Class: Geography 101 iflrm: Fall 1991 Instructor: Lane Transit District A) Tundra B) Tropics C) Topigraphical Mapping D) Travelogue E) Turkestan 1) 3) fi6re would you find these throe regions Dordogne, Lot? Tarn? 4) Compare and contrast the Gobi, the Kalahari, and the Mojave. 5) You are in flugene, Oregon. You can ride an LTD bus anywhere. Anytime. All term long. BONUS Just show your student I.D. How does this compare with the other great transit systems of the ^Jorld? 6) Take the buw , .. from Amazon Park to Armitag Describjj the terrain in 500 wordfl or less. C 1991 Lin* b»nvl LWic: SKYDIVE Co;” rjfld from Page 8 .d m r M.a.ii !i and \.i I>i<■ r below me. though thev jumped fivt' sec muis after 1 If ft thi pi,me Mv eyes followed their t hull* into the drop /.mu and-watched them make a land mg, une I Imped 1 wouldn't imi tate \d! mm ti mure than a min ute later Mound myself nearing the ground, preparing to land liehi i,d Stahlcl) and Napier With Mi Clef 's help. I pulled (town hard on the brakes and brought mv legs together for a landing I'he heels of un hiking hoots sod on the wet ground frit a number of feet before I l ame to a stop on me butt Ah. ground I stood up, arid Slot lee un 1., l.i : himself Imm m\ equip ment 1 stepped free and raised mv h olds in i elebration that. 1 reai lied earth safely U hat l I ush 11.mum; i.1 Its lot ihf Wil lumt'llf Y.11lv\ Parat lulling ( lult .: i S : i{til the 1 irsl l.hi i. n pur.ii Im11' lump ,imi Sou lor thi: M'Uinil landern jump Spi’t i.i 1 pitmp ruins .in; able lor the liimii'm jumps A ft it transition in «i solo training system, ir ■ I im; .nijis .in- S lr> imi !i ,10.1 free fall training lumps are S.IO Equip ment IVlit.. i is S;. per I'i lll|). : ht U lil.imeitf Pa rut huting (Mub is ioi .ilrni just east of Al ii. m\ l ieu; i '> North, turn right on 1-Ail ( 1 drive two miles .•■isi to S. nivel Hill Ko.iii. .im! take ,i right there Head south lor ,i half-mile to rout h the dub Keserv aliotis .ire him essary to Im 111 !h> hist ;uil;j) fours,, .m.l t a n he m ,i il e h v tailing u.’ti ’> ' it. ; he U io.m.ette \ ,l 1 lev Parachuting Club is open Saturday anti Sunday ami will be open daily in the summer lor those interested in going through the lessons in Eugene and then jumping in Albany, ; i-e-s.-s tor SI05 are .nailable I or mure information on these < latises l ull Drew Holmes ui tut ' 'lie. : . : ban Moure 11 i-C. iVOO A mflKC TOUR ouin RECYCLED PAPER cftmpuf Rccrcunc rad rruDcnr Rccrcunc PROGRftm PRCftAT FREE PAPER MAKING WORKSHOP KKJ PM. WFD. i«T>i EMU LOBBY 5«6-15» REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE