Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 18, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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Towel boys do their part against USC
Today, ladies. and gentle
mcn, quite literally. I am
speaking front the side
I am si tit ng t n Me A r thu r
Court behind the IJSC: men's
basket in the second half last
Thursday Oregon ttiirat u
I, in si y is staging a rally and
looking like it might have a
chance to u in the game against
the No I i team in the i ountry
The crowd is going t r,i/y
Celling loud Stomping feet
As for myself, 1 am shouting
every profanity I find st,liable
at the referees ami I SC players
The Ducks are playing gootl
basketball Antoine SUuid.nnue
is shooting like a god on the
court, and jell Totter is doing
Ins best to dominate the inside
Hut the most valuable player
on tTa< court Thursday is not
Stoudamtre or CSC guard Har
old Miner who each store A2
points in the game.
Sports tans, mv MVI’s lor the
. ntest are lie- two towel kids
under lie' l St: basket These
two youngsters (names and ad
dresses unknown) are rookies
' lie MVP balloting, but they
it, . i mure Duck games
y ear titan the average t Ini
, student. And tile poten
j! ha! they do during the
p.in. terlainlv lias more bear
t ill .list a teyy obnoxious
:s hum my mouth or th.it
: anyone else in the student
Not only do these young lads
vvipt up the svsi.i! that our has
kulball heroes leave fx-hini! on
the iloor, they Slave more of a
chance to make no miss Miner
miss more than anyone on the
I)ul k Ix'IIC ll
I d be disappointed if you
wi-ft* a 1 !<• .i.1 v cotes iin ci! of
these k; is being better defend
ers than t he Ducks ' " • foot
tdiui k i’atlufsun, but .s h.it the
kids do is technically illegal
Tec hnii .ills
While I'm sitting some 1r.
feel behind the h.iski’t telling
the ref W ll.lt he should do to Ills
nielli. Till VS.ill llll.g till b.iskei
as the Trojans move in let an
attempted sc ore It s « 1 urn h
time right lieu and a basket
here ton 1 (1 make the difleretu e
l n the, game The 1 :.. xs d ■ s
hoist and rowdy Imt it s ;i..!
enough to be c ausing y>h I in
witnessing rigid now
The basket i\ shuk i ng It s
m.n ing bai k and : r 'It y e.t v
V IS it) l\ The si.Ill, an s si;, .lit a
lumper, and it ge.es :m and ad
The Ducks rebound and move
down to their end id the-court
Till still looking a! tlie i oh |.
wondering vs : ■ t
much life
US(I soon ciimes t ... ». down
with the let lid tin i c ess d
again come s h c. k with a fury
So does the- backboard I do a
thorough Visual check id tin
area when 1 spot ms MVl’s h r
the game, the towel kids And
they're ole. mush shaking the
hase of tile Il.a kfleal d
The Trojans miss another
shot it., k rein mild
Until 1 anyfxKfy else see the
basket doing the e . . ' Or w is
I just imagining dungs ’ My
friend reassured me that . w a
not He saw i! too
Ilet ansi' it was so obvious,
why didn’t anybody do any
thing about it ’ Perhaps the t 'SC
bench didn't complain Ixscause
they were tar iff n the other
end of Site court hut someone
had to hitse seen ll
Hec k. the referm s themselves
irecjuenl the hac khoard area.
st their job li\ also their jol>
(o slop the interference
Something else that caught
my r\ e lull had little or no
bearing oil the game were
the s.k ks ol Onion's lohlllllr
l(m !■ Hie Iri shman point
guard eitlier forgot to roll them
down or hdl them up lor good
he k, er something
!: is i : k -.1 agii i n s t t If eg<U)
: Ducks w
i, ; n s .. ,f Ki■ i■ i ■ s ... .1 ks won
pulled Inglv in aii their glory,
arid-.at in r i•> worked against
t St . i one point loss
iiut raj »% to- tohnia* figure.I
in. ' ■! sooks .is.|
wr ren t vis lisli .t ir nay be he
• ... o i • i . ; vi Is is that
the the. k -. dsdn i has.<■ inns ll of
a i juiii i ug.iiliist i. i . v \ S it ur
Kr.'i , rolled il linSvil.
ahd Oreg, n lost . ;i
n I t.S
()i m wire.
