COACHES Continued from Page 1 Minium plays limy remember alxm! half of till' lime." Johnston said I’he U'.im practii fs twice ii wu’k fur an hour and plays gaums every weekend Iloth < oat ims laution il (aims .1 lol of patient e to deal with .1 rowdy hunt!) of kuls, hut limy '-ay ill' kids hayr taught thorn a lol iilamt having fun laking I mm to la- with kids their . lfin],','!■■ . ' i I;i hava fun and keep a smile on your fata: Johnston said \Vh*-n . ki l what the student < ■ a hi . taught them, tarn '• year-old yelled out "running, another said defense while yet another jeered boringness I'en y ear old Aley.uiiier i home's , i lie f.u'i.rI!< ji:.:! d prai in e , st rim triaging t;ei it'-, fun anti they dun I lae.s you around limy gi ye us gt >■ a) ad y it 1 id 11 yt .ir tilt! Se.m Mt ( .m Another student who voluntfers through Kidspurl-. senior Curl I uler t.Oai la -. ,i • ivlh gr id' >:irIs hasketh.) team holer said he.doesn't mind volunteer mg He said lie just wants to tea: h lus leant I isa > wind still u aku.g.j.: tines fill) II lliey are having lull, they are mure into jirat tIt e in- s .el id “suyv yve re tin : iv we're ti he said i tiler said he started out being tin sen me Mil; !>U| I; ' * 1 lie h rileni .lit Huth V - prett v ! 1 iwdy, ii - ! U ■ tit.yyn .iruanil a lot and the lag tiling to do is in steal tile t uat h s lest ‘As long as the guys who are participating are having a good time, then it s OK/ Pat' Ck Johnston h v.’n l m '■* "■ Its soft (d u mixture !>r''.vtrn te.u her il l!. , Mill !, if:,! l .. ,v\ fl. i. ■ • d h'ldef said he !. ■• i > ! i, >'• !:.-■> « f,i i .1 ' till ttMIt) U ..!( ( < s ! : ' ■!! if il tie • ' ' | • ■I ; 1 * no nil!. ' hi- -..ixl hitler s.iici iris i'mi no-inhers ',111:111! [,, i|, vi ' ; t 1 ! liming and that wall h;:e; th'-ltl improve was fin: and j5n-.1t In watch \\ had ' ’: 1 ,1 !, 1 l.Dllldn t Mufi:.’ laif. r said So i lull! tin 111 ii you m 1 ifi mi r ,'i) pi,nils I'll huv sou a pi//a : Tlsc> si ii' ! H) points tin ni'vt game huler '! tin'! had mine tun with ti." game relaxi d more, mid in re aide to make tlie shots I had as much fun as thi■ v did. In ••aid Ho iid: Heaton Kldspufls soutIn .1 st urea [irogMin ditei tor said she e. 1 oil s t .11) 1 ly S' filet 1' allteerx lor tie \ .»r, . sji >*0*ton Robertson licit .met coach Patrick Johnston talk with grade-school players. Johnston Ibelow uses paper scissor s-rock to decide who will substitute in the scrimmage S; . :' ■ . di - ; ■ r. fj 1 li.tli ■ uul i.i. k.<• fi«* volli-vti.ill'.iri usu.iliv about HU pi-ri out u! the u).u In's .in ji.irrnh ul the » , .:!:!!! W ■ . ! . . >■ ■ !. '<' I’ ■ 1 student involvement \\ i uhv.n s lire short i o.u.hos am) a lot Uj.. r-Mson vv:.. u • turn to paffiits is 11; [I- ,1. • not ...I'!, s' • h I:is !