Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Even for Soviet defectors, there’s no place like home
Escape From the CIA
Ronald Kessler
Simon & Schuster, 1991
295 pages
Paperback price $5 99
★ ir ★
• (two* :!••>•* •• •<•(!
• •"* motto ir>« 51 "*• • • * • • '■»' !>*+•
One of the biggest spy vs spy
searvdiiIs dI till) Cold War didn't
involve any of the super-ex•
ploding, laser bring. radio
wave emitting gadgets popular
i/ed m the James Bond movies
that have entertained millions
This spy story involved one
average looking man with
blonde hair and a bad handle
bar mustache, a I'rench restau
rant, a quaint two-story house
in rural Virginia and .1 trip to
Canada in seun h of true love
On Aug 1, 1'185. Vitaly Yur
chenko, the tilth-ranking agent
ot the KCB hierarchy, walked
into tin- American embassy in
Koine sav ng lie Wanted to tie
let ! t ie was mi met) lately Flown
to the l nr. : St.i'• \ The t i.\
.inti Till set him. up in a safe
house ilild lost no ■ time-debrief
mg him- .its .0; hvast know !
edge of Kt .it ojier.i!loiis
Yurt heiikti w .ts the highest
ranking K(.H 0II111.1I ever to tie
let ( to the United Stales Orient
ins m.mv |o!>s witlmi the Soviet
spy agent y was directing mtel
ligem e operations m the Unit
eti States With miormation
supplied hy Yurchenko tile
hill .Knit t.\ would he .title to
e:\pose .'anyone spying lor tile
Yurt henko's delft lion was
an unbuliesable t oup lor I S
intelligent e operations
Hut just three months later,
on Nov T l evs Yuri henko
walked aw,i\ from .. I rent'll
restaurant where lie was timing
with his (HA gtiarti saying Tin
going For a walk it I don't t ome
back. it's not your lault
On Nov -t. Yurchenko Field
a press t (inference at the Soviet
embassy Fie told reporters
there he had been kidnapped in
Rome hv the (HA and brought
to the United States where lie
was held prisoner anil drugged
Speculation about what real
Iv happened during Viin lien
Li's three month vanishing act
snarr.il I! he was a true dcifet
lor, vvhv did he go Uiik’ Did
the < iA re.itlv kidnap him. und
if mi. vvhv did thi’v lid him rs
i api’ ’ Was Yuri henko sent liv
the Soviets as a plant In (1 is
i mitt the ('IA ’ \nd must mi
pmtantlv how could tin’ ( IA
have lilnvvri one ol the biggest
i ases o! the ( old War'
In f-.'s. ,1/1 e / real (hr < 7.1
award winning journalist Ron
aid Kessler attempts to sort out
the entire siirdid affair
Kessler is the hist and, to
date, th idv W stern journal
1st to 'interview Yunhenko
sim e hi letul l.e.i to the Soviet
l ia ol Yun henko. ini idental
iv vv is stiff in j lov ed by till'
Kl.il .n 1'iMii) Die author also
draw, on manv -.mu i i’s within
the American mleiligeiu e com
iMiimtv to fei unslrui t the t ase
III the ifeie: liv r delei tol
Kessler stria,’Iglv believes
Yuri henko was a true tie let tor
He even got the Soviet spv to
,u know ledge that d he was to
give up Ills kidnapping sl.av
and admit lli.it h had detei teii,
he would he . vet uted as a tral
Kessli : pr IV ides V idem e
tfia! :t was tie ( i \ s pi tor hall
dhng ol fun henko, and Yur
U.S. hockey team ‘bullies’ for gold
MHKIBFL, France (A!’) Whether the W S
hockey team is bullying ils way through the
Olympic tournament or just doing what it
takes to win. it keeps driving i loser to its goal
of golden glory
Scuffles and skirmishes marked another
game but didn't prevent the Americans from
beating France 4-1 Tuesday mgbt and moving
within one victory of the gold-medal game
The bottom lirie is we win and people can
say whatever they want." US captain Clark
Donated! said "! don't think were a dirty
team We’re a hard working team
11»»• thiited States [5 0 1) advanced to 1 ri
day’s semifinal against the winner of Wednes
day's I-inland-Umlied Team garni- The Ameri
cans, assured id mi worst; than fourth plai.tr,
art; in the Olympic medal round for (tie lirsi
time since winning the lUittt gold modal
While Tuesday's game was less intense than
the United States Sweden matt h the day he
(ore, it still was rough. Ament a s lire! Hedican
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When Yurchenko read about his
defection in the Washington Post, he
came to the conclusion that the CIA is
not a serious organization.’
i hrnko's bring spurned by a
lover m ( amida, lh.il led (o his
i lunge ot heart .uni sutwetjiient
return to the his liomel.ind
During the three months
Yurt henkn was in the t inted
States being debrleled by' the
( i.\ the .igeru v vs is .not able tu
provide .1 Russian spenkillg in
terpreter lor him Having to
i ons!1inilv spe.ik in I nglish
added even mi ire strain to .in
.do l. IV V erv stressed out nidi
v id...il ib t JA guards' habit
o! treating 'l mi heitko .is i pris
oner they kept him within
ev sight a! d 1 times mi hiding
steeping m the same room
also made Yurchenko ijuestion
huvs nun it he was appreciated
h -ssler uses the Yurt henko
ease to shed light on tile bu
team rat v that envelopes the
( 1\ Yurchenko s t l.\ handler
knew how the defer tot tell
alKHil the guards treatment of
him ll.nv ev ei the agent was
unable to do anything aixiut it
her ause the guards were from a
sep.irate department, meaning
tic had nu i ontrol over them
Ki s.li'f '..un thn biggest blow
in Viin henkn *• defection i .mu'
wlii'ii ill.' CIA leaked tin- story
in ti»i- (if. Wlu'ii ln> defected
m Koine, Yurchenko li.nl only
one request thiii it In- kt*|>l
11>iii|ill'll*Iv mk rnt so tin' Iannis
hi- It• 11 behind wuulil not suiter
When 'i im Itenkn rf.i.l about
his ili'li i lion in tin- W.ishm^lnn
/’list, In- i .ini,' to llii- conclusion
tli.11 tin' CIA is not .1 serious
Kessler lines ,i good job liiak
mg itu' stors I’njov.ililt! bv not
getting hogged down m ret iting
|list the I,n ts He paints i i le.ir
picture ul w li.it Yurt httlikp w.is
going tliroiigb ,it every stage of
the game lie also provides
good insight into the CIA s in
stitutinli.il lonleilipt lor delei
tors and how that attitude led
*1 mi hi-nko to question his del c
sion to lrs life ill the United
By Pat Malach
• ' . 1 V i i i ; ■ ' ' ‘
Swede off hook for hit
Ml.KIUKL. I i .nn .• ( AIM
'.wt-.lrn’s Slats NtisU;ilii won't
in- suspi-nili-il hum tin- Olvin
pu hot Ili-v tournament lor -i
stiii i hi-i k ih.it '-ini Amorlt .in
i. r ift row 11 !o a hospital .nit)
1 S oltii nils into a rage
(.onion Rnnwnk, vici- prrsi
it-tit o! tin- lntin.it tonal h r
Hot lory l i-.lrr.it uni. -..ini Turs
il.iv rrli-n-.- Srjijio M.ikrl.i
j. i<it»unrnt that N i-.lun-l ilh! not
intern! to hurl Urnwn w.i. the
final woni
Hruvvii. released Pui'Miity ‘il
In in m. might hospital slav,
was doing linn and was up
<kk1 around I S (film I )r
Dili ' Jui lll l SU id I If Ml lien d .1
broken ini'.'' a corn ussion and
i 1 ' stili ti gash above bis nose
U belle t in lull lie'll tie b.n k
mi I riii.iv ! lei a semifinal j;.1111*•)
v. .11 be up In mil .11a tors.' I S
i i >.e It I l.i w IS i I si in s.i e I alter
Ttiesilay \ 11 iju.irlcrlin.il vv in
over I ram e
1*1 W K> M l VOI k \lt\|sl k SOON
lOk M)VI( h ON Sl'kINO Tl KM s< III |>l | |N(.
Special Advising Outreach This Week
IMl Main Lohh\
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‘^'On'ored by A'adtrruc /kivi-inq
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