rr^rr JLlL UL Warm winter weather creating hiker heaven INTO THE OUTDOORS Il’f.’.ViXiF.V.vIii This has just been one of those is inters Here it is (hr multi Io of fehruarv. and there is no snow !ii hr lound below ah.iiit 1:V()0 Ire! Not particuiar iy eee.d news lor : ross t ountrv ski. Hi thusiasts whose t.iv;!it about now But what a winter this has born lor hikers I can't remem ber a year when so many trails have bt en snow tree lor - he much of the season The warm winter has opened up a multitude of unusual up portunities ter hiking enthusi ast - will I \ ha ye !. i w a it until May or june to start Visit mg ih.eii favorite trails The . ager snow comiiti ms offer tiler benefits as well, such as keeping lores! roads ia . is along with the trails I! you ve gut half a day or so. the trip to Sub Ira an Point com bined with a drie along Blow out and Straight t.iivks i wufth the tune I-irst d11ve to the Stahlmail Point tralihi id ; ak I i ighw as e .st ol S, . nil ! ' i.e Blowout t peek n ail which •! ads sou til west (right side ol highway) tie'i; a midway between the -.imm : Ale, I lie!:.a! ami l)rivi! tin this jj,»>,•-.i road a! must Jour miles, passing nu merous summer cabins un tlie lei! sitin' anti Hoover camp ground un tlie shore til Detroit I .ike. to tin- tniilhe.nl sign tut the lei! side u[ the mud .O' trad. W h a !l ; s a mote than two mill’s long, leads into the trees at tin' edge oi a small parking atea lust idt tlie matn ruaii The vs ide, vs ell gr adeti pa; h vs i mi s thi utigii It-rise lures!, elinihing gradual ! v aii rig the side id a ridge At about tile one mile point the lores! changes !rolTl mostjv set iind-gnivs th Douglas i ir to old-growth Sir and ( edar lives I Ins classi: am sent lores! is tided vs th. numerous downed . »gs and the ground ,s t arpeied wills moss and terns The trail crosses a levs small irks a long the way and . ..rails a! a moderate grade still : : w mg the side of a steep ridge just before reaching a saddle about a quarter mile from the top the trail passes through the middle ol a large field .>f rhododendron plants, vs he. h )iloom bright red in May or June : " ■ i ^ixxi rt'jNUng j : .1 s! ■: rht.,,1,.:! r:;if ;,i« ir-i; I ii i'i »n-i ,i -.h.tr ;; turn : ihf Ift!. :■ : ri^hi i s 1.1 : ■ ! .: ' , ■ \ i: :.1. i \ ■ itit‘,1, ■ ! ‘hi- trvr * . i r\ Ur; 11.1 is itit,i it ri-stin^lv iini* (i- it i n>; tv.is I>,i v .n 1 Ul>l i : ;:u ! h : s •].•,.>):. t!■■ ! r i.i! '! :/m h v ,1 lit l llii it i' [lit itti! • hnlut ; ,■ !: i n k; an, tin1! w.. i, i 11. > ■ iiiii it'iU tii'iii'.t Stiililrn.ui i?ulnt •> ; ii. :• ■ it vit- W|iijihit tThiht! i.r‘*t •. ;.s 1: 1 i Drti it,' 1 . ilit;' ■'i tv Kill !t ' ,( '■sniiiilt V tu.rItsti if tvi.inif, r ii;! ,:.iIn t s!n*!( ts, ■ ;■ ■ s, Thu \ ;.->v hi;::: thr. tup is rv J.t*:-ui:i to thu To;;hvVtst ,i:ii| ii.it ■. pij .: i ■: ■ . • ' i r.ist i n.- finmdiit ion posts ol t t:1 it : ; ik.i Hit rviiUiiM I: i-.isy ’ ■ - a hv this spul was cliuscti tin- Il.it summit u i 11 !i ..:. !. .! t - . i I-a .is t i i-.ti i it .: i i. tfii-rc is -inly iihout JO X Jli tist Sin,ill (till iiri-n -,i;. il; 1. i (..