>! voliill tif f, ’ she salii K oisjii.rts • • . 11 s:i v ■ i jn ,u iji.itr jif.ii tii uni f redd through 511<■ h i S .:; I• studies d.-ji.irtfuflll L GENITAL HERPES STUDY | In- (heel'll Kim jkIi (itmip. .1 vIi111v v]h-v lali/me m iik iIk.iI u-M-urcli. seek* lein.lie vnluntecrv Im .in invevlipjtioiial mc.lie all >n sluely Ini reeiiinnj! gemlal hei|>cv Wnineii whe have 11 e ■ j u i' 111 nulhieaks (mote m\ |'ei ve.ul ami vvlm ,ne uthciwise healthy mas quality Wnineii whn .lie etilienlh lakin>: /nnv.iv upsulev .lailv ni.iv quality il lliev aplee In leinjviai llv vlnp taking /’livav I'articipanlv will receive a lull phv sk al examination. lah levtv ami investigational study medication I or i no f c mlofnytiun, please call the toll 'vuni1 number M>'uda\ I ndav, *) am to ^ pm 686-3838 DANCE! with RANCH ROMANCE I ho country swing rockabilly sensation1 f REE 2-Step workshop at 7 ; -it TUES. FEB. 18 • 8:00 PM • EMU BALLROOM Tickets $6 U of O Students, $ 8 General (Vibic Avi A i it £ MU m Peek i * »i fx A x k *x f.k r* Say No to Neon (The Poison Paper) Neon colored i(.*x »V rx>< te i xx1 sfx jdes of tvxjht or v »jo ci * * x'f h© recycled without ft ««.* t« x *«. of of*.***> t ieo 1 m x j TVxts t*cx ©ss ptodix: os -) byj.xcxkx f Dtoxn. Of »•. f (Tie rrx f toxic synthetic chonis krtown to selectee (ft xtseshuth defects ncoxrxxjos , ir»1 ckinxxjo to the f nnxmty system So s* jy no k Neon *x 1 yes to > i > k> in f«.»i*r , ^ * y tet .^a.'o • >ix ViVUJ •* ” ITY UPDATE Forensics sweeps t in l f 11 v «■! *=■ i! V liiTi’fiNi t;\ li'.i n; -..vrpt List ». \\ \% i :. ■ ! i• nun l, i ui11Hif; m 'ii si p! ai i in t rull :h ;.i: is n> v* r.ii »■-<) ;xth ii ; .J/ic) pn> genus nutiumvuie s.ii.l t. ri Hsu s |jr• i.;r■ i:i» IJtrot In: i hi\ ; I I rank Si ini,: ilrli.ili ji.irtii'-rs , ’ i■ i s-.i u ,usil • 1 I';. • . •.« I q 111!ik lit- • j in i .[>•-: in n : -s.r.r Si’iiin: Km ha A!;: :i !■■>. k fi:: j u > in nisin. .iluitl lifumatii i i>m|n n:iii:i Ami senior Ann Swanson ti)|i(M*ti tiiT i ontpeiiiors m iitlnrtnative presentation S, I , | i\ I l ‘ Vi III; W US t: ,i mini f i ■ Sjl! ,ikl*f it t tl,i Washington I,' :.l . 1 ■ n ; n .ii s i : -pt'i' ag. ■ :x: wi-i'k i :.,i ,;! Ilii* l nil its:! *, i ! Kansas OSPIRG to host panel i lu* Oregon Stmienl l*uhlu Interest Research Croup will lx* hasting .i pnmil tiisiussion U I iir: Sil.iv mgiit ,is .. ; .if! i.| its 1 *»'«.’ S.iti* Drink ilii* \\ : t '.ili,;.*..,gll St.ih Si*:. Cluital: kaTrutls !) ,s ,, i s| ,ik t! I hi' ! .si . • ••. : will! It will be I, hi in tin UAH' International lounge at i, 10 OSihKt; k.i< ki■,! j I! Its ( nipaign a ; ! lii'W nil n-gisi.iii\. I'jlurt, , . I 10 The i atripaign has three p •: inns iimiol at improving the quality ui the si 1 . ii: mk mg w ■ r OSlMKt 1 w .ini-* to I'xjMtnl riiti/i'iis right to know about w!: rheum its an being lists! lit the!: , iimmunities, in si.lit aggressi\ e w .iter i lean X1|: j) I -;pi ■ 1 M i s . i! !. J31: ‘ \ i ’!: t 111! i i 1 i1 l ' sI l! =i1 n : M.I t i t111 III VV .jit f ' Ai i urtiir.i! !u <)S|'!!