1111- I|S|« . d Hi b
student section
and laughed at 1
only a coup! ■ ■
the hoOoin ol I
baggy shorts K
down, Johnnie'
■ non a phrase ir
of the student
as “lto
the ks'
Speak.:,.; ■ i the student
hod S the Student see
tiuii general ulmission third
■,■. ; Mu. i eat was beyond
empty against t St ll was In
■, ruble Nut one person lurked
in the shadows ol the build
ing's most elevated area tor
seating, indicating a lot k in slu
dent Interest that has been
prevalent lor much of the sea
son and h r- ( .lusrd the third
level to he i lusrd numerous
I here also seems to be some
Wb.il ! .! ;.e k i! interest in the
Oregon team itself After all,
III. biggest .i’,;. i;!ion getter and
I hivt from the students in the
fi rst half i >iini' whenl S( s
Miner {ml 11• ii .1 1 iimi.iI Hit) tie
gtee dunk 1 m'fi' breakaway
llruwiis .ire selling rerouls
1. ; .ful: 'its .hiring 1 din ii Dun
V 1 . 1; ,'Vrrr r tills season.
whull ■ i-ri.iinh will nut help
him rug nil his job d athletic <ii
ret lot HiI! ityrtic is is unhappy
with the program s success .is
:i. sounded in a tut enl Assot 1
.1! *.! I ’fuss iirl.lt'"l.u skeptical of
the progr.irn
Il Wouldn't Blake si'llsr It) let
M.iris.iii ip . 11ti-r nisi une had
isdn tlw rn it will probably
1 Hi- t u.it i; s wuist in his nine
V! •. 11 s he; ill it! ■! .ill. III.11 it
ul liis other si .is-..ns were l.ir
.I; Mull
soil' lias dom t'tills, I, Mbit wll
Willi lie y .lilt; .lilt! injured
Hioup til players that lie has It)
w sv illt .iniI ii. t i i ‘ .it lli. y
dchiilteiy t .111 1 he . 111V worse
\liv w i\ Is Oregon i .ip.tlile
til finding .1 liu.it! ru.u h butter
suited .id the run the program
11) , n Mi ui s, tn ' (P. mid ,1 In I'. 1 1
1 ; h be bin d t. Oregon ’
Uvrin s. 1;.1 iii ;!\P .irtu lu
; : hi ,\ . . pi . 1 ■ i Willi M. ! I
snips 1 ,1,11 liing abilities, but lie
imiit .iteti that the program s re
t rolling tllslofv is.is suspet t
rb.it inn\ be n.it svlio 1 an ,1 r
.*:..* w :t it 't: ;, .. M.m s, .n
made rut rotting lull I’nltt 1 ' The
If 1 shut.01 has 11 1 fit I > turn utl
,;t In be .1 t r,,,* surprise !ur the
)a its and i", 1 Ian favorite
Wait a ■ u. ; i:.d tills all start
e, 1 ,%:(>. I!;,.-..- :. ,w 1 , Mils. I igbt '
\\.*H, I'm still silting behind the
tin. kbi.afd, tin I hit ks' t ham us
it heating '.Ml ifu look 1 rig
* I til 1 t .kti ; i. still
p' . !i s .1 :i., kmg 1 hair,
with two smiling little hoys
■. ug tinderneath
it\ tin way. has anyone no
' i. . .! I'..i. r •. t. m »rt lit ulus hue
throw st.int t '
lltri; /s ihi' */>i>rts fthlnr
>•/thr ! Jiu raltl
Ducks to run
for world title
this spring
Out! Oregon runner .mil
iwo of the Ducks former
runners have qualified for
lIn' World Cross Country
Championships to b« held In
Boston tin March 2 1
l.isa Karnopp. who c«»m
pleled -her final term of eligi
bility m the tall and won the
Pacific- it) Conference truss
country title finished fourth
in the senior div lsion ol the
l S trials held two Week
ends ago In Memphis
I ormer Duck runner and
! 'hill NC.\ A 5.000 meter
i humpton Annette Peter
finished third in the race of
2" entries from across the
it s an elite race," said
Twin lleinonen. women s
t russ t ountrv couch 'Only
runners who thick they have
a i h.iiu e ol winning go to
Ihis ra< t
|- reshman Me hid y ! air
child, who did lull i oniprlu
for the cross country team
this season hecatlse of all in
jur y. finished tlnrtl in the ju
nior tin lsion of the meet
1 airt hlld yvuu the junior
event last year and went on
to tints.lt third at the world
championships lleinonen
■.aid d was encouraging to
see i airi III Id run a solid
rat e
Slu yy.c in woeful shape,
hut she was running pain
free he said "She's so tal
enled she was aide to finish
Besides the I 'at Hi title.
Karnopp hud numerous oth
er at llley enienls this toll
Slu- finished in the lop lour
in every one of the meets the
Dm k■. pariii ipetod in
Weasel’s World
Kraig Norris
did GOT THt KXi*
WW1!? tickets k& a
studio tufl a*
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Oscar the Freshman
Neal Skorpen
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