Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE103 Goin’ nowhere fast ‘••d’ >*0910^ ■■ ip Johnson tokos pad m -< .s s P-i hoof Erp o man Tuesday ■• < : V o:,arj Members Of the crew teams-.mU to .t ;.;jin today to raise money for travel : .. o"try loos 3rd repairs Court says raises were violation j Despite overpayment. Lee and Watson will not be asked to repay the difference By [Xl'.i Ir.lDDf ASA <() l'rcsliitin! |i ivnifi-r HitK viulitlr.i .m int i tiri.i.il it;- ( ninnsitti'!- rvj!i• wlsrn n-.n! ■■ ili-il si n! s,i);irirs List Vf.tr tin iiitiinj,; j.iiscs lor two miMiiticis, hut the t imstii'llluiti t .’ ill rtilfil ! -i.'s 1i.1V it w 1*1 not .in ini.ntni.il v .•.i.ii.r: .mil. w.is nut done l:?v bad tiiit»i As .1 result the tvvu ASt () stall n.«• mt>k. place and the stall IMMU Ml President K i [ k. Bailey sub s .*.■.! only recommendations lor this year, d s e firs' have said * i iV ;d baser! their complaint on IH \;. n wti K h stales no one \\ h« « IS paid a s.ii.irt ■funded bv the ll'C shell be p.ild i hikin'! t ite th.m the i timmlltiv .lulhori/es ; he .jit ision delivered jiy ( hu t (iislu e Steven flrevs it c .m.iniliimi'i mining Ij>»- other three mcmlii'fs will) p.iFlii t|i.)U*il liltht‘ hearing ll 1.1.111". I!:, mlenl the resolution in !() prevent student I"rt>s.;.' iiii ill:.', tin', from misusing fund'. i f \Si'U must follow till".i’ guidelines .is urii ill, ili i ismn si.if. -. but .iilils thiil our inter • • Hi .0! ill toll No H does JTt«»t prevent. til' I'ls j,,r , from reducing salines nr eliminating posl lions iviihuut 1H iipprov.i! !' tin rely requires the linn for in obtain authorization tor -..il.itv in 1. . .. ■■ I e hi,.* ol nets positions {tills reshuffled tlu si.ill and gave i.i'1'' who lu itj iho s.iiiu- itii). last vi if, .1 monthly sal.irv ol s; ‘ . uji In. >i 1.0.1 1 .11 s > 1 jW.i! on whose (osiO|;.!il '; IS H = s i n|o I’titS I I Ill's, i.i V IVUS gill'll U s.,1 t ol SUM), up trttin iiiiiit’t s rnfili'sl ol S~'M) iilils ii,r. | . ;rif,I out Ili i! she lowered hi', own ...il.ii t mui it ilh iIik I'limiinitiun ol some post I:, to. 111.- .ininitni -.pcnl on ASl'O si,ill salaries u.P In i s this \o.ir lli in ihi’ lol.il S t‘, (.'ill ihi1 li t .illo, utril lor th.il lim- ltt'm K1 riof ..ml hi- is pleased with tIn- ili'cisiun ,il lj o| :. is .!: pi" ■ ' o ■! lh.il It* .tr.il U .llson ilo nut hut r lo rcp.it Hopchitly litis will : it ur it up lor .ill slmlcnt up-, in the lulurc lie sumI All we tt.mleil lo Pi a,is o .lo; '.nil., hoiks and hil. lines I hey tt 1 rn .tire.lilt there .mil now thet II he elltofi eil In ,ii\ ,ulililion.il charge. King mid l’nnd 1 Iniined ASt 't) Programs (loordinutor i lierese DuBrnt .ii tv.is piiul for periods over the summer when she ilo.I nol work I fie Court ruled no documentation lies proven tills but ordered die ASl’O lo invest) g.iie mid report hm k tvidiin one month Layoffs will be ‘last resort’ for cuts j Brand memo ex plains that layoffs are not planned as part of 156 staff cuts to be made by June 1993 By Cu" c Ut‘<' hr u fiM lor 111 !r>t> positions til Ik: i ut ut th«‘ t 'mviTMiv liv J«iin< 1 W I 1 ,11 : ;: li MH‘ t, ■ .1 llll' mi i ;::i:!, Pm-, li-nt V' Dm;: I W Uirn-d .i ilr.ilt ui Ki'iintinil’s out lining iii,turns tin L’nivi-rsit) • i i i it < i i 1 1 t I>l t 11M1 .% . ! ! l . i K t • 111 ehnunuti! tin? 1 f><» |»oMlions. Hr,uni rstiinnUsI that ov.-r thr ims! 17 months. Hi positions and II’ positions ’.'ill ntnpty through phasing in ol program rnlui t ions and rmpluyrrs gn li.;,' n:11:i i’ il.i r■ : . ■ :, < positions uni i urri illlv v.u ant, and will not hr Idird l i’Jt long lai Lilly (losllions will not lir i it UO POSITION REDUCTION SUMMARY NON-TEACHING POSITIONS NIJMRFR GROSS SAVINGS* Current Vacancies Retirements Anticipated Attrition Lay Ofts Total ' »» <** Mv'-ryjl V ■■■ * *T • Hi * CV Atrfwc fpy j**? i'eaiay 29 10 117 0 156 *1-4 *' *J*N- •' $776,246 137,501 1,003,264 0 $1,91 7,01 1 Thu position rtiiui lions on jj.i: 1 (i! H i I positions lo be < ut f;v ‘t;i Of guii Si,i!i‘ Sv'•(••in nf !!...!*■ r i.ii.n .itwn. iiifi‘(:l»'il fiv (. IV B.irb.ir.i Roberts Oil .Mi ^ I Hullrt Is il f) :. iii ! hi pi.in to i ul ■!,000 ' .i1 r 4 I , is mg :, ivv.ifd .in ■min ip.iUfi! SI billion sliilt: ilt'fi .1 r !'i*l t o'. 'bib. rls s.ihI Oti-gom.ms vv.ml .; Ir.ini'f si.in- government l*4 lif - ifii-v .•.ill i . fisuii-r ,i jipruv - .. ! i\ p .! ' Il-.i't III!' bulk III III!4 llilil I I Win'll OSS) li. mill iu Ill I'd Ils l.irg'-t iiunilii rs on l b 7. il ,t! .1 i.i\ ulfs vs... :0 In (hr lust resort to mt-i-t thui i.irgifi I'lii i.mm.ili ii positions will n sail m -in I'slmi.ili ii gross s.iv mgs i il si u in i il urn .i: t uni mg lu ihr memo, lull the savings (rum these until iputed vacaii r ies liavi' lurii reprogrammed lor other purposes ,ii the I 'm VITMlV Hr.mil said in tin memo thr .idlninlsiruttun will continue to search lor alternate solutions which rriinnni/.r tin; uiip.nl tin the (’nlvursitv By ,m\ reasonable standards tor llm private m i tor ur govern merit age Cl res.' lira:..! veil this S JIM) mil linn a v ear or ganization is untler utlmlniv tereil As a result, we i an expel t that some services for students •viil la- deg;aih .i. anil we will out tie able 111 ill- as admiluslia t . i , responsive as we hove been m the past EDUCATION Norma Paulus, state superintendent of public instruction, spoke about education Tuesday See PAULUS. Page 3 MANDATORY INSURANCE? University students may have to decide on mandatory University-sponsored health insurance before being allowed to register next fall. See INSURANCE. Page 4 SKYDIVE Sports editor Jake Berg recounts his weekend encounter with the forces of gravity See 10,000, Page 5