n^rr. ■ m ; larengTOT \J j Skydiving from a mile-and a-half above the ground has its ups and downs, but mostly down ALBANY It .ill began with .1 phone i ,i 11 I c.in 11 * holin' from class one afternoon to find my atvsvvcTtng machine fiii'.fn 1:I pressed (ho button, listening to just .1!>. ...I tin: lust vuk:e I expected to hear th.il duv The message was left hv University |u nior Drew Holmes, an instructor .it tin Willamette Valiev Parachuting (dub He heard I was interested in skydiving, and what he said got me even more Interest ed T enl h o u s .1 n d I e e t o ! pure adrenaline, Holmes said through my machine Yet looking down from the plane Sat urday, 10,000 feet from the earth, adren.dme was the last thing on my mind Lib' itself seemed more important But I survived, obviously, or else this storv would never be (old through m\ mouth ! Trends who knew ! was going skvdtv mg thought I was < ra/v Holmes who has made his lair share ol lumps, joking ly told me I was 1 ra/v And by the time I finished mv two hour lesson Saturday morning, I was convinced I was crazy it made me wonder yvhat sort of pet) pie actually go through with a jump or do it as a hobby or a career Thrill-seek ers ’ One timers' It s a dillerent breed of people Holmes said "Ninety fieri ent of tie- peo pie vve never see them again Most people just want to do it oru e to say, | jumped out of an airplane i l .t' ; o owner Mike Mitiee said the popularity ol skydiving is at an all-time high t <. i:nr i.I interest j).irki•!! by lln I'nml lll-’.ik at. 1 two i utimrr tub. .ifpa t mg skyd lving Skydiving 1m-. become levs .ind l*-»s : 1 ■ : ,1/y pel Mill Sp.it!, said Me l .re IS .‘ill began tile skydiving business at the kte v Its.!!e I'lytng (.'lub in January 1'lilrt Thu lesson tiegun with u series of vid ■ t;[.i j - timing tile i ijii i puunt we would be using during om tandem jump • i !. i: : ; . : . r - :. :is,i ■ lus her lirs! jump hi .i tandem pimp, vvhu h vs.. i -- first usi .1 iri i'lilj, .in inslriu I,a :strapped lu the mpi-r l*.. k hi Hindi' tin' jumper tilling ! .. i i til video-. students gi i th;i ugh .i ■ :ii ui simulated ([.lining ev «'U ; . iis! ta ;.: .. s! \ th ’si gn cd tn help the t.ilidi'ill re.il Is the gr. until '..del V Students .He taught huvv to exit the p hi lie. and nine they've dune thill, limy ale t 'hi t:. ivs h liy lor the tils' a.(100 |. et ol !;. el.d; Ui, si the student re. a lies the a .1)0(1 loot ii Vi i the alt 11 lull' Is induat ed on .in altimeter worn on the ■.indent's i ;.«■■.: t.h ■■ hid. US i Si pp. s‘.rd to pti ! 1 the I ipi ord I haw- a vested interest in re.li long tlie ground tv ith the i hute out.” Inslrtu toi Vit ‘..ipi r told me with a smile Sounds easy, right' i had gone through ail the training in linii". m in. head pi.lit.sod the motions ha J reef a i: e tfi.it. a lid then I began to experieni e my lirst leelings ol nervous Juki' Ucrg waits in ltn< plane flower leiI) ticlorc ascending to 10,000 loot and sky diving (above lollI Jhe mad bomber al ter touchdown jabovel Story by Jake Berg Photos by Ginger Sonme lousiies-, 1 liikullv rrull/ed lli.l! I yvuspo 11 in l.iil oiirund u ii .111 miles from thr sky (illlp I pulled up thi' blur lull ImicIv (met.ill-, iuilurncil 11h tin* appropriate logo tU.iKH) or Must”) over mv shorts .mil t shirt, (nii let I my r up lor u crush helmet, .iik! pi.ii ed u pair of wraparound goggles on my l.iii* Someone made the comment tli.it I li.. .lo il III,.' u ''mud Inimber t in* mu.I part was sum right. M. my tund.'iii purtm-r. siiMt'd iiu in i tour-loop hum. ss th.it would hr usrd nist prior to thr punp us our con ni l ! ion Mr also tool rare ol thr para i hut. whn h Would hr strapped to his hail urn! hr to me though I Would ai t null y j ,11 thr ripe oril IS r s! .! into thr small Hitf ral! III. Mill. ■■ Nape r and his student. I ni vers tv '..‘ii.or I’.it Mala, h and the pilot ol course I was really going to do this H. ,y\ The airplane engine started, and I Inn to SKYDIVE Pago 8 THE SAGA CONTINUES... It’s Been A Wednesday Tradition Since 1989. ft Vi**}1' 11 Eugene’s family owned pizza restaurant, Track Town, has always stood for quality pizza at a reasonable price. Starting Spring term, the Wednesday medium one-item pizza will be $6.95. But until then, Track Town invites you to join them in the Wednesday night countdown at the current price of $5.95. 4 TRACK TOWN PIZZA I 1809 Franklin Blvd. 484-2799