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M K‘ • Insurance choice may be required in fall By Andrea i aFayette Fisher Cmt*8kJ Cor tnOuC a Students it)>ts have in chouse whether they want University sponsored health insurance in order to complete registration' next fail, in u move some Slu dent Hmilth Insunini e Commit tee memlwrs say it the firti step toward mandatory insurnni e for l im ersiiy students Jennifer Mills. ASl’O presi dent and SHit; chairwoman, said the committee and the business oiTu e arc working to gether to i r < • i) out details of .'.im plementing the ' forced an swer" enrollment system Stu (fonts will either pus}] -i tele pI ■ 1 .1 ie I ■ .El!;; d U f i 0 g U UI k ( -til or tfiey -.Sill till ll; .1 hox on their tuition iiiiis to indicate their choice ft. .id) y Lee, of A s soi j aled Student ServK.es fin is among those who (io not approve ASS! is a student .KtlV'Ittes group that (imtr.e ts with SMK. to provide nnunr ini manage merit of health insurar'u e pro grams "Is tills the most legitimate \x ay to get inlormtitii .n ■’ Lee ask.-d "The next tiling you koo.x .sell iia Ve ll. -ilisys er SO other tilings in order to register iih.s ss hat dents want' !:is kind of (iii lalorial vvuv of H ding answers nun not lie eth ical " C.r rrv ‘•' •'■Is. v;i r provost. s. n-.j sh' most cost 1‘flci live wuv to implement the I''n > I arms. r ■a stem would be .to put it on 1 )ut k (.iil tin t no fit) a I (iiiiMiin has been reached yet A■■si:mm^{.wo i .hi t utiip to .1 • |i .if idea i if In ns to implement : a .:I 1:0 I- ns -iri) Moselv said On l i'b t SHIti sent out bids to si*soral insurant o r 0rrtors. outlining the pi.mood furred 1 nmllmimt system and asking : a ; hangi s in 1 urri>nl polit y t. eiMdrts. si.t h as the addition of dome slit parltiership spoilsaI ■ jtiiv alertr v ( uvefiige and vi s;on r are as '.veil us an int reuse ni international student Item: fits lo bring these tip to domes it! student levels H lit0:k our 1 utrent plan t: id'- i mp 1111 eon-nt hut we ■ ope to g* 1 mandatory in the lies! thn ■ to four years," Hills, said Mi'iiim bile, SHI( ! is ill taunt h a suhsianilal education elfort designed to int.tease student awareness of health insurani e 1 ptoi.es Mamiaturi eoverage would nn an students would ei ther have to show proof of out side t.-overage or subscribe to the fniversity polity in order to enroll t'< Berkeley students have had mandatary coverage for about five years Undergradu ates there pay S too a year for coverage, Compared to current voluntary University of Oregon premiums, whir h run Sr>o I per y ear for a single policy The more people who sub m nlu lo a polu y the more benefits y wti i .in ask for and the lower the cost.” said University tnsuram e r oordtmb! nr Cathy Curran Bills estimates that Universi ty students would pay as little .is $-00 a year for roverage if health insuranie were rtmnda lory Results from a recent SHIC suryey indicate that students yy ho aren't ( oye red liy their parents' polu y aren't planning to subscribe to tile University's polit y either But SHIC mem her Hilary Mosher said if stu dents don't < (loose mandatory Insurance coverage, the state may choose it for them A lot of states have already done it Mosher said "They just (an t handle the expense of pick i ng up medii a I lulls S. it un ci y ereil students Mosely disagrees A state mandate was mote likely a ( mi pie ol years ago, ise said, add Bush, Tsongas take first primary irenwrrji MANCHI.S H.K N H ( A I* ) I’ns idea I Hush gjilad f[rutif>ii)|* v ii tors I in sil.iy 11iri 1 m the New H .J J!! j I vll s r «■ j! I . Mlicntl.il primary, with challenger pat rn k ! Buchanan < 1.11 m 1 ng more !li.in '10 pen cut o! the i j■ k. we're go It;:; 1(1 take our < lullllrv it.il k. ii .. i;.in.in (old .i ; battling ral ly Ho repealed his cl onoinit ami foreign-pulit v campaign lititmi' I hero is nolhirig vs; aig w till pulling America hirst An i . st.iiit crowd i inii'it in ri'iurn t.nd Bless Amnrh.li (hxl Iilrss I’at Hush liiti nol appear In t i.i.rn ins v ii |. a v and ills vs nl ton si.i! .merit vsas sedate S i .