EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! < i assii ii:i» l»OUC IKS Payment AM *Jt muu hr prrpanJ onlctt hilling hat hrrn cti«bliihr«J I «w tailing arrangements pfratr call I4h 4 V4 1 or tt« lr> the i la tallied irfluf, * I-Ml Deadlines l me Ail* 1 p m . one liuiincti ciji% pMui to insertion I >i - pi *, Nth l pm ;lvir husuwst »la> i prior to intcrtitn Errors Refunds 1 *l« -ai• i in . r \>*il ad* Report cni't\ m»nudtalHv h\ tailing <41. i 14 t \N t 4itii r lw t r tpumihjic h * motr than I da%'* mo >tf!. i in-** rtion it \t*i 'U‘ n<4 n<«ifv i ->l the eirof bv ! p rn ««i the *ill ta muc J alter iht a>l ilcalltiu' < rr«lit* mutt he used aithtti ft nxunths of ituir »oo BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Gilbert Wrr21"1 Thiow away that fake ID1 tOS PERSONALS A Xil K1 t r»c S & (ireIt y M Cof^jrrtuirUonr on you» plnnmg l ov* Your Sistarr KL A.M2 u«i \ 14*n Th# »ombr«ioi and th# fly #r#r# yr#at' I Hank* (or t«kn>g u» t>ai k to th# Alamo' r. Gamma Ph» I «Hl W To place an ad in the ( meratd Cteaaibeda aimpfy (til out on# of our forma located at the UO ttookatcre or at our main office on the 3rd floor of the l MU buildup Suite 100 Or feel free to aend ua your ad ** coil of an ad <» aimpia tf you 0i0 • UO atucSont or | a i>or> profit group th# coal »» *?> (MM lift* per da* Wa lO tor a minimum Of 3 (mat »o in ad total* ??> per day ff yoi re a retail bwamasa conatdanng advertifting pJeafte cat) u* at 346 4 343 for further information Of' *r>J d©n \ forg#l th« d#*di for lif># »Jt .1 ipm on* bu^rv#»* da> prior lo insertion whd* dr 4 j« ar * 1m . t» v# and o**wy T 4 X *> X c#*y ' mi « <3 0**'''4* * ti*ix.y Cmi .r**' •, fXon or :Wi»'rr a? >4c VMM ___ VIA ArcMjfYd tha work! *»• *r*r»t In «**rch of th* ba*t tun# *»*r A good tma *tth fnarxto m» »p#nl A fv>g»ti to »#rti*rT'b*r lor*.*' tor a yraal •v#nirvQ. I rewn Ihl Udwi ot ► :.. ~ “ f HA T ( HHI1 ft S ! TK* Shamrock CU»uc i* (wrung ; icon March IU1 Pul your *j b#*l pU’|«'t U|J »g#iri»t th» r*«t Datjult coma toon" j ; |. ", » A AX A TKanfc* tot WaviHmg t)ick «i trr* lo th# W% *>th oui p*r«nt« t *» » do i« A Ml LAI Winter Rush Activities Wcitrwtdfty I *t> 7 10 I'M If you tomething to Mil, you Kjv« *om»lh*r>g to *ad ft g»**t tun* ■»< th» tlllQ Ihjtrtkft tor • vftfylhing* ►. K t no LOST! FOUNO 1 oft» geld Muiftfti via’.ch * „• .. .• iu>*.4 I o»t 3 ung» . ■ *' ■’ IWA! oM«#' ng *»*»'>**••*. ;( M • ; ‘im it'sl .»%*y p-* I W-v-.o 'a?ir. CaH Peggy at 342-4AM PHOT I SStONAl TYPING A aro'd p/ucwvs »g **.t ‘■*'g * '**> |:.iv.;n!li »«>’, MiMSla V.*5 ■ Ut*,' /j/j'iSQ >i;o*j Typing A erord processing ... 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C*oafl CJO'TCJ .*<>•- V: > • H4 vitM * its BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS * arc Coww^ppii ! 'M i \y* ust'isvf*; MS IV H» 4 • BUYING *CURS »• w > ♦ ■ JUM Smith Family Bookstore i#o SKI EQUIPMENT Brand tu»w r*v#r b#«n *, * »* * ► M M r * GU',/f !> %«£' ' • «* I' 1*9 f4K- '.M-W. Sun & Snow A **ductiv» comt*nation Ski Thur»d*>» wrth tr* VOOP Moat *t Outdoor Program Offica WttW’j t a m on Thura lor croaa country or downfall afciing HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! Irwipentiv* Spring Br«*k Trips Mwaico - Hawaii Mwkico 1(800)543-9205 S*» Utah Apply for a credit card f ly to Aapen lor S t ?® round tip Call TODAY*' 4IS 6830 fflli TRAVlt A «• 1 C ’ ■ ps : «- *H#f .is aw ’ -umOmO Ctvaimii* fipnng. anti Som./Tw 'ey A'- .%*»-•'«>“ i j'*> o ' pxjymer ’ •■ a ft \ M 088 February 19 19 30 p m 9 8c n Under Hoorn 4 00 p m #19 Hendrick* Placeman* Center A ** M me*} ■^.v* »• ■ c»«r' < . *r’es See You Then' Council Travel ■1 *> S A M. ,T v , 16(1 ft d War« ! * . V ' 503 m im • lOfl w tiM Ceal came 7 C#U fer Hill W«fli Agreed fcrecHere aft* fluical freed CeUlef? 205 OPPOfiTUWTIES Are you currently or have you ever been involved in an inter racial re!*lk>n»nip? Tammy Uatey. tmar aid reporter >t oomg a dory on inter racial raialicmahpa Pteaae call 346 SM 1 and aak for Tammy if you would m* to gfy your story 205 OPPORTUNITIES StCONOAHV SPILClAl EDUCATION PROGRAM ? ’.«y *.» v*tw p • [AW, «<>/ q a '■«*! jwiom '• ommsng a & * Ottgra* »'Hl •'» i»! AJk’.Uf W"* ’*>V -Avf» ' ■*• l *1 ..< A r t .«*•*..•» 0‘ UO STUDENT FACULTY COMMITTEE OPENINGS *;«>• •». unM ' V,X5»fTiic *Urxj*rd* •nvifonm«nt«l mu»#um of Art »Al*ty nory chtJd CAf# ItfifAry *n. tfCC: 900 SC.” - A SSI ST ANT MA NAGE R T t A M CxpM 'o dt%*>.*• ^iV\AQO's op 08 v>n.s SOvW*J« . .r ofy o» d />*/*,. o" ai a s*u' ng p?-:. «»*. Chur - g pa.”. - g strong poo-; »> s* GopondaD ' ! y a'xi ,V*. • :u (Hi!a.’ Both rod- rt> vaic! d’ ,».•• • I. *,« a t! Vt*' ‘ «8rofH bipu' o t o Mo;;■!’•■ y saa'y vJmm: ? Ot)fT! ap' and •' partfi>ho is vast giving you tremendous magnitude If you are interested in a position as an entry level Programmer Analyst or Programmer Intern, SAI I CO representatives will Ih' on campus for an Information Session Wednesday, February 26, 7:00 pm Deschutes Hall, 220, Colloquium Room 1 or more information regarding SAI ICO, please contact your ( enter lor Career Services We are an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce I /riding a brtlrr way m financial services CD i 4 <> 4 > 4 » Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU iJC* ••/a/fo* t. Of -fM. —=0 - r ACTUAU IT TOCX r wpu 7. URPRfit