CLEARANCE SALE ON ALL 1991 MODELS, CYCLE-311 REPAIRS A CYCLES THEWS r ARE HERE!, Come in to register for our monthly drawing and check the weekly specials! 1340 Willamette 687-0288 j Computer Products & Supplies Inc. wia %l if C 11 OH MU VI Cl \ imi ».M, U\||,, > I IV5.00 4X6 UMIl/ \ i *'»5 ~$ymm Corl^aioA' - Intel 386/486 CPU - 1.2MB FD - 40MB HD - - 2MB RAM - VGA Color - 14" VGA Monitor • - 2 S/P/Gam® - 101 KB - MS DOS 5.0 - AST Rt SEARCH f’frmium IL/IH4.SX 2#Mfc« Hr j»o 4ft4/X3Mh« Amlhortttd 1*4 mUr Twin Head 386SX/16 Note book Leading Edge 386SX Note book . ♦X) IW t*»t tteflr* t > '• Intel UNUMUkK# I 1 .*• *•' 'pOMitk**' A* - • *»** t*» ■ t'm t» 1014 SW T •yto* cm irm Fu 72*0441 2001 » rwAMn Mv* i up*™*, cm i;*oj »Mnc M.V M14 Pu J4VJJPI tea Mom ►Ml# 4 Sal II 4 1**1 p*M*i *nO i Uvj . n '; I-tom A Distant c into a Int. (.nffilh m .ifrii ,i Nmulif r ()nc with it m in-lami in 1 ‘tat, At tuully. hi'i h * • 11i lift! Nunilwr One m that rmhattlt’d t.outltrv ,i numltrr nl limns. .inti hflpfti lift gam sliirtltim thfri Hi-r last allium. 7Tn* /..tsf of ihr I'rvr iVs S\ .is ntltll .! (or a Crummy lor IksI l. ». i!t;.,in .:i 1 ‘MM lift stings t:u\In . n ilimit! into Inis Ijv •.... It 11 .11>tr> attists us Kalin Multi u. ! in Irt-l.mti In Irish s|.it s V,; r ,i () ( nntirlt ulit! Slaty k (.rilhtl. s songs .in- known !,i li.ivt- a is is! In I, poignant nn hols horn til lift- on thr sltffts ..ill! !!:■• to 111 hotlfst. unassuming anti soulful Count* y photo Nanci Griffith, known for her literary songs and tho vignettes of life they toll, will portorm Saturday at tho Hull Center. Oil otic lour wu did ,i luw \ ('ills ago ( .1 lliilll said. VVU wi'ii1 iii liulrls iii downtown anas on thu Last Coast. in I’lnl.i.ii'Ijilii.i .uni Washington, !M i’hiluiii’iphiii was proba bly the worst, .uni i! hil mu li.ird VVi got into this hubil wlur u jftur .1 show. wu d lake .ill th<- i atorud liHui Iroin inn kslagu and taku it to n shultur for thu homoloss l.spununt un with thu liotnn Iunn and thu luss fortunate, and uviti of (Griffith's own nuiinu of loneliness living on thu road aru what hur lalust re luasu on MCA. I.ulr Grunih* Hntol, is all about Thu singer, whose voir e lias been desi ribed as a blend of Kate Hush gossamer, Loretta l.vnn twang and Woody (iulb rie pith," said the album is a statement ol what a pain It is to live in a hotel room most of one s lile (Griffith and her live-piece Blue Moon Orchestra will bring their show to the Hull (uniter on l et) 22. at H p.m Alabama sitiger -songwriter loni kimmol will open Tick ets, at Slr>. are available at the i.Mt Main Desk or hv calling tin- Unit (.'enter bos office at tilt7 ‘>000 Hoyuiui AIDS 101 NOT JJUST ANOTHER What can you do to make a difference? TOPICS: • S'auyatiny Your Way to a Health) Relationship • Safer Sex: What's Practical, What’s Sot • Personal Stories from People With AIDS • Grief and l joss Friday, May 8,1992 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Saturday, May 9,1992 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Gerlinger Ixmnge I DI’M 407 and IDI’M S()7 CRN 640X and 64091 I credit I’/NPonly LIMITED ENROLLMENT Conference fee - $20.(K) payable the day of workshop Saturday lunch provided Sponsored h> llanncd CarentlxxxJ of laix1 Count) .uxl 11 of () Student I iealth Sen. tceo fin 5 video GAMES PUIUCMARKET VIDEO ADVENTURE] ViUiYNVtftPUtt ■SSL'S, „ '•XT'S*IT —^—....i — Were Moving7= Beginning March 1 Planned Parenthood w Do loca'oa at 1670 High St. Eugene (comer of E ! 7m & Hign) New home same quality affordable services • Birth Control • Pap. Pelvic Exam • Pregnancy Testing • Infection Checks • Counseling — 344-9411 — Classifieds 34(4343