- a .it. lird ( nn! lull',, us then- ,irt- sliiM-r drop ,!ts inun- tii.in !(M) li-i-t tu tin mirth .mil i-.ist 1 k-tioit ,intl iii.iltii.i, ,is wi ll .is ■ .its u.ivi*l dig i!i ills; 11 Ijjh a ,n ran In’ M>«n. and tin- gur ., n ! ut • h. N urth ijntiiim Kn.-r is ijuitr loud, even Itotii tins point imin- than I ,-t(ItJ ,ibove tin- .11.• r . \ [ ‘ : ! ’ . ’ : i = i ' . ' ■ . . ' : ! ’ It.iiihi'.jii. (.outturn) along tiu' n i v .i ililt J I msics from tfu■ tnulhead 11 n-r>• is ,i fne-mth* slri'Ii fi ol gravel tint it isn't c;11ji am! is pass able tn regular |i■ i- -.i■ 11j.;i■ r iars The road travels past steep risk tw .. :. . i n i! im pi' -.sivr ati-i ia ;is at tin Lost l.bridge, it, i -.k.-: . the -1'1'1; i a 11 \ i j ! 1 s j! !us! iii.l k a l ks ( lie pi a VI'I ! ill I is ! a s tn pavement ,ipi;n a! a live «jy jufu turn and follows Straight k :!. i, ;!. u a i1 .! three mi; -s south ot Marion i .i: ks, or about lf> mill's front " : i .’ll >. .:. ' : Wo.it her . :11i it. ■ i. ■ ■:;..; what tin", .in-, there is stiii tin possibility ot ia a v v simw !a 11 along both the trail and tin* road But tins is an eniuyable trip I'Vi'ii it part ot tin- road or tr.n; is snmi’ il in K > : . . ■ ■ . a Iso him k tin- I . i; r oJ i imii's. so inipiiri! .ihout t iiir*-r,t road conditions it the Detroit H tiger Station along !i w e. /.ipsel! I.uiihy is a sports re I s ,rlrr U >r thr hmerald Husk. H.uH 4 ,iV.) v. | A : vlnn^-ai Apathy u. .4 M» s, Ai *i» i :«a»i D• a > 4*j • • MU Kcb 14 rr.i Pv. U1 4 n.o Hn. *v. % 44 4ti m: .1. Huu i t hi 1st * • ** A. • 1 }{« *.n Bfoihat* 'i B»ui X 41 4<» M > kt IS U« u 1 4 Sterna Nu »>* 4 ' M l VV : 4: 4 ' ' •• : ii ■ •. . k . , ; . . .1 . rt .' M. »«-h 17 s»t. j • ; • • v - \r ■ * . S 4 . : f 11.4 J V. ; A, 1 5!4W »> J* M.J ; r, it Oiii d V * J;# ii a i( : : r • • ■ 4*/M-.’ Ha- : : ''v : S«»- ’t .* •> -4 SI* l,, ; J (. •• ' • it V’ Lrtrm I: _:>«.■ J lim: i ; : » . *• M. j -i .r f. .4 -:.4* t4» *« M* Lpjj Siji' .1 < ■-«»«(. h i 4 +*> M2 K;i T d S he ) H u’.* *>2 Mj Hair ( i.*!> ; f Mwi d .’*• a t r K«i*r *u i»u M.' ... * mm fwio oy J4^rKV> .4fcOCt 7hi> North Hjntuirn- fl.ver' ctt/i he -»•»«•/» !hrc-,..jh the tree* from the former lookout site «t the top of the StJhlman Point ttailhosd 1 Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen \ ■ >i > •' / >' ‘ ' I T '■ >N v*- a l t T M < * r *< ' *. * T W ! *. • ” * H * /* *V i\ ► J . 'V, * ' ». •. r M A n I v / *v !». . - * f * ’ 'V. 1 Po ' t'i < At ‘ a ' •, ,P < •i'li I '! ^ V , fv ■ i\! d Weasel’s World Kraig Norris •♦rr. ti *: • < -I **’.* *••• v. : ■«. >• i •' ? C YA 11 I ' EMU CULTURAL FORUM & 95.3 Hw KAVE PRESENT robyn hitchcock 0 3 a 5 0 (0 < ■0 5 3 v plus \Ullhc* S»»rl MON FEU 24 H I’M K|| IHiSII'lil S|N«| t .1 SI KM EMI BALU«x>M ! BRUCE iCOCKBUKN plus Sam Phillips ^ TUES 1 FEB 25 8 PM $1*U0 STUWMTi \ I ? (A NiftM HILTON BALLROOM STUDENT TICKETS AVAILABLE AT EMU MAIN DESK ONLY! AU GENERAL ADMISSION TICKEIS AVAILABLE A! IMU MAIN DESK CD WORtO EACE THE MUSIC MOUSE Of RECORDS RECORO GAROEN TICKETS FOR BRUCE COCKBURN ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT BALLAOEER MUSIC