
lie- program is joint ellort ui the I'mversiU, the
;g|il . ric‘.ai V... . ia!uin ami the r it\ ol
Imgene It was rmplementeil at the request ul l air
: , .,. i it . i; * .i o .. a. r.'e. to 0 Is . trallli ami oil street
pars mg 1 ungestion
It.,- piogi.im s'.':, s. ill (|av. onstreet parking In
,mm ut- t ■ go. ilig fir loll!; to ,ue.i resn lents With per
m.' . x, mpt ig t!:. m Irom post, .( parking lime limits
( S.;.. : .! . ! |.: Ipertv oa riels w ill lie ahin
to pan li e., /one A bumper permits, which i.itrv alt
.mi. ,1,11 tee ot si', These pel ill Its l all lie purl hast a I lor
turn to PARKING P.tqe f
Duck Call changes will help seniors
By Karen Engels
t merafci Reporter
A restructuring of ihe Duck ( lull at -
; m hcdulf for spring irrm regisiri
lion should cause seniors less unxicty
lilts lime around
Seniors with a minimum of lf>5 i red
Us w ill now register before their euin
ter parts with 150 credits or less and
those at the junior senior Ixmierlim
! ir> credits
In the new registration si heduh ju
niors, sophomores and freshmen are
also now each divided into three divi
sions in number of credits earned
The change is in direct response to
student concerns, said Registrar Herb
(Ihcreck During the November winter
I.Tii! Dm k (..ill. scvtT.i! students from
till t Lins levels visited (dieretk's (ill., c.
concerned .ilniut 11n■:r l.itc registration
limes iiiel availability .1 classes Sonic
were nisi of the number ot in tills
required !o schedule .it the next t lass
level u[i anti bail laic s( lietiuling tunes
v\ till lb'- i :,r.s below
I he change should remedy those
problems. (Iheretk salt! Dm k ( all el
iiislmiTits were primarily done in Lor
ness tu Ihe seniors, he said I hey
need iheir ( redds to get out the door
I'lie number ol credits or transfer
t red i ts earned by Leb 17 militates a
n-t'.i-.li.ili. :: U :111 <>r trrin
1:' ■ : I; i;. -.hi 11 nunijili-tf. Hot olii ■
. . I-, !•) i, nlnl bffoti' IVb 1 7 ,ire not In -
ji ii . !: it,11. (!hriff k -..mi
! luring liu- lust Du< k ( .ill. muiu !»lu
ii. -i!-. i rriim-ouslv cuunlei! (.ill term
ills iiivv.irii Ihiur totals while liguring
■;.i ii registration tinu s Thc\ wen- then
unpleasantly surprised when the\ trii'ii
•Itut .liu) (tilli*«i to .a i i-ss i)ui k (l.iIi .it lhr
erroneous limi's
D.uk ( .... will IV!) .M .mil will
it- ,nl V ' ii . t. from H ,i Ml In
H j: .. : . through ! i ul.iy l iu- .11
. ... v in-.lull- .mil instructions for the
... tun.- r< I'.istr.itioii .irtf in liu- spring
; •. . situ .it (h'fguli
a - r
Rogislralion by crurtt?
0 -999 Feb 24
65+ Feb 24 26
50-164 Feb. 27 2B
35 - 149 Feb 28 M.ir
20-134 Mar 2
05-119 Mar 3 4
90-104 Mar 4
75 - 89 Mar 5
60 - 74 Mar 5 6
45 - 59 Mar 6 9
30 - 44 Mar 9
15 - 29 Mar 9 10
0-14 Mar 10
0 - 999 Mar 13
Two University professors will join other
experts this month m Oregon to discuss a
toxin affecting shellfish off the West Coast
See TOXIN, Page 4
A federal judge in Portland issued a pre
liminary injunction Wednesday blocking
logging in northern spotted owl habitat
Se« OWL. Page 5
The Duck women play
Arizona State tonight at
Mac Court
Sec SPORTS. Page 9