«, reports. mure than 75 juti i'm! ul ( depend mi [;r,ii;!ii!w.itiT lor : p.i!l . ! '! ' dfi.ukinp water l, 11 m ini water in leusiintiv t. ■ s nl contamination hunt Indus iii... i :-,i :•.. ;.i■ -.!it .ill's .iriii other ipr;. EMU gives plates a spin .1: , \1 ii II. a id week nl .1 iwu iK'i k ; • . i:I ill !:■ Is and plains m till' Skv • 1 ipht f ail' : !.| ,-E .it . piaslli lurks knives and !' 1 r [ ii'! v pi v m ml! there have t- . •, ; is! hi i iiiiii plah s and metal uli-n ■,iis. 11s ,iii i ;'orI in i u! down on waste 11 iniuu!; . d llif i)>'» plates and utensils are sto len .1..: up I'.. 11. . i j.i'li 1. however the KMU u ;. 1 p. • I... k: ' i. .i.a the others, said Jonathon Si (i ,\ .;i/ '!,i S| , P n! Iuii nlt\ (lommittee on Bnv irurilmlltal Issues Si hvv art/ ale! (iiiumillei member l.rii Jones proji ised trie idea s j a lie in vv [dates and utensils are :-.ed in die I- uniain (lourt ( ' ' ' . ' ■ ;: e Sk , 1 ,;‘h! is i ess Sen trai 1V lo Cel id d tile items lias been a COH t urn : ts Pi.. ip,, slums or t nmmerits about ,\ vv ste ;n other loud service e I n. ."!- . i . nt.ii I S; I'lvvait/ at tile S i v.v : Cent, r ;n KM I Suite l UNITY UPDATE Volunteers needed A bmp-no urg.ii:i.itbus is lu: viduntnoi s in pt-r furm ill various i .1p.11 ibt-s. in t lading .is i iHinscims. drivnrs .mil : i:njirs mini silo hosts Ttir Voluntary A * l mil ( 1 is king ! if in: .m' i ii.niMnors to \\ u: k i : .li.ivs t.»l i..ini' l .min is I ,-g.i! Ani. in.iinti'.n.Hu r poo pin lu \\.-r k ,il \\ umiinspm o .11. i ii i; i t r s to v\ i : k .d I ho Ann tu .in {kini rr S>h :otv ('. nnni :ssur\ vvorkors .iff also licinii -d ii ■ t iv 0 I.. HIrs a v\ ifk at l,.ini’ County Adult Corroriions and t .iinpgf mind hosts uru bo inn ..i- !u vvi rk I- r tin U'ii . :i• N.itiun.i! !’■ ■ .a muio mini mutton on th.-sr ,i!id ulhi'i \?ppui tU111111"S . tin V , r ( nlllH t ion •! f.ri { Quicker filing offered . : IKS is n mimimg ta\ j..n ms 1! i'. '.Sii i i .in spend up ■: ;, ■ h . Ied p: t a rss wl tax (‘Sum prt'p.iration h\ filing i'Ii-i tmnii ally I’:', pi i' .ill lilt tilt! 111111’ It take-. ti i. 't thru ft hinds bulk In, three Im-i-'kx by filing diet • tr.uu; ally. .luuniitijj tu tbr De tu n! i,! I’n usury Ami the return i an hr deposited directly tntn ,i prf. ns savings or . I ■ . king .a count. speeding up till- pn ess el i'll mute A pur are,) tux return tan be tax-. :, tu .r; IKs approved filer ' then sends it tu the IKS i !■ :KS eir ourages peuple to insult the t iephone directory !.;r a list ' a t eptahle elei Iron , :,!