■ t ii i In1’! vs as lar eh>s ii than Hi.ill) had prod it lid. lilt- Bush statement said i linlik the opponents on both sides reaped the harvest of d i s; on lull! vs ilh iho pace of New Hampshire s economy H v i e.s. d I. lake iii v i ase lo tin- v leis m the next eight aiii! a ti.dl months, and said in vs as i onh.lent of In aling Bui : .11 a. I. vs i n the (.()!’ no m i no l ion !n tin' exit polls, thrt-i' in It Vi Isong.ls voters Cl led his sp'-i tin tile.is iis muttering mi si. whil< -IJ pi n ent men tinned his strength and mur age \i',nlv one third «i nil V I : I •: s -..ill! t h e \ wished some other t undulate h.id heen on the twilot Write m i ampaigns h-i New \ urk t,ov \i ,ir iu loioiMi. .m.) i onsiniier .11 nv 1st K.iiph N.ider were gaining sp.irse «ind st .dieted support Dem..- r.itii. \atn'.n.il ( hair m.m Ronald H Drown saul tl.i- Mew Hampshire results (ml Hush in incredible per ll ' Clinton told his supporters in Mernmui k. that he "just can't wait to take this ram paign .a toss the country and I know in November we ate going to win a great \u lorv against I’.d Buchan an ing lh.ri thi? administration doesn't want in be perceived .is demanding mure from student* while doing less Bills said tuition increases re suiting from Measure 5 have fori ed the i ommittee to move more slowly on the plan In mandate coverage "Students v\ ill tie looking at an 1H percent tuition hike m the summer, so we don't want to add the cost ul an Insurance premium right awav." she said SHK. members hope students will i house mandatory insur ant e when they have more m: torm.ition about live benefits of universal coverage "The only wav to get a viable In a It h insurance policy is to go mandat or v,': Mosher said hast year we sa'.V the ASl'O president go from totally anti mandatory to realizing it was the only way to go." But Bills and Mosely both said health insurance would not he mandated unless stu dents decide that's what they want. We'll get the information out. hut it there is a resounding 'no' Iron) students when the time comes, we won't try to fori e it." Bills said Network withholds leak leads WASHINGTON (AP) N,i Uoii.ll Publn Radio refused luesduv to provide a Senate spe< iut (iiunsol with m.iicn.il on Anita Hill's M xu.il harass ment allegations against (dar .1111' I humus that it did not broadcast William 1. Bu/etiberg, vita; president lor nows and itifor Illation at N'PR. said the net wuik was protri ti ll by tin* first AimmdincnIA guarantee of press freedom Huzenberg was tin; third jour nalist called before Peter h Mi-ming Jr 1 doming is trying to learn wiio disclosed the accusations that Thomas sexually harassed Hill, a law professor OREGON COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRANSFERS Your community college counselors will be on campus February 19, 1992 to talk with former students about their university experience. Where: Ballroom, Erb Memorial Union When: li)0 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. C ome share your insights about college life. I,et your former counselor know how they could have better prepared you tor your transition to the University of Oregon. Community u>//c\ys Intcroira'in$ Former Students Central CJrcgim Chcmekcta CI.K k.im.ls I .a no Linn-Benton Oregon Coast Port land-Cascade Southwestern Oregon Umpqua